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The Pyramid Texts

Translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer

The Pyramid Texts
The Pyramid Texts


The Pyramid Texts were funerary inscriptions that were written on the walls of the early Ancient Egyptian pyramids at Sakkara. These date back to the fifth and sixth dynasties, approximately the years 2350-2175 B.C.E. However, because of extensive internal evidence, it is believed that they were composed much earlier, circa 3000 B.C.E. The Pyramid Texts are, therefore, essentially the oldest sacred texts known.

Samuel Mercer was the first to produce a complete English translation of this mysterious text, in 1952. This was also the first complete translation in any language. The Mercer translation was followed by the R.O. Faulkner translation in 1969, which is considered the standard today.

Table Of Contents

1 Nut and the Deceased King (1-11)
2 Ritual of Bodily Restoration of the Deceased, and Offerings (12-203)
3 A Group of Prayers And Charms (204-212)
4 A Series of Old Heliopolitan Texts Partly Osirianized (213-222)
5 The Deceased King Receives Offerings and is Re-Established in His Functions and Possessions (223-225)
6 Mostly Serpent Charms (226-243)
7 The Deceased King Arrives in Heaven Where He is Established (244-259)
8 The Deceased King Triumphs Over His Enemies and is Recognized by the Gods (260-262)
9 Means Whereby the Deceased King Reaches Heaven (263-271)
10 The Deceased King in Heaven (272-274)
11 Charms (275-299)
12 The Ferryman and the Deceased King's Ascension (300-311)
13 A Series of Five Charms (312-316)
14 Miscellaneous Utterances on the Career of the Deceased King in the Hereafter (317-337)
15 Offerings for the Deceased King (338-349)
16 Miscellaneous Utterances on the Hereafter (350-374)
17 Conjurations and Charms (375-400)
18 Utterances Concerning Well-Being, Especially Food and Clothes (401-426)
19 In Praise of Nut, Utterances (427-435)
20 Miscellaneous Texts--Some Largely Osirian (436-442)
21 Second Series in Praise of Nut (443-452)
22 A Miscellaneous Group (453-486)
23 A Series of Food Texts (487-502)
24 A Series of Reed-Floats and Ferryman Texts (503-522)
25 Miscellaneous Texts Chiefly About the Deceased King's Reception and Life in Heaven (523-533)
26 For The Protection of the Pyramid Enclosure Against Osiris and His Cycle (534)
27 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (535-538)
28 A Litany of Ascension (539)
29 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (540-552)
30 Resurrection, Meal, and Ascension of the Deceased King (553)
31 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (554-562)
32 A Purification Litany (563)
33 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (564-569)
34 New-Birth of the Deceased King as a God in Heaven (570)
35 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (571-575)
36 The Resurrection and Ascension of the Deceased King (576)
37 The Resurrection of Osiris with whom the Gods are Satisfied (577)
38 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (578-586)
39 An Early Hymn to the Sun (587)
40 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (588-600)
41 A Litany-Like Incantation for the Endurance of a Pyramid and Temple (601)
42 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (602-605)
43 The Resurrection, Ascension, and Reception of the Deceased King in Heaven (606)
44 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (607-609)
45 The Deceased King on Earth and in Heaven (610)
46 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (611-626)
  Utterances (611 | 612 | 613 | 614 | 615 | 616 | 617 | 618 | 619 | 620 | 621 | 622 | 623 | 624 | 625 | 626)
47 The Ascended King, His Works, and Identifications (627)
48 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (628-658)
49 The Death of the King and His Arrival in Heaven (659)
50 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (660-669)
51 The Death, Resurrection, and Spiritualization of the King (670)
52 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (671-675)
53 Resurrection, Transfiguration, and Life of the King in Heaven (676)
54 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (677-683)
55 The Deceased King Ascends to Heaven (684)
56 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (685-689)
57 A Series of Addresses to the Deceased King as a God (690)
58 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (691-704)
59 A Series of Unclassifiable Fragments (705-714)

  Utterances (611-626)

Utterance 611.

1724a. To say: Thou who livest art living, father, in this thy name of "With the gods";

1724b. thou shalt dawn as Wepwawet, a soul at the head of the living,

1724c. that mighty one at the head of the spirits.

1725a. The king N. is a d-wr, who is at your head, spirits;

1725b. the king N. is the great mighty-one, who is at your head, spirits;

1725c. the king N. is a Thot among you, gods.

1726a. The bolt is drawn for thee,

1726b. (the bolt) to the two ram-portals, which hold people back.

1726c. Thou countest enemies; thou takest the hand of the imperishable stars.

1727a. Thine eyes are open; thine ears are open;

1727b. enter into the house of the guardian; let thy father Geb guard thee.

1728a. The water-holes are united for thee; the lakes are brought together for thee,

1728b. for Horus who will avenge his father, for king N. who will avenge his body.

1729a. A vulture greater than thou (does) triple homage to thee.

1729b. It is agreeable to thy nose on account of the smell of the ’iḫ.t-wt.t-crown.

Utterance 612.

1730a. Further, to say: Let this thy going, king N., be like the going of Horus to his father, Osiris,

1730b. that he may be a spiritualized one thereby, that he may be a soul thereby, that he may be an honoured one thereby, that he may be a mighty one thereby.

1731a. Thy spirit is behind thee --------------------------

1731b. ---------------- king N.

1732a. Collect thy bones; take to thee thy limbs;

1732b. shake off this earth (dust of the earth) from thy flesh;

1733a. take to thee these thy four nmś.t-jars [filled at the divine-lake in Ntr.w],

1733b. (and) [the wind of the great Isis, together with (which) the great Isis dried (him)] like Horus.

1734a. Raise thyself towards the eye of Rē‘; and according to this thy name so will the gods do

1734b. to Horus of the Dȝ.t, even to Horus-Śkśn,

1734c. to Horus ------------------------------------

1734d. ------------------------------------

1735a. Raise thyself up, be seated on thy firm throne;

1735b. thy finger-nails scratch the castle (-door?).

1735c. Thou travellest over the regions of Horus; thou travellest over the regions of Set.

1735d. -------------------------------------

Utterance 613.

1736a. -------------------------------------

1736b. -------------------------------------

1736c. ------------ N., father ----------

1736d. Hdhd ----------------------------

1736e - --------------------------------------

1736f - ------------ to the Marsh of Offerings.

1737a. Hdhd, the ferryman of the Winding Watercourse, comes

1737b. ------------------------------------------

1738a. -------------

1738b. [Osiris] N. [comes] on the right side of the Marsh of Offerings, behind the two Great Gods,

1738c. that N. may hear what they say -------------------

1739a. ----- coming forth (?) like Osiris to wash thy hands -----

1739a + 1 (N. Jéquier, XXIV 1350 + 74-75). ear -----------Tefnut.

1739b. If Tefnut seizes thee; if Shu grasps thee,

1739c. then the majesty of Rē‘ will shine no more (?) in the horizon, that every god may see him.

Utterance 614.

1740a. To say: ------------------------

1740b. Thou [goest] to the portal of the house of ;

1740c. thou givest thy hand to them, when they come to thee with salutations;

1741a. but thou smitest them with -----------------------

1741b. -------------- in accordance with thy dignity which appertains to the lords of the ’imȝḫ.

Utterance 615.

1742a. To say: The eye of Horus is mounted (or, is placed upon) the wing of his brother Set.

1742b. The ropes are tied, the boats are assembled,

1742c. so that the son of Atum be not without a boat.

1742 d. N. is with the son of Atum who is not without a boat.

Utterance 616.

1743a. To say: O thou who art in the fist of the ferryman of the Marsh of Reeds,

1743b. bring this (boat) to N.; ferry N. over.

Utterance 617.

1744a. To say: Hasten, hasten --------------------------

1744b. --------------------------------------------

1744c. ----------- unite thyself with the gods in Heliopolis.

1745a. May the king make an offering: "in all thy places"; may the king make an offering: "in all thy dignities."

1745b (N. Jéquier, XX 1315). Thou goest in thy sandals; [thou slaughterest an ox]

1745c. --------------------------------------------

Utterance 618.

1746a. To say: Now be still, men, hear --------------------

1746b. --------------------------------------------

1746c. --------------------------------------------

1746d. --------- with the First of the Westerners.

Utterance 619.

1747a. To say: Raise thyself up, N.; raise thyself up, great nwȝ;

1747b. raise thyself up from (lit. on) thy left side, place thyself on thy right side.

1748a. Wash thy hands with this fresh water which I have given thee, my (lit. thy) father Osiris.

1748b. I have tilled the barley; I have reaped the spelt,

1748c. with which I made (an offering) for thy feasts, which the First of the Westerners offered for thee.

1749a. Thy face is like that of a jackal; thy heart is like that of, Ḳbḥ.t, thy seat is like that of a broad-hall.

1749b. A stairway to heaven is built (for thee), that thou mayest ascend.

1750a. Thou judgest between the two great gods,

1750b. who support the Two Enneads.

1750c. Isis weeps for thee; Nephthys calls thee;

1751a. as for ’Imt.t she sits at the feet of thy throne.

1751b. Thou seizest thy two oars

1751c. of which one is of pine, the other of id;

1752a. thou ferriest over the lake of thy house, the sea;

1752b. and thou avengest thyself against him who did this against thee.

1752c. O, Ho, may the great lake protect thee!

Utterance 620.

1753a. To say: I am Horus, Osiris N., I will not let thee sicken.

1753b. Come forth, awake, I will avenge thee.

Utterance 621.

1754. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the odour of the eye of Horus, like the eye of Horus, which he traced by its odour.

Utterance 622.

1755a. To say: Osiris N., I have adorned thee with the eye of Horus,

1755b. (which is) that Rnn-wt.t of whom the gods have fear.

1755c. The gods fear thee, as they have fear of the eye of Horus.

Utterance 623.

1756. Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which made its śtnf.

Utterance 624.

1757 (Nt. Jéquier, VIII 1). To say: N. has gone forth on the sea of ’Iw (the ferryman); N. has ascended with the help of the wing of Khepri.

1758a. It is Nut who takes the hand of N.; it is Nut who prepares the way for N.

1758b. (Nt. VIII 1). The falcon defends thee against these,

1759a. who are in this boat of Rē‘, who transport the boat of Rē‘ to the east.

1759b. Carry N.; lift him up.

1760a. Set this N. among these gods, the imperishable stars; fallen among them. 1760b. He does not perish; he is not destroyed.

1761a. N. is --- among the great gods; he is judge among the gods.

1761b. He who supplies (or, fills) N., supplies N., for his brother

1761c (Nt. VIII 4). ------ this N., ’Iri.f ascends like Rē‘.

1761d. N. is Osiris, who is come forth out of the night.

Utterance 625.

1762a. To say: N. is the d‘m-sceptre which is in Grg.w-bȝ (.f).

1762b. N. has descended upon the perch; N. has ascended among the great ones.

1763a (Nt. XXXI 806). I have descended into the field of royal women;

1763b. N. has ascended upon the ladder,

1763c. his foot on Śȝḥ the arm of N. in its.

1764a. I took hold of the reins of him who is chief of his department, (and)

1764b. he takes the arm of N. to the great place,

1764c. (where) N. has seized his throne in the divine boat.

1765a. ---------------------------

1765b. N. as prince of heaven;

1765c. the house of N. is there among the lords of names.

1766a. -------------------

1766b. ----- the men and his two boats.

1766c. The name of N. is in the horizon; the hm.w fear him

1767a. ------------------------

1767b. ----- the great game-board, at the side of him who is with Nhdf.

1768a. Every god who gives to N. his power to carry off -------

1768b. ----------------- N. truth.

1768c. He causes those to live who ceased in the fight at the side of Dbḥś.

1769a. N ----------------------------

1769b. [Ho!] He-who-sees-behind-him, bring to N. the ḳd-ḥtp, made by Khmun,

1769c. that N. may ascend to heaven upon it; that N. may do service of a courtier to Rē‘ in heaven.

Utterance 626.

1770a. To say: N. has ascended like a swallow; N. has alighted like a falcon.

1770b. The face of N ---------------

1770c. That fortress of his, every one, all of them [have been given to him]; the two nomes of the god have been given to him.

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