the Limbic emotional Brain
Intuition, Sestivity & Development
How do I become one and intune with the world all around me that's beyond this veil. How do I see different frequencies, hear things from different realms. How do I feel what other people are feeling. How do I become extra sensory.
Intuition is Rejust "sensitivity". Adjusting the just with about 5% to 10% tolerance. This works like a 4 band resistor ohm color code. I was taught "bad boys rape our young girls but Violet give willingly for gold and silver. Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, Green, Violet, Gold & Silver. We're interested in the Gold and Silver are those tolerances are set at either 5% or 10%.
Intuition is pure sensitivity. If you're not naturally intuitive, lots of it must of faded however initition is stubburn. Filter's and walls that we put up to protect ourselfs in our world right now and always is to increase our sensitivity. Auh, now we can set an equasion.
Intuition = Sensitivity / Tolerance2 or 30%
Medium's are naturally intuitive. It's your job to work thru your issues and find discipline "training yourself to
obey". Create discipline and struture for that ability to be properly filtered thru for that ability to make sense. It is for the ability not to control them/you and them/you to control the ability. This is the balancing point for people who are naturally intuitive.
We have to break down all of those walls, all of those barriors and filters that we've created in our lives to protect ourselfs. Our conciousness is one basic point that our mind can place filters upon and as our consciousness flows thru us and we can see the locks. |
We keep locks up because we don't want to feel hurt again, we don't want to feel exposed and we do this to protect ourselfs.
The problem as a multideminsional being is when we put a block in one place, it's never just one place. It effects
everything in our lives. For example, if you think that your in a really bad relationship and as you continue to stay
in this relationship that you know is toxic and is hurting you and is not good for you.
Then things change. Why is my job getting worse, why am I gaining weight, why is my body out of wack. Where it started
is with the relationship that was wrong for you, that was not healthy. Because of the ability to compartmentalize it if you were still feeding that relationship, the energy that was being stolen from within you because of the relationship
is now affecting every area of your life.
It's the same concept as jeliously or gossip. Where you speak very critically, very harshly, very negatively about other
people. There is a guarantee that that is also how your going to be treating yourself. Whatever talk you have about
other people will become yourself talk. When it comes to your actions and what were doing. Everything is interconnected
and interwoven.
When you start to release your blocks and let go of filters, your sensitivity starts coming back. You can see more of
the other worlds, you can see more of what's behind the curtain. At the end of the day if you want to become more
intuitive, you have to let yourself heal. You have to bring your sensitivity back.
Your intuition is not something that's outside of you so far out then connect to you out there somewhere. Your
intuition is the widest, deepest part of you and in order to fully use it, you have to peel back all of your layers and
block the unblocking of it from fully coming forward.
Our higher self will always bring us to releasing those blocks directly from the trama's that we've experienced in the past. Developing your intuition is a natural process. It's a natural thing that accurs in your body when you feel your mind and your heart.
The more that you can really feel the moment and were not necessary talking about emotionally. It can start emotionally and
can go from there. The more attention you put on it, especially in the heart, you realize that you start getting
more information thru emotions and all that information can be turned into visions.
It can turn into pure Instant Cognition and pure information as well. Really, really get into feeling or hide from the
moment. If your with your partner and you feel yourself shutting down because your feeling challanged and open. If your
at work and your wanting to react and just not close up, be open and present. Go more beyond reaction and you will find
intuition where you can unwind.
You can get better and better at it everyday just by choosing to be open. Choosing to be open to situations that you
would normally be closed in. That is the number one thing you can do to become more intuitive is to free your
sensitivity. Stay Open in places where you want to be closed.
Open for Life
Intuition demands that you stay open. Alot of intuitive information is beyond what you know and understand in the
universe. The more control that you try to have moment to moment, relationship to relationship, the less intuitive your
gonna be because your intuition innately works thru what you already know and it comes thru what feeling and thoughts and concepts you have. You have to have 30% open space there for whatever is unknown "things that you're not aware of".
If you have to many filters and you're trying to control your reality there is no 30% space. There is like 0% space.
Intuition is all about sensitivity. Become more sensitive and allow yourself to open. The more sensitive you can allow
yourself to be, the more open you will be.
A good way to imaging your sensitivity is to imagine your chakra system taking in light information from each chakra really being so sensitive and taking in information. Every chakra has it's own way of taking in information. Imagine your so sensitive and imagine yourself vulnerable. Sensitivity and vulnerability is going to enforce intuitiveness.
Open up. Allow yourself to let go of blocks anytime you want to close, open and shut and see what happens. Give
yourself a week. For a week i'm going to be more present then I ever have been before and I am going to amaze and
remain as open as possible, and you will see the times you actually close and react. Check yourself. Don't be
constantly closing up.
to Remain open