Uva ursi is a small, perennial shrub that is common to Northern Europe and America. It is an attractive plant that flowers from June to September, its berries ripening during the winter. The active medicinal properties of the plant are found in its leaves, containing gallic acid and arbutin, which produce the herb’s diuretic and tonic powers.
Uva ursi is known to relieve chronic irritation of the bladder and urinary passages, reducing the urgency and burning which is associated with these conditions. It is also an astringent which is useful in treating chronic diarrhea and dysentery.
To further assist your body in the healing process, you should avoid the use of alcohol, sugar and white flour products until the infection is cleared up. It is helpful to take acidophilus and drink lots of water while taking uva ursi. In the case of a severe kidney or bladder infection, a physician should be consulted.