Burdock is a carrot-like plant that grows in the Orient, Europe and the United States. In Japan, where burdock is called gobo, it is eaten as a vegetable. Its western name is drawn from its tenacious burrs, "bur", and the old English word for plant, "dock".
This versatile herb is useful in the treatment of many ailments. Its seeds are crushed to make a tincture that purifies the blood. In fact, it is often referred to by herbalists as "nature's best blood purifier." The burdock tincture is also used in the treatment of gout and ulcers, arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases such as acne and psoriasis, and fungal infections.
It is known to be an effective diaphoretic, inducing sweating that assists in neutralizing and eliminating toxins from the body; thus it is beneficial in treating liver problems, gallstones, flu, and some kidney ailments. High in minerals, burdock is a particularly good source of chromium, which is helpful in regulating blood sugar levels, and of iron. Burdock should not be used by pregnant women.