Alfred Lambremont Webre
Can I Ask? From a DNA genetic point of view you mentioned very highly advanced ways of doing this and there's the twelve strand DNA and the two strand DNA and the devolution down. Do you mean that initially humans were created as a twelve strand DNA species and what does twelve strand DNA species mean?
The Initial hominids now the fossel records show as well as genetic fossel records which is another thing entirely. This shows the homonoid lineage with the great apes goes back about 8 million years. OK. For a large period of time, millions of years there were hominoids on the planet evolving somewhat naturally. They all had twelve stranded DNA.
There higher level intelligences, they created the hominoid lineage with the express intent of spiritual evolution
so the twelve stranded DNA is the interface, the conscious interface, the interface between the physical and
conscious level of spirit.
What you have is the express intent as these higher level intelligences that are to create a species that can undergo spiritual evolution and that requires the twevle stranded DNA complex. Twelve stranded DNA and up is actually the normal configuration of life. Of living beings.
To get to the human species so again the genetic fossel records shows the human lineage really human homosapians emerged on the planet about 300,000 years ago. The initial creation of the human species using the pre-existing homoerectius DNA they had twelve stranded DNA.
We have twelve stranded DNA now, it's just been disconnected. What occured is again this requires multiple sources of information from the historical context what's been recorded but also channeled information which is found to be highly, highly informative. Very reliable.
I derive a great deal of information from channeled sources which are largly ET beings in higher demensional levels giving us information.
Hominoid Couple at the American Museum of Natural History, NYC. 2.4 million years ago
For instance a great deal of channeled information says that human lineage of the great ape family, the hominids
were a genetic engineering creation so I went and began to investigate what genetic elements could be involved in
creating the hominoids, the great apes.
There is a specific element that seems to be prodominantly responsible for what makes hominoids hominoids. Makes
humans human. It shows a high degree of engineering. When I first found this louatic element. It's actually called
the Alu Element and it's part of the non coding DNA.
Remember that I said that all genes in the great ape family are nearly identical. The differences are negligible.
1% to 5% so it's not the genes, it's the non coding DNA. This non coding DNA Alu element shows a high degree of
engineering. In fact it's presence within the genome can't really be explained by natural processes.
So there's this element that is clearly engineered and produced and it has a multitude of effects within the
biological system. In modulating gene expression, controlling protein levels and so how cells and tissues
function. The thing is this Alu element is only found within primates.
It's exclusive to champanzees, humans, and other great apes and the primate lineage. How did genetic engineering
take place is through genetic elements like the Alu element which were taken and engineered molecularly and
inserted into the genome to create hominoids.
This was all done millions of years ago by higher level intellegences and of course there working on a
morphogenetic level. A great deal of the manipulation has to do with morphogenetic morphic resonance creating
conformation that tunes into a specific morphogenetic templates and there higher level intelligences are very adept
at this process.
You get to the creation of homosapians by the Annunaki. They take the pre-existing homonoid species and there's a
reason they do this. It's uniquely adapted to the planet. It's had a long time to recalibrate to the environment
and to form harmonic resonance with the morphogenetic template of earth it's self. That's important if you're
going to have a worker species on the planet.
Sperm Egg Picnic Getogether
The Annunaki with the intent of creating a worker race and you know this is again part of historical explanation
as well as channeled information. They take homoerectice which has twelve stranded DNA in this sence homoerectice
was a highly evolved species. You look at the remenents and it looks premitive.
When you look at what they were doing you see stone chipping ect but the reason homoerectice is no longer around
is because they've assended.