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The Pyramid Texts

Translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer

The Pyramid Texts
The Pyramid Texts


The Pyramid Texts were funerary inscriptions that were written on the walls of the early Ancient Egyptian pyramids at Sakkara. These date back to the fifth and sixth dynasties, approximately the years 2350-2175 B.C.E. However, because of extensive internal evidence, it is believed that they were composed much earlier, circa 3000 B.C.E. The Pyramid Texts are, therefore, essentially the oldest sacred texts known.

Samuel Mercer was the first to produce a complete English translation of this mysterious text, in 1952. This was also the first complete translation in any language. The Mercer translation was followed by the R.O. Faulkner translation in 1969, which is considered the standard today.

Table Of Contents

1 Nut and the Deceased King (1-11)
2 Ritual of Bodily Restoration of the Deceased, and Offerings (12-203)
3 A Group of Prayers And Charms (204-212)
4 A Series of Old Heliopolitan Texts Partly Osirianized (213-222)
5 The Deceased King Receives Offerings and is Re-Established in His Functions and Possessions (223-225)
6 Mostly Serpent Charms (226-243)
7 The Deceased King Arrives in Heaven Where He is Established (244-259)
8 The Deceased King Triumphs Over His Enemies and is Recognized by the Gods (260-262)
9 Means Whereby the Deceased King Reaches Heaven (263-271)
10 The Deceased King in Heaven (272-274)
11 Charms (275-299)
  Utterances (275 | 276 | 277 | 278 | 279 | 280 | 281 | 282 | 283 | 284 | 285 | 286 | 287 | 288 | 289 | 290 | 291 | 292 | 293 | 294 | 295 | 296 | 297 | 298 | 299)
12 The Ferryman and the Deceased King's Ascension (300-311)
13 A Series of Five Charms (312-316)
14 Miscellaneous Utterances on the Career of the Deceased King in the Hereafter (317-337)
15 Offerings for the Deceased King (338-349)
16 Miscellaneous Utterances on the Hereafter (350-374)
17 Conjurations and Charms (375-400)
18 Utterances Concerning Well-Being, Especially Food and Clothes (401-426)
19 In Praise of Nut, Utterances (427-435)
20 Miscellaneous Texts--Some Largely Osirian (436-442)
21 Second Series in Praise of Nut (443-452)
22 A Miscellaneous Group (453-486)
23 A Series of Food Texts (487-502)
24 A Series of Reed-Floats and Ferryman Texts (503-522)
25 Miscellaneous Texts Chiefly About the Deceased King's Reception and Life in Heaven (523-533)
26 For The Protection of the Pyramid Enclosure Against Osiris and His Cycle (534)
27 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (535-538)
28 A Litany of Ascension (539)
29 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (540-552)
30 Resurrection, Meal, and Ascension of the Deceased King (553)
31 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (554-562)
32 A Purification Litany (563)
33 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (564-569)
34 New-Birth of the Deceased King as a God in Heaven (570)
35 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (571-575)
36 The Resurrection and Ascension of the Deceased King (576)
37 The Resurrection of Osiris with whom the Gods are Satisfied (577)
38 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (578-586)
39 An Early Hymn to the Sun (587)
40 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (588-600)
41 A Litany-Like Incantation for the Endurance of a Pyramid and Temple (601)
42 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (602-605)
43 The Resurrection, Ascension, and Reception of the Deceased King in Heaven (606)
44 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (607-609)
45 The Deceased King on Earth and in Heaven (610)
46 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (611-626)
47 The Ascended King, His Works, and Identifications (627)
48 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (628-658)
49 The Death of the King and His Arrival in Heaven (659)
50 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (660-669)
51 The Death, Resurrection, and Spiritualization of the King (670)
52 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (671-675)
53 Resurrection, Transfiguration, and Life of the King in Heaven (676)
54 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (677-683)
55 The Deceased King Ascends to Heaven (684)
56 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (685-689)
57 A Series of Addresses to the Deceased King as a God (690)
58 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (691-704)
59 A Series of Unclassifiable Fragments (705-714)

  Utterances (275-299)

Utterance 275.

415a. To say: N. comes to you, ye falcons,

415b. since (?) your houses are barred off for N.,

415c. his m‘rḳ-garment of ape-skin on his back.

416a. N. opens the double doors (of heaven); N. goes to the boundary of the horizon;

416b. N. laid down the mśd.t-garment on the ground;

416c. N. became like the Great One who is in Crocodilopolis.

Utterance 276.

417a. To say: Thy act is against thee, what thou doest is against thee,

417b. O sksk-serpent, which is in his (thy) hole?, the opponent.

Utterance 277.

418a. To say: Horus falls because of his eye; the bull (Set) collapses because of his testicles.

418b. Fall, collapse!

Utterance 278.

419a. To say: Bȝbi is arisen, he is against the chief of Letopolis,

419b. whom that spittle protected; this (spittle) protects every one beloved of me.

419c. Thou art loosed, O wfii-serpent. Cause N. to be protected.

Utterance 279.

420a. To say: N., I have trampled the mud of the water-courses. Thot is the protector of N.,

420b. when it is dark, when it is dark.

Utterance 280.

421a. To say: Doer, doer; passer, passer;

421b. thy face behind thee; guard thyself against the great door,

Utterance 281.

422a. To say: Punish the serpent, Kbbhḥrwbi,

422b. O lion of phti, O lion of ptti, the phti (and) ptti.

422c. Give to me now, ḥrwtwbś, meat, now, one pot.

422d. Go, go, serpent, serpent.

Utterance 282.

423a. To say: Lo, this foreign country of the mouth of the river, this is thy complaint:

423b. "This foreign country of the mouth of the river belongs to me, the lord of Ḥknw."

423c. It is Ḫ‘i-tȝw of Ḥknw, this thine ox-god, the renowned, against whom this has been done.

Utterance 283.

424a. To say: Truly, N. wags his thumb, the left one, against thee.

424b. He gives a sign with it to Min (with his) thunderbolt. O robber, rob not.

Utterance 284.

425a. To say: He (serpent) whom Atum has bitten has filled the mouth of N.,

425b. while he wound himself up (lit. wound a winding).

425c. The centipede was smitten by the householder, the householder was smitten by the centipede.

425d. That lion is inside this lion.

425e. Two bulls fight inside the ibis.

Utterance 285.

426a. Thy two drops of poison are on the way to thy two poison-vessels. Spit both out now,

426b. for they two are rich in water. O thou who winkest, thou . who art (adorned with) a head-band, O Śšȝ.w,

426c. rain, that the serpent may become cowardly and the throat (canal) of my heart may be safe;

426d. storm, that the lion may drown himself in water and the throat of the heart of the king (?) may be wide.

Utterance 286.

427a. To say: O ye, who gurgle like the young of a "water-pest" (crocodile), tmti, thn.w,

427b. kbnw, those who glide away! The red crowns (i.e. water-flowers) praise

427c. the tiw-šii; the tiw-šii belong to him who has elevated the red crowns.

427d. Hail, we two!

Utterance 287.

428a. To say: Nni, his mother; Nni, his mother.

428b. Art thou really here, art thou really here? Lion, get away.

Utterance 288..

429a. To say: Hki-serpent or hkr.t-serpent, go away

429b. (with) face on the road. Eye of N., look not at him.

429c. Thou shalt not do thy will with N. Get away.

Utterance 289.

430a. To say: A bull is fallen because of the śd-serpent; the śd- serpent is fallen because of the bull.

430b. Fall, glide away.

Utterance 290.

43m. To say: Face falls on face; a knife coloured and black, goes out against it, until it has swallowed that

431b. which it has seized.

Utterance 291.

432a. To say: Thine honour is effaced, O white hole, by him who has escaped the fnt-worm.

432b. Thine honour is robbed, O white hole, by him who has escaped the fnt-worm.

Utterance 292.

433a. To say: Thou art seized, thou, O ’iknhi-serpent;

433b. thy neighbour (?) has seized thee, ’iknhi-serpent.

Utterance 293.

434a. To say: Back, hidden serpent; hide thyself,

434b. and let N. not see thee.

434c. Back, hidden serpent; hide thyself,

434d. and come not to the place where N. is,

434e. lest he pronounce against thee that name of thine, Nmi son of Nmi.t.

435a. A servant (holy person) as the Ennead's pelican (once) fell into the Nile, (so) flee, flee.

435b. Serpent (beast), lie down.

Utterance 294.

436a. To say: N. is Horus who comes forth from the acacia, who comes forth from the acacia,

436b. to whom it was, commanded: "Be thou aware of the lion," he comes forth to whom it was commanded: "Be thou aware of the lion."

437a. N. has come forth from his dni.t-jar, after he had passed the night in his dni.t-jar, 437b. and N. appears in the morning.

437c. He has come forth from his dni.t-jar, after he had passed the night in his dni.t-jar,

437d. and N. appears in the morning.

Utterance 295.

438a. To say: The mȝfd.t-lynx springs on the neck of the ’in-di-f-serpent.

438b. It repeats it on the neck of the serpent with the raised head (dśr-tp). 438c. Who is it who will remain? It is N. who will remain.

Utterance 296.

439a. To say: Tt.w-serpent, where to? Thou shalt not go. Stand by N.

439b. N. is Geb. Hmt-serpent, brother of hmt.t-serpent,

439c. should thy father, the d‘‘miw,die?

Utterance 297.

440a. The hand of N. which is come upon thee--

440b. it is a violent one which is come upon thee,

440c. it is the mȝfd.t-lynx, which is in the house of life.

440d. She strikes thee in thy face; she scratches thee in thine eyes,

441a. so that thou fallest in thy dung and glidest in thy urine.

441b. Fall, lie down, glide away, so that thy mother Nut may see thee.

Utterance 298.

442a. To say: Rē‘ dawns, his uraeus on his head,

442b. against this serpent, which is come out of the earth, (and) which is under the fingers of N.

442c. He (N.) cuts off thy head with this knife, which was in the hand of the mȝfd.t-lynx, [which lives in the house of life];

443a. he draws, (the teeth) which are upon (in) thy mouth; he saps thy poison

443b. with those four strings, which were in the service of the sandals of Osiris.

443c. Serpent (beast), lie down; bull, glide away.

Utterance 299.

444a. To say: The uraeus-serpent is for heaven; the centipede of Horus is for the earth.

444b. Horus had a sandal as he advanced (towards) the master of the house, the bull of the hole,

444c. the combat-serpent. N. will not be beaten,

444d. (for) his protective sycamore is the protective sycamore of N., his refuge is the refuge of N.

444e. Whom N. finds in his way, him he eats for himself bit by bit.

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