Ra "Amun-Ra" (Personification of the Sun).
Ra as the god who created everything. Ra was also considered to be an underworld god, closely associated with Osiris as Ra resurrected Osiris to rule over the dead. Ra (pronounced ray) represents sunlight, warmth and growth.
All Father of Creation. Ra is the most central god, the sun god, the patron of the pharaohs. His children are Shu, the God of Dry Air and Father of the Sky, and his twin sister Tefnut, the Goddess of Moisture and Wetness.
© Bill Stanley - The Egyptian God Ra
Enlil's grandaughter is Isis Ishtar. Marduk Ra, Enki's oldest had a ranking of 40. Ishtar wanted queenship and to take over the world and that is what her grandfather Enlil would have wanted. She conspired to undue her grandfather Marduk Ra. Marduk had a twin brother Ningishzidda. Ningishzidda and his sister attempted to undue Enlil. If they failed he would have to be banquished to the moon.
He would have to live on the moon. Ishtar Isis was very unhappy so she decided to go merry the son of Enki. His name was Dumuzee "Marduk's younger brother". Marduk went to arrest Damuzee so he couldn't merry Isis. Ishtar plotted and planted then did the ambush. When Marduk's forces went to arrest Damuzee, however Isis ready cut his head off. So she put her fiancee to death.
Dragon of Marduk
Isis planted all evidence on Marduk and accussed him of killing his younger brother. Marduk ended up conducting war to
protect himself and hid in the Gaza Paramid. He was sealed inside the Paramid then he became the great god Amen. AmenRa or Marduk (RaMarduk, AmenRa).
Amun Re
He was sealed in the Paramid and he was able to escape and he reentered the heavens and he promised a
thousand many would come back. Ishtar Isis decided to seduce her Grand Uncle "Ansu". She got him drunk and
seduced him and stole the Tablets of Destiny. His brother Enlil had to go after Isis.
Enlil and Isiah had to chase after Ishtar and they finally caught her and she gave up the Tables and then she swore
she would one day come back, take over planet earth and then she flew off into the heavens. I hear that there is a force that's going to save mankind and take us to paradise and it's called Ashtar Command.
Ra is crutial here and the history of "Wolf People" reads like a soap opera on steroids. Ra fleeding to the heavens thru a stargate "see the movie Stargate". Ra comes back to earth and takes out his father Enki. He get's rid of
Isis, He gets rid of everyone except those that accept the way of Amen.
Ra becomes the one and only sun god. He's a prince born of the creator god who has gone away and
come back. The second comming of the lord creator. Ra comes back with a new ally. He has new baggage. Someone who is willing to underwrite his resolutions, someone who is willing to move in with him and undue the Serious King.
What person would be able to underwright and undermine the Serian king? What is the headgear that Ra wears? He wears a reptilian snake. She's the queen and she said your screwed with my check and that's enough and she took Ra and sucked him into her Vagina . Go down there dude and do it for me,
She said.
The Lord God Ra becomes the only god on earth. The reptilian queen knows you don't trust the Wolfman. She sends some of her distant relatives some reptilian hybrids created specifically to serve the queen. The Shetu Hybrids "little
lizzard people that look like reptoids" and they follow and abey the queen directly.
Now the Shetu hybrid beasts also were created to serve the system. The one thing they were extremely good at was
minipulating the stone cutting machinery. They were master stonecutters. They could use the equipment and get the
stones so percise you could slip them together and you can't slip a piece of paper between or even a piece of hair.
Perfect Wall in Cusco
The Stone cutters as the matter of fact Enlil and Creacia used to use some of the Shetu before the beast. There were
Shetu hybrids on planet earth working for the Serian King and now for Ra even before man was born. The Shetu were the administrators of Ra, the reptilian queen's insurance that Ra would always obey.
Ra changed the records but not the humans memories. Now what? Ra says guys don't you have a technology that would allow me to eliminate memory? O Yea, Technology, reprogramming the brain. The reptilians are famous for it. Let's reprogram their brains. The Lord God Ra called to the Shetu Stone Cutters "they were loyal because they were slaves" and he said guys, I want you to erase the humans memories.
Men in Black Memory Zapper
I want you to setup a reprogramming center and I want you to march them in there one by one and I want you to reprogram their brains and they will never remember anything above and beyond my existance. There will be no memory
beyond the year 6,000bc.
The Shetu lizards began to take row number one and they marched them down a long dark tunnel into the reprogramming center where the lights were bright. And when the beasts came out of there they were like "yes sir, anything you say". They couldn't remember anything. They had one memory of Ra. That was a long tunnel and a bright light and remember that.
The Shetu Lizards were given free reign. Complete liberty to do anything necessary to get all of the hybrids and
residents of planet earth to march to into the reprogramming center. Ra and Isis said look, you promised them food,
you promised them all the fullfillment at the end of the light. You promised them heaven.
You had a complete and total freehand getting them into that tunnel. And from the day they were born they were taught
go to the light. Your loved ones are there. Paradise is there. Go into the light and everything will be O.K. When
they died they were sent into the reprogramming chamber and brought back into another physical body and back to obeying the system. Whatever was necessary, pledge allegiances, paying there taxes. Taping their memories.
City Caves in the Grand Canyon. Khyan was a great King in Egypt.
Some of the beasts of the AFU's. What would you do if you knew you were going to be forced in a reprogramming center
and forced to forget but you somehow had to keep a memory so they sneaked into caves an maked some marks, pressed down some sort of a symbol and you put it in a deepest part of a cave far away from the big city. Somewhere where weather and time were not going to get it.
Maybe someday somebody is going to climb into the cave and they will go wow, I remember this man, I remember this. So the AFU began to plant clues everywhere they could. Some of the AFU's said where else could we put clues so we could make sure. There's the moon, there's mars. The AFU's went the Mars and we'll build a face and a paramid and put the mathamatical formula in the design so maybe someday somebody will go up there and say "there's a dam face on mars" and there going to go whoo.
Somebody's going to figure out the science and figure out the mathamatics. Remember this story. The AFU's went into the tunnel's and were reprogrammed. They came out serving the system. Al right, so what? The Shetu Stone Masons,
stone cutters. That was their original science. They were given freehand to do anything necessary to get the beast
into the reprogramming centers.
In time the Shetu said to Ra, you are the one and only god that is dependent on us that to get everything necessary to our lord queen that said it's o.k. for you to be the king. We want it back and they kicked out lord Ra. But Ra had already figured out their setting me up so he said who can I trust? Administration of the Kingdom and my Money. Who can I trust?
Lord Ra took the administration of the kingdom, removed it from the Shetu network before the rebellion, and he said "You know what, there are a cupple of priests that I can trust. These priests Peraa & Feapou. They were trusted with
the administration of the kingdom.
The Money he gave to his children. All of my offerings, you hold the money, you control the money and the Shetu
Lizard's won't get it. Ra in becoming the one and only god, the one and only father was known as RaKa "Father
essesence, the ultimate father".
In approx 6,000bc Ra gave the name the Ka sufix -M. The offspring and the children of. However KA-M became KAM
and KAM is an ancient word for shield. The Administration of the empire was turned over to RA KA Peraa. The Ra Ka
Barons. The wealth of the empire given to the Ra KAM or Ra Shield.
In 6,000bc, the two most influential groups; the RaKa Baron and the other was the RaKa Shield. You think it's funny. To have control of the money and administrations over the empire 8000 years ago and isn't it a consequence that we have the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds today.
Let's develop who the Shetu are. The Shetu undead Ra in fact they went after the RaKaPeraa and reprogrammed most of them. Some of the RakaBaron RaKaShields said i'll do anything you want as long as you give me the money and leave me alone.
Some of them sold out and the Shetu became the governments. The administrative goverment for the reptilians and the reptilian queen. The Shetu Govenernment is the root of the term Shadow or the "Shadow Government". Who are the Shetu? They were stone masons. They were the Free Masons. How many members of our society are members of these orginizations? We are very intuned.
The Shetu were the first Free Masons. Shetu means to be or to act up. Try to imagine "Little lizzard hybrids". Take a lizard and put it on it's hind legs. The lizard has a very thin body with long thin arms and legs but with a disasaur head.
The Shadow Government is everywhere you turn around and you know what they look like. You know what they look like. They look like greys. They are the original Shetu Stones Masons, they are the original resistance against Ra, They are the origianal Free Masons and they are the original Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
Doesn't it bother you that everybody says go into the light? I'm going to stand in front of you and say don't go
into that damn light. When you go in that tunnel and you see that damn light here's some suggestions. Turn Around.
Look out here, you don't have to look in there. You can go out there. The universe and the galaxy is out there.
There's another light out there. You know what that light is? That is you're light. That's the light you go into. It
is to reintegrate, reject all bad. And if i'm wrong Turn Around, go back into the light. If it isn't love, you'll
still be there.
If these guys are benevelent why don't they just show up at central square and say "Guys, were here to help you" if
they are on our side. Having ones that guided our way from atomic destruction. Why don't they just show up and say
guys, you're strewing up. If there benevelent they will be glad to be here. Why behind the scenes? Because it's a crock.
They don't want you to know the truth because they've been programmed and schooled. Programmed in churches,
programmed everywhere so you can go into the light. Love, light, wonder, and piece but you know what. You're not
going to achieve love light and piece until you realize what their selling. Slaying and selling of obedience. Control
the light, screw it.
The grand harmonious universe. I don't want one grand harmonious universe. We have to think alike and look alike. You
know what, I don't want one harmounious universe. I want one universe where everybeing has control of there own
universe. And then when it's over I'm going home. I don't want one harmoious universe. I understand the structure but it doesn't allow for an indifference.
If pure innocient love worked why where the infents suffering such harendus abuses. Why are the first ones to get
hurt the children? Why are the nuns and the priests the first ones killed on the front line? If love and light work, you can
wrap yourself in the love and walk aross the freeway and you wouldn't be touched.
Here's the secret. Wrap yourself not in the light but in enlightenment. The way to cross the freeway is to learn
about the cars and trucks and the way the brakes work so you don't get hit while crossing. Awareness, enlightenment,
wisdom and knowledge. If wrapping yourself in the light works, you have to plot yourself down in a rattlesnake cage
and never get bit.
Be judgemental. Judgemental means making a decision. Until you make a decision, you have to take control of
your life. Don't go into the light, Turn around and make judgements. Trust your guts. It's OK to get pissed if it's a valid emotion. I'm going this way. That way is their universe.
This is mine. My judgement. My gut say's i've got to do this. There's this experiment called Free Will and it depents
upon rejects. It depends upon renegades who are willing to follow their passion. It's a judgement call to
be very judgemental. I don't care how nice he or she is. I'm going over here.
I'm asking you to make judgements. I'm asking you to trust your guts. What I am hoping happens here is you go and
remember that. I knew this. It's in your guts and you feel it. I'm saying it's a crock and i'm the antichrist, go for it.
Some people that go to the light are going to have wonderous experiences. If one of us goes into the light and she's
programmed to tell us great things. There trying anything they can to get us to go into the light to allow the
abduction and allow the grays to resoul you. If that works for you, then AMen. My suggesstion, the light is a trap.
Why are their ways hidden? The government is trying to say there's no such thing as UFOs. What we should be asking is
Who are they and what are they doing here? That's what's crucial. Some of them are benevelent. Yea, there are some
good guys and there are some bad guys. These guys are trying to keep the system going and keep this under control.
Every once in a while a renegade star system goes down and screws the loop.
Georgia Guidestones / Ka Boom
Baal-Ea Lord Star alignment and the renegade enslavement technique. Tesh is a gathering place. A wholly place. A
church. He fled to a star system and created a new coliny. It was called "Baal-Ea Tesh". This star system is apprised
of renegades. Rejects from star systems all over and they gather there and every once in a while they would attemt to
break up the system.
There is a corador that runs thru the four corners area. They were looking for ways to break down the system using
this corador. Unfortinately there ship crashed in the four corners area and came down in August of 1947. Who was in
the ship? Star Elders?
If you were Ra and got kicked out and you want to come back. If you were Enlil and got kicked out and you want to
come back. Do you think the wolf people want to come back from the Serius solar system. The reptilian queen personally will take out those who want to undue her. Do you think the lizards might turn on her?
There is a war on right now and we happen to be the guardians and tenders of planet Earth. It's our task when we
fight over the farm, we don't bother the bees that maintain the farm. You must not allow him to be disturbed. You
must not drain the system of the farm. There is a war of products.
He's approached by a being from another galaxy and in that galaxy there is no system. There beings have in their
evolution have left the need for a physical body and learned to use internal energy and learned to use their internal
essense to climb the mountain. Let's just build an Escalator.
These being from another galaxy with the evolutionary formula and plugged as a humanoid bird. As they evolved these
beings lost there density, they lost their need for a physitcal body however they liked having wings but in the
dark where there is no sunlight the energy beam flows.
You really want to give them passion and independent free will. This is what we will do, were going to give you one of
our own strands of our dna and your hard wired into the beast and your going to condem him to passion. That
unexplicable fire. He took that DNA and went to the beast and wired the stranding like wow.