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Genetic Mannipulation with Geneticist William Brown from the University of Hawaii.

Birthing the new earth
Activating the Teleporter

280,000 years ago Annunaki ETs in the Deep Abzu (South Africa) established a vast machine for teleporting gold to their planet. These Annunaki ETs also devolved our DNA from a 12 strand DNA to 2 strand DNA. The Annunaki occupation and exploitation of Gaia and homosapiens continues to this day.

Queen Elizabeth Windsor is current Annunaki bloodline planetary ruler, maintaining perpeptual war, Gaia exploitation (God-Gold, Oil, Drugs), and devolving homosapiens DNA. Prince William, her grandson, is being groomed as planetary Annunaki bloodline king, heir to Adam's Calendar.

On 11.11.11 the government of Deep Abzu (South Africa) closed Adam's Calendar, the Annunaki gold teleportation machine, to the public. On 11.28.11. international researchers joined activist Michael Tellinger to enter Adam's Calendar, break the cycle of Annunaki occupation and reveal it to the world.

Entering Adam's Calendar. "Laura Eisenhower, Enosh, Michael Tellinger, Lloyd Pye. Kerry Cassidy". "Kerry Cassidy, Fernando Vossa, Sandee Mac".

Adam's Calendar
This is where it begins. The root of the vision. It started here.

Adam's Calendar was a central point to send all these energies to that were generating here because that's where they needed to transmutate the gold and get it off this planet. It's possible they were teleporting it to a big mothership or spaceship when they would then beam and take it out off to distant planets.

William Brown.

Who are you and why are you occupying Adam's Calendar? I'm William Brown and I'm occupying Adam's Calendar for the knowledge and information at this site can be shared with the world and won't be blocked off and understand that this is part of our human heratage worldwide and globally.

William Brown

And what specific message do you have for the people of the world about what Adam's Calendar is? It's part of advanced technology that existed in ancient times. This looks like stone standing upright when people see the stones then think it's premitive but this is an advanced technology.

This is using the technology of nature. Using sound "sound modulation" for a variety of purposes and when we come to understand the advanced technology that was present here, that was being used here, we can advance our own knowledge. It's part of our birthright. This is comming full circle.

We originated here and were coming full circle and going into our future from this location.

What do you understand about the civilization that constructed Adam's Calendar and our current DNA? They were a somewhat advanced civilization, not much more advanced then our current civilization. They had taken that step into advanced knowledge. They were a space traveling civilization but understanding the relationship of frequency to the DNA code because DNA has a light encoded strand. This is an Eletromagnetic Frequency.

So understanding the frequency that could use sound modulation to alter the function of the structure of the DNA and can rearrange it and it doesn't require any kind of physical manipulation and so this space traveling civilization were able to create human hybrid species at this site, at this location using this technology.

And what do you see your presence and our presence of occupy Adam's Calendar to this day. What is going to be the outcome of this. It's an historical event. It really is. Were part of the group who is bringing this information into the public domain and Michael Tellinger is the pioneer of bringing this to the attention of the world.

Were here to let them know this is part of the future of humanity so this is an historical event and were here to bring this knowledge to the world. Thank You. Thank You.

True empirical investigation, curiosity and amazement

It was actually true in an empirical investigation of the human genetic lineage and what's called technically Biologin so looking at human biologins, it was actually from an empirical investigation that I came to the conclusion that the human species was the product of genetic engineering.

It was actually while I was getting my master's degree. I went to New York University and it was my final year and I was taking a systems biology class but it was just as a project that I designed an experiment that could identify in genetic regents of the geneome that made humans different from chimpanzeez. So what were the genetic elements of a geneome that were different from humans and chimps?

But it was actually to my great surprise during this research that I realized well, I came to find there are no genetic differences. The genetic differences between chimps and humans are negligible. So for me at the time this was astounding because I was firmly rooted in the theory or the idology really that the origin of all species was thru darwinian evolution.

But there is no darwinian evolution to account for the presence of human beings of the human species cause the difference is in the non geneome encoded regents between human's and what is authentically their closest relative is negligible.

There is more difference as far as protein encoded genes, there's more difference between a human and another human then between that same people and a chimpanzee. Obviously it wasn't darwinian evolution that could explain the origin of humanity.

50,000 Year Old Neanderthal Woman
50,000 Year Old Neanderthal Woman from Siberia

Being an open investigator I began to look for an explanation of how human species originated. One very possible explanation is the human species comes from another planet. They/we have an extraterrestrial originesis.

This is visited by many people, especially native cultures. If you look at indigenous cultures there mythos all explain the origin of there culture or there people coming from the stars.

Time and time again. The Mayan's, The Zulu, The Hopi. Where i'm at in Hawaii, the mythology is they came from the pleiadian star system in stellar canoes. I think that this is very allegorical and metaphorical cause if you look at the emperical evidence, the human species has shared a high degree of genetic similarity with almost all of the
exsisting animal kingdom here on the planet.

When a Native Hawaiian says they came in stellar canooes from the pleiadies star system I think what there saying on a soul level is they came here as star beings on a soul level and incarnated into human form that was pre-existing. You have this high degree of genetic similarity amoung all the species on the planet. This in itself isn't to surprising because that what is life is probably very homogenious througout the universe.

througout the universe

All 3rd diminsional beings share the same kind of genetic constrution more or less but again emparically the high degree of simularity between humans and chimpanzees negligible on 1% difference between the gene coding regents and supports the idea that we are indeed part of a family of beings that existed on planet earth, the hominids but again you don't have any evidence for any evolution and evolutionary process that could account for the emergence of homosapians from this primate family. The Great Ape lineage.

Even within the fossel record there's no crustacean between say homoerectus and homosapians evolutionary process should be intermediary between the fossilized remains of homoeretus and the fossilized remains of early homosapians. There is none. The reason is there is no evolutionary link between them.

What the evidence shows is that a very possible explanation was intervention. Outside genetic engineering of a pre-existing hominid species into the human lineage human race. Scientifically that's a possible explanation but there's also historical evidence. Historical records from the sumerian cuneiform tablets that tell the original story of
Genesis. Even the story of Genesis in the Bible it's self talks about the Nephilim.

Force feeding you an Engineered Reality
Force feeding you an Engineered Reality

They take them as literal word for word in which case thats not vary possible but again it metaphorical or allegorical explanation of what happened because these stories were ready for people who didn't have any advanced kinda technical understanding to explain that it will take an advanced understanding of nature, of genetics, the solar system, etcetera, etcetera.

The evidence all points towards the genetic engineering by an extraterrestrial civilization of a pre-existing hominid species to produce the human lineage. But that being said the more i've investigated this, the more i've researched it, even the pre-existing hominid species I don't believe came into being thru natural processes.

Even what you would consider the evolutionary process it's self which to some extent does and there is evolution but not completely in a way that is described scientifically. It's not in any way a blind process. It's an intelligent process and there are intelligences driving and guiding the process of evolution it's self.

Even the initial originisis of hominid species on earth, even this was intervention. This was a creation by intelligent genetic engineering experiments to create a homonoid species and this is probably occurring on very high levels of existence. This is most likely extremly advanced higher deminsional beings that are guiding and directing this process which is in many reguards an experiment.

Dendara Mamisi and Khnum
Dendara Mamisi and Khnum

There's many levels to it. They kinda go outside with scientific explination into a more metaphysical understanding of what's going on because really at that point your not really talking about very metaphysical concepts because I mean I don't know if you want me to stay more focused on the scientific progression of the emergence of the human species or because I mean there's also evidence from astranomical observations such as the astroid belt which is clearly the reminents of a planet. A decenegrated planet.

This has historical explanation especially within the sumerian cuneiform tablets where the planet mars is. Even further we have direct evidence of a hominoid species on mars. A very human like species on mars and so there's obviously been this human like experiment going on in this solar system for a long time.

I think that it originally started on Marduk or what is now the reminents that are the astroid belt. That obvesiously didn't go so well as the planet is really destroyed. Higher intelligences probably setup another hominoid race on Mars where the souls from Marduk transfered to Mars again that didn't go so well.

Mars now to a large extent is not a very hospitable planet and so the third attempt human like species was created on Earth or the transfer of a third attempt. Metaphically this is so the human soul can have a human experience for a multitude of reasons.



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