3 Brains in Da Brain
Brain one is a perfect housekeeper, Brain two is the emotional bird brain, and brain three is the all thinking ego brain.
The perfect housekeeper "R complex" is reptilian and usually set on automatic. The most extreme wants involve the oldest part of the brain and emotionally processed thru to the "Limbic System" dog & cat like brain.
The smart vs dumb choices we make would defenitly be arriving from the outer "Neo-cortex" primates brain.
Umm! So Good and Lucious
Are you hungry? Have you noticed that your hungry? Now that you've realized that your hungry and getting hungrier, this is from the newest outside thinking part of the brain. Hunger comes from the most basic parts of our brain and awareness of it is controlled from the newest parts.
The housekeeper is our bird/reptile brain. The housekeeping brain. Dealing with the basics, hunger, temperature control,
fight-or-flight fear responses, defending territories, keeping yourself safe ect, ect. This part of the brain is
extremly similar to reptiles so "R complex is for reptilian".
Reptilian House Cleaning
Our Emotional brain. As we became more complex, other structures were added around the R complex "girdle" or "limbus", the word for arc in latin. The limbic brain is shared with older mammals like dogs, cats, horses and even mice.
With the thinking brain, the Cortex, you can do things that horses and mice can't like complex social interactions and
advanced planning. The human brain is hugely because of language. The primates like chimpanzees or monkeys have
much smaller cotexes which is surprising as chimpanzee DNA differs from ours by only 1.6%.
The three brains are like a golf stick, it's sock and the adjoining golf bag.
3 Brains to Da Brain