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The Pyramid Texts

Translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer

The Pyramid Texts
The Pyramid Texts


The Pyramid Texts were funerary inscriptions that were written on the walls of the early Ancient Egyptian pyramids at Sakkara. These date back to the fifth and sixth dynasties, approximately the years 2350-2175 B.C.E. However, because of extensive internal evidence, it is believed that they were composed much earlier, circa 3000 B.C.E. The Pyramid Texts are, therefore, essentially the oldest sacred texts known.

Samuel Mercer was the first to produce a complete English translation of this mysterious text, in 1952. This was also the first complete translation in any language. The Mercer translation was followed by the R.O. Faulkner translation in 1969, which is considered the standard today.

Table Of Contents

1 Nut and the Deceased King (1-11)
2 Ritual of Bodily Restoration of the Deceased, and Offerings (12-203)
3 A Group of Prayers And Charms (204-212)
4 A Series of Old Heliopolitan Texts Partly Osirianized (213-222)
5 The Deceased King Receives Offerings and is Re-Established in His Functions and Possessions (223-225)
6 Mostly Serpent Charms (226-243)
7 The Deceased King Arrives in Heaven Where He is Established (244-259)
8 The Deceased King Triumphs Over His Enemies and is Recognized by the Gods (260-262)
9 Means Whereby the Deceased King Reaches Heaven (263-271)
10 The Deceased King in Heaven (272-274)
11 Charms (275-299)
12 The Ferryman and the Deceased King's Ascension (300-311)
13 A Series of Five Charms (312-316)
14 Miscellaneous Utterances on the Career of the Deceased King in the Hereafter (317-337)
15 Offerings for the Deceased King (338-349)
16 Miscellaneous Utterances on the Hereafter (350-374)
17 Conjurations and Charms (375-400)
18 Utterances Concerning Well-Being, Especially Food and Clothes (401-426)
19 In Praise of Nut, Utterances (427-435)
20 Miscellaneous Texts--Some Largely Osirian (436-442)
21 Second Series in Praise of Nut (443-452)
22 A Miscellaneous Group (453-486)
23 A Series of Food Texts (487-502)
24 A Series of Reed-Floats and Ferryman Texts (503-522)
  Utterances (503 | 504 | 505 | 506 | 507 | 508 | 509 | 510 | 511 | 512 | 513 | 514 | 515 | 516 | 517 | 518 | 519 | 520 | 521 | 522)
25 Miscellaneous Texts Chiefly About the Deceased King's Reception and Life in Heaven (523-533)
26 For The Protection of the Pyramid Enclosure Against Osiris and His Cycle (534)
27 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (535-538)
28 A Litany of Ascension (539)
29 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (540-552)
30 Resurrection, Meal, and Ascension of the Deceased King (553)
31 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (554-562)
32 A Purification Litany (563)
33 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (564-569)
34 New-Birth of the Deceased King as a God in Heaven (570)
35 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (571-575)
36 The Resurrection and Ascension of the Deceased King (576)
37 The Resurrection of Osiris with whom the Gods are Satisfied (577)
38 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (578-586)
39 An Early Hymn to the Sun (587)
40 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (588-600)
41 A Litany-Like Incantation for the Endurance of a Pyramid and Temple (601)
42 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (602-605)
43 The Resurrection, Ascension, and Reception of the Deceased King in Heaven (606)
44 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (607-609)
45 The Deceased King on Earth and in Heaven (610)
46 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (611-626)
47 The Ascended King, His Works, and Identifications (627)
48 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (628-658)
49 The Death of the King and His Arrival in Heaven (659)
50 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (660-669)
51 The Death, Resurrection, and Spiritualization of the King (670)
52 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (671-675)
53 Resurrection, Transfiguration, and Life of the King in Heaven (676)
54 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (677-683)
55 The Deceased King Ascends to Heaven (684)
56 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (685-689)
57 A Series of Addresses to the Deceased King as a God (690)
58 Texts of Miscellaneous Contents (691-704)
59 A Series of Unclassifiable Fragments (705-714)

  Utterances (503-522)

Utterance 503.

1078a. To say: The door of heaven is open, the door of earth is open,

1078b. apertures of the (heavenly) windows are open,

1078c. the steps of Nun are open,

1078d. the steps of light are revealed

1078e. by that one who endures always.

1079a. I say this to myself when I ascend to heaven,

1079b. that I may anoint myself with the best ointment and clothe myself with the best linen,

1079c. and seat myself upon (the throne) of "Truth which makes alive";

1080a. while my side is against the side of those gods who are in the north of the sky,

1080b. the imperishable stars, and I will not set,

1080c. the untiring (in swimming), and I will not tire (in swimming),

1080d. the one not drawn out of the water, and I will not be drawn out of the water.

1081a. If Mnt.w (a star?) is high, I will be high with him,

1081b. If Mnt.w hastens away, I will hasten away with him.

Utterance 504.

1082a. To say: The sky is pregnant with the wine juice of the vine;

1082b. Nut has given birth to (it) as her daughter, the morning star.

1082c. I also arise;

1082d. the third is Sothis of the pure places.

1083a. I have purified myself in the lakes of the dancers(?) singers(?) or, panegyrists(?),

1083b. I have cleansed myself in the lakes of the jackal.

1083c. Thorn-bush, remove thyself from my way,

1084a. that I may take the south side of the Marsh of Reeds.

1084b. The m3'-canal is opened, the Winding Watercourse is inundated.

1084c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus,

1084d. that he may ferry over to Rē‘, to the horizon.

1085a. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for him of the horizon,

1085b. that he may ferry over to Rē‘, to the horizon.

1085c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus Śsm.t,

1085d. that he may ferry over to Rē‘, to the horizon.

1085e. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus of the East,

1085f. that he may ferry over to Rē‘, to the horizon,

1086a. The two reed-floats of heaven shall be placed for me, I, Horus of the gods,

1086b. that I also may ferry over to Rē‘, to the horizon,

1086c. and that I may take my throne, which is in the Marsh of Reeds.

1087a. I descend to the south side of the Marsh of Offerings.

1087b. I am a Great One, son of a Great One;

1087c. I am come forth from between the thighs of the Two Enneads.

1087d. I have adored Rē‘; I have adored Horus of the East;

1087e. I have adored Horus of the horizon,

1088a. as he girded himself with the apron,

1088b. that he might be gracious to me, that he might be gracious to "Horus-on-his-throne(?),"

1088c. that he might be gracious to "Horus-on-his-throne(?)," that he might be gracious to me.

Utterance 505.

1089a. To say: I am come forth from Buto, to the Souls of Buto,

1089b. adorned with the adornment of Horus,

1089c. clothed with the clothes of Thot.

1089d. Isis is before me; Nephthys is behind me;

1090a. Wp-wȝ-wt opens the way for me;

1090b. Shu lifts me up;

1090c. the Souls of Heliopolis construct a stairway for me,

1090d. to unite with the Above (i.e. to reach the top);

1090e. Nut gives her arm to me as she did for Osiris

1090f. the day that he landed there.

1091a. O thou whose face is behind thee, ferry me over to the Marsh of Reeds.

1091b. Whence art thou come here? I am come from ȝwȝr.t;

1091c. my companion is the uraeus-serpent, who comes forth from the god, the ’i‘r.t-serpent, who comes forth from Rē‘..

1092a. Ferry me over; put me in the Marsh of Reeds--

1092b. those four spirits who are with me--

1092c. Ḥpi, Dwȝ-mw-t-f, ’Imś.ti, Ḳbḥ-śn.w.f--

1092d. two on this side, two on that side

1093a. (and) I will be the rudder. I find the Two Enneads.

1093b. It is, they who give me their arm; 1093c. I sit between them to give judgment;

1093d. I command those whom I find there.

Utterance 506.

1094a. To say: I am St.ti, I am Sti-sti;

1094b. I am the Sw-sw-lake;

1094c. I am Swnt, the chest of heaven;

1095a. I am ’Ir-kȝ, the most spiritual of the kings of Lower Egypt;

1095b. I am "he who shall remain hidden," the ’Imn of this land;

1095c. I am he who made (?) the two lands;

1095d. I am ḳrḳr; I am ḳrḳrw; 1096a. I am Praise; I am Appearance;

1096b. I am Hathor-symbol-of-the-female-soul, who has two faces;

1096c. I am he who is to be delivered; I have delivered myself from all evil things.

1097a. Further, to say: I am Wnš.t (the female wolf); I am he who belongs to the female wolf;

1097b. I am Hpi; I am Dwȝ-mu.t.f.;

1097c. I am ’Imś.ti, I am Ḳbḥ-śn.w.f.;

1098a. I am (Dwn-‘n.wi) he who stretches out the wings;

1098b. I am those great gods who rule over the lake.

1098c. I am the Bȝ-‘nḫ (living soul) with bearded (?) face,

1098d. who has stretched his head high, who has freed himself, who has removed himself,

1099a. (by) the interruption of the action of him who would act,

1099b. (by) putting to sleep the action of him who would act, the command of him who would command.

1099c. I do (good) to him who does what is good; I command (good) to him who commands what is good;

1100a. my lips are as the Two Enneads;

1100b. I am the great spoken word;

1100c. I am a delivered one; I am one worthy of deliverance;

1100d. I am delivered from all evil things.

1101a. Further, to say: Men and gods, your arms under me,

1101b. while you raise me and lift me up to heaven,

1101c. as the arms of Shu (were) under the sky as he lifted her up--

1101d. to heaven, to heaven, to the great seat, among the gods!

Utterance 507.

1102a. To say: ’Iḥmti, say to him who had what is, and to him who has it not: "The entrance of

1102b. the b‘n-canal is open,

1102c. the Marsh of Reeds is inundated,

1102d. the Winding Watercourse is full of water;

1103a. the two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus that he may ferry over therewith to Rē‘;

1103b. the two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Rē‘ that he may ferry over therewith to Horus who inhabits the horizon."

1104a. He (’Iḥmti) commends N. to his father, the moon,

1104b. (and to) the mother of N., the morning star;

1104c. he commends N. to those four youths,

1104d. who sit on the eastern side of the sky;

1105a. he commends N. to those four youths,

1105b. who sit on the eastern side of the sky;

1105c. to those four youths with hair black as coal,

1105d. who sit in the shade (shadow) of the fortress Ḳȝti.

1106a. Further, to say: Great is the father of N.; great is the father of N.;

1106b. N. is great like his father (or, in the greatness of his father).

Utterance 508.

1107a. To say: He ascends, who ascends; N. ascends.

1107b. Let the lady of Buto rejoice; let the heart of her who dwells in el-Kâb be glad

1107c. the day that N. ascends there in the place of (or, as representative of) Rē‘.

1108a. N. has trodden down for himself thy splendour,

1108b. as stairs under his feet,

1108c. that N. may ascend thereon to his mother, the living uraeus which is on the head of Rē‘.

1109a. Her heart has pity for him; she gives her breast to him, that he may suck it.

1109b. "My son," says she, "take to thee my breast, that thou mayest suck it," says she,

1109c. "since thou comest not on every one of thy days."

1110a. Heaven speaks, the earth quakes; the gods, of Heliopolis shudder

1110b. at the voice of the wdn.t-offering (made) before N. 1111a. His mother has nourished him-she of Bubastis;

1111b. she who dwells in el-Kâb has reared him;

1111c. she who dwells in Buto has given him her arm.

1112a. Behold, he is come; behold, he is come;

1112b. behold, N. is come, for life and joy,

1112c. and he makes his repast on figs

1112d. and on wine which is in the divine vineyard.

1113a. The chef who is beside him, he prepares a repast of it for him.

1113b. N. runs; his herdsman runs;

1113c. his sweetness is the sweetness of Horus; his fragrance is the fragrance of Horus.

1114a. To heaven, to heaven, together with the gods of the house of the lion and the falcon;

1114b. to heaven, together with the gods of the house of the lion and the falcon,

1114c. those at my side accompanying me!

1115a. So says Geb, as he seizes N. by his arm,

1115b. and as, he guides him through the portals of heaven.

1115c. The god is on his throne; it is well that the god is on his throne.

1116a. Satis has washed him

1116b. with her four ȝbt-pitchers from Elephantiné.

1116c. Ho, whence, pray, art thou come, my son, O king?

1116d. He is come to the Ennead, to heaven, that he may eat of its bread.

1117a. Ho, whence, pray, art thou come, my son, O king?

1117b. He is come to the Ennead, to the earth, that he may eat of its bread.

1117c. Ho, whence, pray, art thou come, my son, O king?

1117d. He is come to the dnddndr-boat.

1118a. Ho, whence, pray, art thou come, my son, O king?

1118b. He is come to these his two mothers, the two vultures,

1118c. They of the long hair and hanging breasts,

1118d. who are on the hill of śḥśḥ.

1119a. They draw their breasts over the mouth of N.,

1119b. but they do not wean him for ever.

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Utterance 509.

1120a. To say: Heaven speaks; the earth quakes:

1120b. Geb trembles; the two nomes of the god shout;

1120c. the ground is hoed; the wdn.t-offering is made before N., living, enduring,

1121a. when he ascends to heaven, when he ferries over the vault, for life and joy:

1121b. also when he traverses the foaming sea, destroying the walls of Shu.

1122a. He ascends to heaven,

1122b. the tip of his wings being like (that of ) a great bird,

1122c. his entrails having been washed by Anubis;

1122d. the services of Horus having been rendered (lit. served) in Abydos, (even) the embalming of Osiris.

1123a. He ascends to heaven among the imperishable stars;

1123b. his sister is Sothis; his guide is the morning star;

1123c. they two take his arm as far as the Marsh of Offerings.

1124a. He sits upon that (his) firm throne,

1124b. whose knobs are lions,

1124c. whose feet are the hoofs of a great wild-bull.

1125a. He stands (or, he is erect) upon his elevated throne, which is between the two great gods,

1125b. with his sceptre ‘bȝ, the mnḥi, in his hand.

1126a. When he lifts his arm toward the blessed dead (?)

1126b. the gods come to him bowing,

1126c. and the two great gods watch at their side.

1127a. They find him between the Two Enneads in giving judgment:

1127b. "A prince of all princes this is," they say of him;

1127c. (and) they appointed N. among the gods.

Utterance 510.

1128a. To say: It is certainly not N. who asks to see thee

1128b. in the form which has become thine;

1128c. Osiris asks to see thee in the form which has become thine;

1129a. it is thy son who asks to see thee in the form which has become thine;

1129b. it is Horus who asks to see thee in the form which has become thine.

1130a. When thou sayest, "statues", in respect to these stones,

1130b. which are like fledglings of swallows under the river-bank;

1130c. when thou sayest, "his beloved son is coming," in the form which had become that of "his beloved son"

1131a. they (the "statues") transport Horus; they row Horus over,

1131b. as Horus ascends (lit. in. the ascent of Horus) in the Mḥt-wr.t-cow.

1132a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for Horus of the East,

1132b. at day-break, that he may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1133a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for N.,

1133b. at daybreak, that N. may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1134a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for Horus of the Dȝ.t,

1134b. at daybreak, that he may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1135a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for N.,

1135b. at daybreak, that be may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1136a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for Horus. of the Šsm.t-land,

1136b. at daybreak, that he may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1137a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for N.,

1137b. at daybreak, that N. may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1138a. The ground is hoed for him; the wdn.t-offering is made for him,

1138b. when he dawns as king and takes charge of his throne.

1138c. He ferries over the ptr.ti-sea;

1138d. he traverses the Winding Watercourse.

1139a. ’Imt.t lays hold of the arm of N.,

1139b. beginning with her chapel, beginning with her hidden place, which the god made for her,

1139c. for N. is pure (a priest), the son of a pure one (a priest).

1140a. N. is purified with these four nmś.t-jars,

1140b. filled at the divine-lake in Ntr.w;

1140c. (he is dried) by the wind of the great Isis, together with (which) the great Isis dried (him) like Horus.

1141a. Let him come, he is pure,

1141b. so said the priest of Rē‘ concerning N. to the door-keeper of ḳbḥ.w,

1141c. (who) was to announce him to these four gods, who are over the lake of Kns.t.

1142a. They recite: "How just is N. to his father, Geb!"

1142b. They recite: "How just is N. to Rē‘! "

1142c. His frontiers exist not; his boundary stones are not to be found.

1142d. Also, Geb, whose (one) arm (reaches) to heaven, whose (other) arm is on earth,

1142e. announces N. to Rē‘.

1143a. N. leads the gods; N. directs the divine boat;

1143b. N. seizes heaven, its pillars and its stars.

1144a. The gods come to him bowing;

1144b. the spirits escort N. to his ba;

1144c. they reckon (gather up) their war-clubs;

1144d. they destroy their weapons;

1145a. for behold N. is a great one, the son of a great one, whom Nut has borne;

1145b. the power of N. is the power of Set of Ombos.

1145c. This N. is the great wild-bull, who comes forth like Ḫnti-'imnti.w.

1146a. N. is the pouring down of rain; he came forth as the coming into being of water;

1146b. for he is the Nḥb-kȝ.w-serpent with the many coils;

1146c. N. is the scribe of the divine book, who says what is and causes to exist what is not;

1147a. N. is the red bandage, who comes forth from the great ’Iḫ.t;

1147b. N. is that eye of Horus,

1147c. stronger than men, mightier than the gods.

1148a. Horus carries N., Set lifts him up.

1148b. Let N. make an offering which a star gives;

1148c. he satisfies the two gods, let them be satisfied; he satisfies the two gods, and so they are satisfied.

Utterance 511.

1149a. To say: Geb laughs, Nut smiles

1149b. before him, (when) N. ascends to heaven.

1150a. Heaven rejoices for him; the earth quakes for him;

1150b. the tempest roars (lit. drives) for him.

1150c. He howls (or, roars) like Set;

1151 a. the guardians of the parts (?) of heaven open the doors of heaven for him.

1151b. He stands on Shu;

1151c. he upholds the stars, in the shadow of the walls of god.

1152a. He crosses the sky like Swnt;

1152b. the third (with him) is Sothis of the pure places,

1152c. for he purifies himself in the lakes of the Dwȝ.t.

1153a. The nmt-š-cow will make his ways pleasant;

1153b. she will guide him to the great seat, which the gods made, which Horus made, which Thot begat.

1154a. Isis will conceive him; Nephthys will bear him.

1154b. Then he will take his seat on the great throne which the gods made.

1155a. Dwȝ-w in jubilation and the gods in homage will come to him;

1155b. the gods of the horizon will come to him on their face,

1155c. and the imperishable stars, bowing.

1156a. He takes the offering table; he directs the mouth of the gods;

1156b. he supports the sky in life; he sustains the earth in joy;

1156c. his right arm, it supports the sky in satisfaction (might

1156d. his left arm, it sustains the earth in joy.

1157a. He finds Štt,

1157b. the crier, the door-keeper of Osiris.

1157c. His abomination is ferrying over without doing ’isnw.t.

1158a. He receives the wind of life, he breathes joy,

1158b. and he abounds in divine offerings;

1158c. he inhales wind and breathes out the wind of the North;

1158d. he prospers among the gods.

1158a. He is sharp like the great Śpd;

1159b. he advances towards the two ’itr.t-palaces;

1159c. he strikes with the ’bȝ-sceptre and directs with the ’iȝȝ.t-sceptre.

1160a. He puts his record among men, and his love among the gods,

1160b. saying: "Say what is; do not say what is not;

1161a. the abomination of a god is a deceitful word."

1161b. Let him be tested! Thou shalt not speak (thus of) him.

1161c. This N. is thy son; this N. is thine heir.

Utterance 512.

1162a. To say: My father made for himself his heart, after the other (heart) was taken from him, since it was opposed thereto,

1162b. as he ascended to heaven,

1162c. and traversed the billows of the Winding Watercourse.

1162d. Anubis comes, meeting thee,

1163a. Geb gives thee his arm, father N.

1163b. Guardian of the earth, leader of spirits--

1163c. he mourns him, who was mourned, his father--,

1164a. O, raise thyself up, N.;

1164b. receive these thy four nmś.wt-jars and ‘ȝb.wt-jars;

1164c. purify thyself in the Lake of the jackal; purify thyself by incense in the Lake of the Dȝ.t;

1164d. purify thyself before thy šȝb.t-bush in the Marsh of Reeds.

1165a. Thou voyagest over the sky;

1165b. thou makest thy abode in the Marsh of Offerings, among the gods who are gone to their kas.

1165c. Seat thyself upon thy firm throne;

1166a. take thy mace and thy sceptre,

1166b. that thou mayest lead those who are in Nun, that thou mayest command the gods,

1166c. and that thou mayest put a spirit in his spirit.

1167a. Take thy walk; voyage over thy ḥnti-ocean,

1167b. like Rē‘ on the shores (or, lands) of the sky.

1107c. N. lift thyself up; hasten to thy spirit.

Utterance 513.

1168a. To say: When father N. ascends to heaven among the gods who are in heaven;

1168b. and when he stands by the great w‘r.t;

1168c. he hears the words of the blessed dead

1169a. Rē‘ finds thee on the shores (or, lands) of the sky, in the ḥnti-ocean, in Nut.

1169b. "He comes, who should come," say the gods.

1170a. He gives thee his arm on (at) the ’iskn of the sky.

1170b. "He comes who knows his place," say the gods.

1171a. Pure one, assume thy throne in the boat of Rē‘,

1171b. that thou mayest sail the sky, that thou mayest mount above the ways (or, the far-off ways);

1171c. that thou mayest sail with the imperishable stars;

1171d. and that thou mayest voyage with the indefatigable (stars).

1172a. Thou receivest the tribute of the evening boat;

1172b. thou becomest a spirit in the Dȝ.t;

1172c. thou livest in this sweet life in which the lord of the horizon lives.

1173a. "Great Flood dwelling in Nut, who indeed has done this for thee?",

1173b. say the gods who follow Atum.

1174a. A greater than he hath done that for him, he who is north of the ḥnti-ocean of Nut.

1174b. He has heard his appeal; 'he has done for him what he said.

1174c. He has received his, body in the court of the prince of Nun,

1174d. before the Great Ennead.

Utterance 514.

1175a. To say: Nḫi ------ Nḫi, serpent ------

1175b. ------------ who is before Letopolis; his living ones are at his neck.

1175c. Thy place is for thy son; thy (?) place is for thy (?) son.

1175d. Geb has called ------------

Utterance 515.

1176a. To say: Two legs of Horus, two wings of Thot,

1176b. ferry N. over; leave him not without a boat!

1177a. Give thou bread to N.; give thou beer to N.,

1177b. from thy eternal bread, this thy everlasting beer.

1178a. N. is by these two obelisks of Rē‘, which are on earth;

1178b. N. is by these two holy signs of Rē‘, which are in heaven;

1179a. N. goes on these two reed-floats of the sky which are before Rē‘;

1179b. he brings this jar of the libation of Rē‘,

1179c. which purifies the land of the south before Rē‘, when he ascends in his horizon.

1180a. (When) N. comes to the field of life, to the birthplace of Rē‘ in ḳbḥ.w,

1180b. N. finds Ḳbḥ.wt, daughter of Anubis;

1180c. she approaches him with these her four nmś.t-jars,

1180d. with which she refreshes the heart of the Great God, on the day of awakening.

1181a. She (also) refreshes the heart of N. therewith to life,

1181b. she purifies N., she censes N.

1182a. N. receives his provision from that which is in the granary of the Great God;

1182b. N. is clothed with imperishable stars;

1182c. N. presides over the two ’itr.t-palaces,

1182d. he sits at the place of him equipped with the form (of a man).

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Utterance 516.

1183a. Further, to say: O Nwrw, ferryman of the marsh of Pȝ‘t,

1183b. N. is the herdsman of thy cattle, who is over thy Birthplace;

1184a. N. is thy potter who is on earth,

1184b. who will break the jar, the child of Nut.

1185a. N. is come; he brought to thee this thy house here which he made for thee

1185b. on the night of thy birth, on the day of thy Mś'ḫn.t;

1185c. it is a jar. 1186a. Thou art Bes who knows not his father; thou knowest not thy mother.

1186b. Let him not announce thee to those who do not know thee that they may know thee.

1187a. Ferry him over rapidly

1187b. to the land of smȝ, to this field where the gods were be gotten,

1187c. over which the gods rejoice on these their New Year's days.

Utterance 517.

1188a. Further, to say: O thou who ferriest over the just, who is without a boat,

1188b. ferryman of the Marsh of Reeds,

1188c. N. is just before heaven, before the earth;

1188d. N. is just before this isle of the earth,

1188e. to which he has been swimming, and has arrived there,

1188f. and which is between the two thighs of Nut.

1189a. It is N., a pygmy, a dancer of the god,

1189b. who makes glad the heart of the god, before his great throne.

1189c. This is what thou hast heard in the houses,

1189d. and what thou hast learned in the streets,

1189e. that day when N. was summoned to life,

1189f. to hear the sentence.

1190a. Behold, the two who are on the throne of the Great God,

1190b. they summon N. to life and joy for ever,

1190c. they are prosperity and health.

1191a. (So) ferry N. over to the field, the beautiful seat of the Great God,

1191b. where he does the things to be done among the ’imȝḫw.w (venerable ones),

1191c. appoints them to food and assigns them to fowling.

1192a. It is N.,

1192b. whom he appoints to food and assigns to fowling.

Utterance 518.

1193a. Further, to say: O ’Iw, ferryman of the Marsh of Offerings,

1193b. bring for N. this (boat); N. goes, N. should come,

1194a. the son of the Morning Boat whom she bore before the earth, his happy birth,

1194b. whereby the Two Lands live, on the right side of Osiris.

1195a. N. is the annual messenger of Osiris.

1195b. Behold, he is come with a message from thy father Geb:

1195c. "If the year's yield is welcome, how welcome is the year's yield; the year's yield is good, how good is the year's yield!"

1196a. N. has descended with the Two Enneads in ḳbḥ.w;

1196b. N. is the measuring line of the Two Enneads,

1196c. by which the Marsh of Offerings is established.

1197a. N. found the gods standing, 1197b. wrapped in their garments,

1197c. their white sandals on their feet.

1197d. Then they threw their white sandals on the ground,

1197e. they cast off their garments.

1198a. "Our heart was not joyful until thou didst descend," say they;

1198b. "may that which was said of you be that which you now are."

1199a. Stand up, Osiris,

1199b. commend N. to those who are on "Śḫm is joyous" north of the Marsh of Offerings,

1199c. like as thou didst commend Horus to Isis the day that thou didst impregnate her,

1200a. that they may give food to N. in the fields,

1200b. and that he may drink at the sources

1200c. in the Marsh of Offerings.

Utterance 519.

1201a. Further, to say: O Ḥr.f-ḥȝ.f, doorkeeper of Osiris,

1201b. Osiris has said: "Let this thy boat be brought for N.,

1201c. in which thy pure ones ferry,

1201d. that thou mayest receive a libation in this eastern (?) quarter of the imperishable stars

1202a. that N. may ferry in it

1202b. with that band of green tissue,

1202c. woven, as an eye of Horus,

1202d. to bandage with it that finger of Osiris which became affected."

1203a. N. arrives, ššw, ššw.

1203b. The shoals of the great sea protect him.

1203c. The double doors with windows (of heaven) are open; the double doors of the lower region are open.

1203d. Ye Two Enneads, take N. with you

1203e. to the Marsh of Offerings, in accordance with the dignity (quality) of N., (of the) lord of the ’imȝḫw.w.

1204a. N. strikes with the ‘bȝ-sceptre; N. directs with the ’iȝȝ-t-sceptre;

1204b. N. conducts the servants of Re‘.

1204c. The earth has been refreshed; Geb has been censed

1204d. the Two Enneads have been ndśdś (?);

1205a. N. is a ba which passes among you, O gods.

1205b. The pȝ‘t-pool (?) has been opened up; the pȝ‘t-pool has been filled with water;

1205c. the Marsh of Reeds has been inundated;

1205d. the Marsh of Offerings has been filled with water.

1206a. They come to these four long-haired youths,

1206b. who stand on the eastern side of the sky,

1206c. and who prepare the two reed-floats for Rē‘,

1206d. that Rē‘ may go thereby to his horizon.

1206e. They prepare the two reed-floats for N.,

1206f. that N. may go thereby to the horizon, to Re‘.

1207a. O morning star, Horus of the Dȝ.t, the divine falcon, the great green (?),

1207b. children of heaven, greetings to thee in these thy four faces, which are satisfied

1207c. when they see those who are in Kns.t,

1207d. who drive away the storm from those who are satisfied.

1208a. Give thou these thy two fingers to N.,

1208b. which-thou gavest to the beautiful one (Nfr.t), daughter of the Great God,

1208c. when the sky was separated from the earth, and when the gods ascended to heaven,

1209a. whilst thou was a soul appearing in the bow of thy boat of 770 cubits (long),

1209b. which the gods of Buto constructed for thee, which the eastern gods shaped for thee.

1210a. N. is son of Khepri, born from the vulva,

1210b. under the curls of ’Iw.ś-‘ȝ.ś, north of Heliopolis, out of the forehead of Geb.

1211a. N. is he who was between the legs of Mḫnti-’irti,

1211b. that night when be made the bread plain,

1211c. that day when the heads of the mottled serpents were cut off.

1212a. Take thou to thyself thy favourite m‘bȝ-harpoon,

1212b. thy spear which seizes the canals,

1212c. whose two points are the rays of the sun,

1212d. whose two barbs are the claws of Mȝfd.t,

1212e. with which N. cuts off the heads

1212f. of the adversaries, who are in the Marsh of Offerings,

1213a. when he descended to the ocean (great green).

1214b. Bow thy head, decline thine arms (bow in humility), great green.

1213c. The children of Nut are those who descend to thee,

1213d. their garlands on their heads,

1213e. their garlands of leaves on their necks;

1214a. (those) who cause to flourish the crowns (of the North) of the canals of the Marsh of Offerings

1214b. for the great Isis, who fastened on the girdle in Chemmis,

1214c. when she brought her garment and burned incense before her son, Horus, the young child,

1215a. when he was journeying through the land in his two white sandals,

1215b. and went to see his father, Osiris.

1215c. N. opened his way like fowlers;

1215d. N. exchanged greetings with the lords of kas;

1216a. N. went to the great island in the midst of the Marsh of Offerings,

1216b. on which the gods cause the swallows to alight.

1216c. The swallows are the imperishable stars.

1216d. They give to N. the tree of life whereof they live,

1216e. that N. may, at the same time, live thereof.

1217a. (Morning Star), cause thou N. to ferry over with thee,

1217b. to this thy great field, which thou didst subdue with the aid of the gods,

1217c. (where) thou eatest at evening and at dawn, which is full of food.

1218a. N. eats of that which thou eatest;

1218b. N. drinks of that which thou drinkest.

1218c. Put thou the back of N.

1218d. against the post, against it who is before its sisters.

1219a. Thou (Morning Star) makest N. to sit down because of his truth

1219b. (and) to stand up because of his venerableness.

1219c. N. stands; he has taken (his) venerableness in thy presence,

1219d. like Horus who took the house (heritage) of his father from the brother of his father, Set, in the presence of Geb.

1220a. Put thou N. as a prince among the spirits,

1220b. the imperishable stars of the north of the sky,

1220c. who direct the offerings and protect the gifts,

1220d. who cause to come those things (offerings and gifts) for those who preside over the kas in heaven.

Utterance 520.

1221a. Further, to say: O ye four who are in possession of curls,

1221b. your curls are in front of you (or, on your forehead),

1221c. your curls are at your temples,

1221d. your curls are at the back of your head,

1221e. (and that which is) in the middle of your head are braids.

1222a. Bring this boat to N.; bring this boat to N.

1222b. It is Ḥḳrr and Sees-behind-him who will ferry N. over,

1222c. (when) N. ferries over to that side where the imperishable stars are,

1222d. that N. may be with them.

1223a. If you do not at once ferry over in the ferry-boat of N.,

1223b. then N. will tell this your name to the people whom he knows,

1223c. to the "wicked-men";

1223d. so then N. will pluck out those braids, which are in the middle of your head,

1223e. like lotus flowers in-the lotus pond.

Utterance 521.

1224a. To say: He who journeys over the sea, the messenger; he who journeys over the sea, the messenger

1224b. it is a śr-gander, who brings himself; it is a sȝt-goose, who brings herself;

1224c. it is a ng-bull, who brings himself.

1225a. N. flies, as a cloud, like a heron;

1225b. thou fliest low (?) like the father of a ḥ‘ȝ-heron.

1225c. N. goes off

1225d. to these his fathers, who are over (chief of) Pdw-š;

1226a. N. brings his bread which cannot mould,

1226b. his beer which cannot sour.

1226c. N. eats this his one bread alone;

1226d. N. gives it not to one at his back;

1226e. he rescues it from the knm.t-bird.

Utterance 522.

1227a. To say: Sees-behind-him, His-face-behind-him,

1227b. behold thou, N. is come to life.

1227c. He has brought to thee this eye of Horus, bound in the field of wrestlers.

1227d, Bring it to N., namely, the "work of Khnum."

1228a. O Ḥpi, ’Imś.ti, Dwȝ-mut.f, Ḳbḥ-śn.w.f,

1228b. bring it to N., namely, the "work of Khnum,"

1228c. which is in the Winding Watercourse.

1229a. O devourer, open the way to N.;

1229b. O ḳrr-serpent, open the way to N.;

1229c. O Nekhbet, open the way to N.

1230a. Greetings to thee, good one, (come) in peace.

1230b. Love N. as N. loves thee.

1230c. Unwanted (?) art thou, evil one;

1230d. if thou avoidest N., N. will avoid thee.

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