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Mayan Gods

Mayan mythology is complex and has a truly rich context, placing corn as the creative nature of the Homo sapiens or humankind as we know it today. Mayan gods are characterized by the use of dual energies such as malevolence / benevolence; their associations changed according to the days in the Mayan calendar and the celestial bodies such as stars, planets and the cosmic positions of the Sun, Moon, and Venus as well as natural elements had their own representative god.

Mayan deities are associated with numbers, crops, days of the Mayan calendar and periods of time. Mayan Gods, deities and supernatural beings often display unique aspects of nature based often in correlation to the four Bacabs or Cardinal points and/or with the central earth position represented by the Ceiba tree.

The Ceiba tree still holds the center position of all sacred Mayan rituals and spiritual ceremonies. This sacred Ceiba Tree is placed as a symbol of sacred life force, an energy vortex or interconnection between the Thirteen Heavens (inhabited by Gods and mythological deities dwell), our earth plane (where man, flora and fauna reside), and the Nine Underworlds (where death and night with the corresponding deities dwell).

  • Gukumatz (God of the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water). The Plumed Quetzal-Feathered Serpent. Each element was associated with a divine animal or plant: Air - Vulture, Earth - Maize, Fire - Lizard, and Water - Fish. He/She is probably the most important god in the pantheon of the maya. The name Gucumatz is known to the Yucatec as Kukulcan and most famously Quetzalcoatl. He was worshipped as early as the first century BCE at the great city of Teotihauacan.

    Gucumatz is identified as one of the thirteen deities who shaped the world and created human beings. From Gucumatz humans learned the rules of law, agriculture, literacy, the arts, medicine, architecture, construction, hunting, fishing, and all other aspects of civilization. He is said ot have come from the sea, conveyed to the people his gifts and ruled wisely over them, and then returned to the sea, promising to come back one day.

    The god of all four elements, he was also the representation of the comingling of good and evil, light and darkness, and so became a central figure in many of the myths of the Maya and popularly depicted, in various forms, in virutally every city-state. As Kukulcan, he is the great plumed serpent who glides down the steps of El Castillo at Chichen Itza on the spring and autumn euqinoxes and is thought to bring positive energy to the earth and to those present at his descent.

Gods & Goddesses

  • Acantuns (Minor Earth Gods of Protection and Security).
  • Ac-Yanto (God of White Men). A later god who appeared after the Spanish invasion.
  • Acan (Bol, God of Wine and Intoxicating Beverages). Acan is a very boisterous God who loves to make a fool of himself while under the influence. His name means ‘groan’ and by all accounts he does a lot of groaning particularly during the morning after. He is associated with the Lacandon.
  • Acat (Acat-Cib, Ah-Kat, God of Tattoos and Tattooers). The Maya often decorated themselves with body art which was of deep mystical significance. He is also associated with the growth and development of fetuses.
  • Ah-Bolom-Tzacab (Long-nosed god of Aristocracy, Royalty God). Also know as God K. K is for Kings. He has a long nose with a leaf sticking out of his nostril. He help pick the right lineage for the upper crust of ruling classes.
  • Ah-Cancum (God of Hunting).
  • Ahau-Chamahez (Two Great Gods of Medicine and Healing). Along with Cit-Bolon-Tun known as the Lord of the Magic Tooth.
  • Ahau-Kin (Aspect of the Sun God). Jaguar Lord and Lord of the Underworld.
  • Ah-Chun-Caan (A Tutelary Diety). He provided protection at sunrise and sunset.
  • Ah-Chuy-Kat (Minor God of War). Fire Destroyer.
  • Ah-Ciliz (God of Eclipses). Ah-Ciliz is a servant of the sun who waits upon him at the table. It's unclear why he would take it upon himself to devour his master is unclear.
  • Ah-Cun-Can (War God). Known as the Serpent Charmer.
  • Ah-Cuxtal (God of Childbirth, 'come to life'). He likes to partake. Protects the unborn child and ensures the safe passage into the world. After a birth he would wash his hands and then move on to the next one.
  • Ah-Hulneb (Local God of War). He commanded an army?
  • Ahluic (God of Merchants and Material Wealth). Often depicted as a member of a triad with the dieties Chac and Hobnil.
  • Ahmakiq (God of Agriculture and Cultivated Crops).
  • Ahmucen-Cab (Creator God). He has faces of thirteen gods of the day and let them be captured by the nine gods of the night. During this captivity, he spread seeds and set boulders across the land which grew out of the darkness. This act
    of creation was later un-done and re-worked by the Becabs.
  • Ah-Kin (Aspect of the Sun 'Ah-Kinchil') and control drought and disease.
  • Ah-Kumix-Uicob (minor Water Gods). Attended to Cenotes and pools.
  • Ah Mun (Corn god of Agriculture) He was always represented as a youth, often with a corn ear headdress.
  • Ah-Muzen-Cab (Bee God) God of Bees and Honey. Holy bees were associated with the Bacabs. They are also associated with air elemtal spirits.
  • Ah-Patnar-Unicob (Elemental Gods of Water). Lords of the eight day rain ceremony during which they were celebrated.
  • Ah-Peku (Thunder God). He spends his time on hilltops and mountaintops. When a storm cloud passes overhead, he jumps the cloud and makes the most terrible thunderous noises.
  • Ah Puch (Kisen, Yom Cimil, Yum Kimil, God of Death, The Flatulent Stinking One). Ruled over the ninth and lowest of the Maya underworlds. Ruler of Mitnal (Xibalba). He was always malevolent and also cared for child birth and beginnings.. Pictured as a dancing human skeleton smoking a cigarette and death collar of human eyes dangling from nerve endings. A putrefying corpse with an owl’s head. He often has bells tied to his hair. He uses Muan, the evil bird of bad tidings, as his messenger. To this day the legend persists that when an owl screeches, someone nearby will die. If you hear a hoot, take a deep breath and count to ten. He may be shown with spots. Yucatec Maya he was one of many of the Lords of Xibalba. He keeps the souls of evil people in the underworld where they are subjected to torments and trickery. He is closely identified with the Christian Devil. God A for ARggggggh!!
  • Ah-Tabai (God of the Hunt). Protector of animals.
  • Ah-Tzul (Scorpion God Dog). God Z. ?
  • Akbul (God of Darkness and Night). Invisable.
  • Alaghom-Naom (Mother Goddess of Mind and Thought). She's responsible for conscious awareness, creative inspiration and logical thought.
  • Ah-Uaynih (Goddess of Sleep). She was especially helpful in putting men to sleep.
  • Ah-Uncir-Dz-acab (God of Natural Healing).
  • Ah-Uuc-Ticab (A Chthonic Deity).
  • Ah-Wink-Ir-Masa (A Nature Goddess). She protected wild animals and she is associated with deer.
  • Ah-Xoc-Xin (God of Poetry and Music). He was an aspect of the sun god Kinich Ahau.
  • Ahulane (War God). Associated with Archery and known as the Archer.
  • Ajbit (Thirteen Gods). One of the thirteen gods who assisted in the creation of human beings from Maize following two previous failed attempts.
  • AJtzak (Thirteen Gods). One ofthe thirteen gods involved in the attempts to create human beings.
  • Akhushtal (Goddess of Childbirth).
  • Alaghom-Naom-Tzentel (Ixtat-Ix, Goddess of Thought and Intellect).
  • Alom (Thirteen Gods). One ofthe thirteen gods who participated in the creation of human beings. After the successful third attempt, he became known as Hunahpu-Guch.
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  • Bacabs (Directions Gods). Four Gods of Wind and Directions who hold up the four corners of the world sky. These are the four gods of the cardinal points of the compass. They help point you in the right direction. They also help with color co-ordination. He was not satisfied as being one god so he split himself into four seperate entities. Can-Tzicnal is North and likes White. Hozanek is South and prefers Yellow. Hobnil is East and favors Red. Zac-Cimi is West and is keen on Black. They can also give weather forcasts.

    In Yucatec Maya then are known as Muluc of the east, Kan of the south, Ix of the North, and Cauac of the west. Muluc and Kan generated positive energies which Ix and Cauac brought negative forces. This confluence of negative and positive energy enabled the early gods to create human beings and the physical and non-physical worlds. They are associated with the deities Acat, Akna, Backlum Chamm, and Chin.
  • B-alams (Four Creation Gods). In the Quiche Maya tradition the Balams were the four gods who made possible the creation of man after two previous failed attempts. They were known as B-alam Agab (Night Jaguar) B'alam Quitze (Smiling Jaguar) Iqi B'alam (Dark Jaguar) and Mahucatah (Not Right Now). According to one myth, their fellow gods grew jealous of their abilities and so clouded their sight, rendering them mortal.
  • Backlum-Chaam (God of Male Sexuality and Masculine Horniness). Lord of male sexuality, invariably displayed with the appropriate attribute.
  • Balams (Jaguar Spirits of Security and Night Protection). They usually travel in packs of 5. When they find a village with Acantuns set up, they creep in and sit on them to keep guard. Although he’s the smallest, the fifth is the most powerful. Any evil spirit or nasty demon is immediately dealt with while the villagers sleep.
  • Belachina (Dead Goddess) Goddess of Death and Deadies.
  • Ben-Elaba (War God) Sun War God. He is a they Mr and Mrs Gods. Ben is the Sun, war and sacrifices, while Bella does Underworld and deadies.
  • Beydo (Nature God). Organic God of Nature and Seed Distribution. He's a diety of sacred natural forces. Bendo is also the fourth day of the mayan nine day week.
  • Bitol (Thirteen Gods). One of the thirteen gods who participated in the creation of human beings. After the successful third attempt, he became known as Ixmacane.
  • Bolontiku (Chthonic Beings). A Group of nine chthonic beings of the underworld and they were associated with regeneration.
  • Bolon-Tzakab (Bolon-Dzacab, Bolon-D'zacab, Thunder and Lightning God). Patron of the Harvest. God of Lightning and Fire by Royal Appointment. God K for King. He's one of the Palenque-Triad, designated with the Roman numeral ii. He carries a torch and sometimes smoking a cigar. He protects the royal household and their lineage. He requires a lot of sacrifices.
  • Bolon-Tiku (Underworld God). The Nine Lords of the Underworld. Each one takes charge of a day in the nine day mayan calendar.
  • Buluc-Chabtan (God of War). War God associated with Sacrifices and Vindictive Barbeques. God F. for Fire. He partner's with Ah-Puch. A god of Gratuitous Violence, he torches houses and roasts people on a spit.
  • Buluk-Kab (Flooding God). God of Floods. God R.
  • Cabaguil (Thirteen Gods). One of the thirteen gods who assisted in the creation of human beings. His name means "Heart of the Sky".
  • Cabrakan (Caprakan, God of Earthquakes and Mountains). He likes earthquakes too. He's a giant demon hell bent on destruction. The story goes Hunahpu and Xbalanque stopped his destructive ways by giving him poisoned fowls to eat. He
    was then buried alive. There goes the fowl play. Son of Vucub-Caquix. His brother is Zipacna.
  • Cacoch (Creator God). Presides over creativity and communication "especially relating to divine communications". Possibly associated with Acan, the God of Alcohol.
  • Cakulha (God of Lightning Bolts). Cakulha and his brother Coyopa do the lighting along with his Father Yaluk in creating storms sent by the rain god Chac.
  • Cama-Zotz (Camazotz, Sotz, Bat God). He is believed to be a leaf-nosed vampire bat. He has his own House of Bats in the Underworld. The bat god of Xibalba who feeds on blood. In the Popol Vuh he tears off the head of one of the Hero Twins, Hun Hunahpu, who is then revived by his brother. Camazotz was then defeated and cast out of creation.
  • Can-Tzicnal (Mulac, Sky God). God that holds up the Northern sky. One of the Bacabs. Representing the cold north wind. Another source says he holds up the East. Lookin into this.
  • Caneques (Rain Spirit). Small pesky forest spirts. They can cause rain and thunder and they also love throwing things all over the place.
  • Coatlicue (Goddess).
  • Cihuacoatl
  • Chac (Ah-Hoya, Ah-Tzenul, God of Rain & Agriculture, Weather and Fertility). He was always represented as a youth, often with a corn ear headdress. God B. for Bursting Clouds. He is repilian with fangs and a droopy snout. His hair is
    permanently a knotted tangle of confusion. Chac sends rain into the world by weeping from his large benevolent eyes filling cenotes, wells, streams and springs.

    A lord of the Sky, he was the sworn enemy of Camazotz of Xibalba and was
    thought of as a caring if unpredictable deity. Chac represents the colors of the four corners of the world, red (east), white (north), yellow (south) and black (west) and owns the Bacabs.
  • Chacs (Weather Spirits). There were four weather spirits, located at each of the corners of the world, who were under the command of the great god Chac and did his bidding.
  • Chac-Uayeb-Xoc (God of Fish and Fishing). Kind and benevolent. He fills the fishing net with fish seafood for the occasion.
  • Chac-Xib-Chac (Gi, Wind God). Venus with a hint of shark. One of the Plenque-Triad of Maya god with Roman numeral i.
  • Chamer (One of the Gods of Death). Regeneration of Xibalba.
  • Chen (Chin, Goddess of Maize & Magic). Councilor to the Kings. She was also closely associated wit homo-erotic relationships and homosexuality. According to the priest Las Cassas, she introducted homosexuality to the Maya nobles
    who encouraged their children to enter into homosexual marriages. She is associated with the moon and sometimes is depicted as a male deity.
  • Chibilkin (Biting of the Moon). Causing an eclipse warning of bad things about to happen.
  • Chiccan (Rain Gods). Four Directional Serpent Gods of Rain. God H for Hissing. There are four rain serpents who create rain clouds from the bottom of their lakes. They are associated with the four cardinal directions just like the Bacabs with the matching color code. Favoriate number is 9.
  • Chirakan-Ixmucane (Creator Goddess). She formed out of four earlier creators and listed among the thirteen divinities who first engaged in the creation of human beings.
  • Cit-Bolon-Tum (Healer God). Unconventional God of Alternative Medicine. He appears in the form of a wild boar. Cit-Bolon-Tum is known for his nine precious stones treatment. He associates with Ahau-Chamahez.
  • Colel Cab (Earth Goddess). She cares especially for the bees. She is still invoked by modern-day Maya Daykeepers in chants to ward off attacks on nests, remedy nest problems and aid hive keepers with their bees.
  • Coliccha-Cozee (War God). Zapotec War God of Zapping. He's quite fierce.
  • Colop-U-Uichikin (God of the Sky and Particulary Eclipses).
  • Copijcha (Rain God). He comes complete with a jaguar head and forked tongue.
  • Coqueelaa (Cochineal God of Food Coloring). a God of the Cochinael harvest. Red coloring dye.
  • Coquenexo (Lord of Multiplication)?
  • Coqui-Bezelao (God of Death). Major god in Zapotec tribe but faded as the Mayan civilization came to power.
  • Coqui-Huani (Humor God). God of Light Entertainment?
  • Coqui-Xee (Infinity God). A God of Infinity and Abstraction.
  • Cotzbalam (A Servant of Alom). He followed after Camalotz after the failed second attempt at creation and devoured the bodies of the people who were beheaded. His name means Crunching Jaguar.
  • Coyopa (lesser God of Sound and Thunder). He works with his brother Cakulha under the guidance of the supreme god lightning, Yaluk, to create the storms sent by the rain god Chac.
  • Cozaana (Creator God). Aided by mother goddess Huichaana, he was involved in all aspects of human life. He created all the bird and beasts, while she made mankind.
  • Cuchumaquic (A Lord of Xibalba). Blood Gatherer. He is the father of Xquic, the mother of the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque.
  • Cum Hau (God of Death and Regeneration). He lived in Xibalba.
  • Dubdo (Corn God). Zapotec God of Corn. aka Dubstep.
  • E' (Agricultural God). His name is not yet known.
  • Ek Chuah (God of War, Human Ssacrifice, and Violent Death).
  • Ek-Chuah (Ekchuah, Cocoa God). Choccie God of Merchants and Selling. God M. for Merchants. He started as a god of conflict. He has black rimmed eyes and a large droopy lip. He carries a bag over his shoulder. He is depicted as a dark
    brown or black diety as he's the patron of the Cacoa Bean. Chocolate was once used as currency.
  • Ek-Zip (Ah-Uuk-Yol-Zip, God of Deer Hunting). God Y.
  • El Gran Dios (The Great God). The God of the Christians and dwelled in the seventh level above the earth. In some stories he is associated with Hunab Ku. This figure is a late, post-conquest, addition to the Maya pantheon.
  • Etznab (Lahun-Pel, God of Sacrifical Kitchenware). God Q for Quite Sharp. The god of the obsidian bladed sacrificial knifes.
  • Four Hundred Boys (Patron Deities of Alcohol and later, the Pleiades). In the Popol Vuh, the Four Hundred Boys were youths who whished to build a hut on the beach but could not lift the massive tree they had cut down to use as the main
    support column. They asked the giant Zipacna, who was reclining nearby, for help. Zipacna agreed to use his great strength to move the tree but mocked the boys for their weakness and their inability to do this for themselves.

    The boys agreed together that Zipacna should be killed but he overherd their plan, tricked them into thinking he was dead, and killed them. They ascended into the heavens and may be seen today as the star cluster knows as the Pleiades. Zipacna was later killed by the Hero Twins.
  • Frog-God (Agriculture God). God of Frogs. God P. for Pond life. He has froggish fingers and is fond of growing things in damp places against a blue background?
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  • Gukumatz (God of the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water). The Plumed Quetzal-Feathered Serpent. Each element was associated with a divine animal or plant: Air - Vulture, Earth - Maize, Fire - Lizard, and Water - Fish.
  • Hapikern (An Adversarial Deity). He is the world girdling serpent who is perpetually at war with his brother, Onhochacyum, the great god of creation and protection, and is fated to be destroyed by that god in a final battle. His other brothers are Usukun, Uyitzin, and Yontho, all three of whom are haters of humanity, and also the brother of Xamaniquinqu, the god of merchants and travelers.
  • Hachakyum (the God of Bona Fide Humans and Genuine Persons). In charge of Real People. It seems that the Lacandon Maya were ilitist and they considered anyone outside sub-human. God of Racism. As astral god who created the stars by
    scattering sand into the sky.
  • Hero-Twins (Twin Gods of Adventure and Ball Game Triumph). XBalanque and Hynahpu are the hero twins. They grew up keeping their eyes on the ball seeking vengeance for the loss of their father Hun-hunahpu. They were born of the virgin
    goddess Xquic after her husbands loss of his life, spit into her hand from a calabash tree in the underworld of Xibalba.

    Raised by their mother and grandmother the twins became great ball players, excelling at "the game of the gods, Poc-a-Toc". Once attaining manhood, they avenged themselves on the Lords of Xibalba, who had murdered their father and uncle, by accepting their invitation to the underworld where a series of traps and tests awaited them. They escaped the traps and snares set for them and defeated the forces of chaos and darkness. They then attempted to bring Huh Hunahpu back to life and, trough they succeeded in putting his body back togheter and reanimating him, he could not return to the earth above.

    The twins promised him, however, that humans would pray to him to hope and comfort and he would be remembered and honored. The promise was kept as Huh Hunahpu became the Maize god, a dying-and-reviving god figure, who appears on earth as corn. Ascending from Xibalba, they meant to stop in the middle world of the earth but continued climbing up the World Tree and into paradise where even then they desired to climb higher and so became the sun and the moon. In another verison the gods reward them for their victory by turning them into the sun and the moon.

    The Hero Twins have been tought to represent the legitmacy of the Maay ruling class, tough this theory has been disputed. There is no doubt that their story was very propular amount the Maya as the twins are picted in art work throughtout the region, often playing their famous game. Based upon these paintings, if seems clear there were many tales concerning the hero twins which have been lost and Pool Vuh is only surviving text of their story.
  • Hobnil (Kan, Directions God, Agriculture and Prosperity). Pillar God of the Eastern Sky. One of the Bacabs. He stands in the far east and supports the eastern corner of the sky. Represents red, the hue of the rising sun. Keen on bees. A member of a triad with the deities Aluic and Chac.
  • Hozanek (Cauac, Sky God). God of the Southern Sky. One of the Bacabs. He supports the southern corner of the sky with a hue of golden corn in the sunlight. He is a son of the great couple Itzamna and Ixchel.
  • Huichaana (Creator Goddess). Mother goddess who created mankind. Her partner Cozaana created everything else.
  • Hun Batz (Monkey God). Patron of Scribes. One of the two stepbrothers of the Hero Twins (the other being Hun-Chowen) also known as "One Howler Monkey" and depicted as a howler monkey. Along with his brother, he is the patron god of
    Artists and Writers.
  • Hun-Came (Lord of the Underworld). Along with Gucup Cakix, Killed Hun Hunhapu, the father of the Hero Twins. He is later killed by them.
  • Hun Chowen (Stepbrother of the Hero Twins). The other being Hun-Batz. He is depicted as a howler monkey. Along with his brother, he is the patron god of artists and writers.
  • Hun Chuen (Monkey God). Patron of Scribes.
  • Hun-Nal (Creator God, God of Fruition and Nutrition). The amazing Maize creator god. He made mortals from the very plant that now nurtures them.
  • Hun-Pic-Tok (War God). War god of Eight Thousand Stone Knives.
  • Hunahpu (Sun God). Mighty football player. He's one of the hero twins. After having amazing adventures in the underworld, hunahpu was elevated to Sun God and Xbalanque became the moon. Xbalanque is his older brother. His father
    is Hun-Hunahpu.
  • Hunahpu-Gutch (God Alom). The name which the god Alom took after the successful third attempt at creating human beings.
  • Hunaphpu-Utiu (Oiriginal Thirteen). One of the original thirteen who assited in the creation of human beings.
  • Hunab Ku (Creator God). Supreme creator God. Another mighty creation diety who didn't like humans and had them washed away with floods. So far there have been three. We advise all human not to get too complacent. We are at present only
    on probation. While Gucumatz was the most popular god, Hunuab Ku is considered the supereme deity of the pantheon of the Maya, known as 'Sole God'.

    While some scholars have assertede his antiquity, he seems most likely a concept which arose following the Christianization of the maya during the Spanish Conquest and closely resembles the Christian god. He is invisible and without form but can be apprehended through his aspect in the god Itzamna, referred to as his son. Hunaub Kus is the hustand of Ixazalvoh, the divine mother, associated with water, life, and weaving. Some inscriptions refer to him as "the Eyes and Ears of the Sun" in substandtianting the claim that, like the Christian god, he is
    ubiquitous and knows all. Father of itzamna.
  • Hun-Batz (Hero God, One Monkey). A monkey, not a bat. One of the Monkey-Twins. His name means "one artisan". Parents are Hun-Hunahpu and Xbaquiyalo.
  • Hun-Came (God of the Underworld). God of Xibalba, the Mayan underworld along with Vucub-caquix.
  • Hun-Choen (Craft God). Artsy Monkey. One of the monkey twins. Parents are Hun-hunahpu and Xbaquiyalo.
  • Hun-Hunahpu (One-Hunahpu, Fertility God). God of Fertility and Football. God S. for Sport. Also known as the Maize God, he died and came back of maize corn and so is identified as a dying and reviving god figure. The father of the great Hero twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque. Hun-Hunaphpu and his twin brother Vucub Hunahpu were demi-gods who after the creation of the world became proficient in the "ball game ofthe gods", the Poc-a-Toc. The lords of Xibalba beneath the earth, became enraged by the noise of the twins and so devised a plan to get rid of them.

    They invited the young men to the underworld to play a game of Poc A Toc. Before the game could being however the twins were tricked by the Xibalbans and killed. Hun-Hunahpu's head was placed in the axis of a calabash tree which grew heavy with strange fruit. The young virgin Xquiq came upon the tree and, reaching for the fruit, was asked by the dead head to open her plam. Hun Hunaphpu's head spat into the maden's hand and she became pregant with Hunahpu and Xbalnuque. The head then sent the girl to live with his mother, Xumucane.
  • Hun-Nal-Ye (God of Salt Water and the Sea). Patron god of the Skarks.
  • Huracan (Storm God). God of gale force winds. He's known as the one legged god. In the Popol Vuh he is the supreme creator of earth who thinks existence into being, participates in the creation of human beings, and sends the great
    flood to destroy his inerior creations. He is further referred to as Lord of the Whirlwind and credited as one of the gods (sometimes the sold god) to give fire to humans. Friends with Hunab-Ku.
  • I' (Early Goddess). Goddes of water presiding over the sea, springs, and wells whose name is unknown but is thought possibly to be Ixik'.
  • Itzam-Cab (Earth God). Fiery God of earth with underground tendencies. He is the earthy aspect of Itzamna and likes to get his hands dirty lurking in the dirt. He is also a fire god. His limbs are made of firewood and his tongue is a naked flame.
  • Itzamn (or Zamn) Lord of the Heavens as well as Night and Day, could be called upon in hard times or calamities. Itzamn was always benevolent.
  • Itzamna (Creator God). Top Sun god of Agriculture and Education. He was heavily involved in the development of the Mayan culture. He brought arriculture and farming, and he invented books and writing. He's a reptilian figure and has
    an earth mode under the name Itzam-Cab. God D for Doctors. Old and ragged with a bulbous red nose, he has a red-hot healing hand. Itzamna had a relationship with Ixchel which resulted in the birth of the Bacabs. In the daytime he is the Sun God Kinich-Ahau. In his feathery serpent mode, Kukulcan. Protector of priests and scribes.

    He created and ordered the calendar and instructed humans in the proper cultivation of maize and cacao. He is a creator and healer who can resurrent the dead. In later, post-Columbian writings, he is referred to as the son of Hunab-Ku and takes on many of the characteristics associated wit the Christ figure. He is associated with the prophet Zamna, who brought the sacred writings to the city of Izamal on the command of the great goddess and also with Kinich Ahau, the sun god.
  • Itzam-Ye (Itzam-Yeh, the Serpent Bird). The Celestial Bird, and the Way of Itzamna, Itzam-Ye was a deity in bird form which nested in the axis of the great Ceiba tree, the World Tree, which connected the underworld with the middle world (earth) and upper world. from it's perch, Itzam-Ye could see all of creation and know all the screts of all three planes of existence. Images of the bird god in the sacred tree have been found throughout many Maya sites and, usually, engraved on temples and shrines where the Daykeepers would chant and cast the spells which protected the world from chaos and maintained order. Itzam-Ye was considered a master of the spiriual world and well versed in what, today, would be considered sorcery and magical arts.
  • Ik (Wind & Hurricane God).
  • Ixazaluoh (Dvine Mother). The Divine Mother and consort of Hunab-Ku, Ixazalvoh is the goddess of water, life and weaving. She also presides over female sexuality and childbirth and is known for her powers in healing. Her oracles were considered important conduits for divine messages for the people.
  • IxChel (Chac-Chel, Lady Rainbow, Moon Goddess of Midwifery, Fertility and Medicine). Moon Goddess of Pregnant Women. She specializes in pregnancy and childbirth and also Rainbows. Patron of weavers and personified as waterfalls, she
    takes charge of downpours. Known popularly today as "the rainbow goddess" because her name could be translated as "lady rainbow", Ixchel is associated with many different aspects of life and cosmology.

    Although images of her in modern times almost universally depict her as an attractive young woman with long, dark hair seated on, or near, a rainbow, actient Maya images consistently portray her as an old, plump woman with sharp features and jaguar ears, often wearing a headpiece with a live serpent springing forth and carrying a water jug. Ixchel has been associated with Dresden Codex and is called "Goddess O". She's a rain deity, perhaps a consort of Chac. She is however also associated with war as she is sometimes depicted in ancient images with claws and surrounded by or adorned with bones.

    Diego de Landa reported that she was the "Goddess of Making Children" and also of Medicine. Evidence suggests that Daykeepers and Physicians consulted with Ixchel in their arts but, at the same time, she is associated through other evidence with the moon and mutability and, further with weaving and the arts. According to a Verapaz myth, she was the consort of Itzamna and bore him thirteen sons.

    Whatever her main provenance was, it is certain that she was greatly venerated by women and, especially those who were pregnant or wished to become so. Her shrine on the island of Cozumel was extremely popular and became one of the most importand pilgrimage sites for the ancient maya. The island which Cortez named the Isla Mujeres (Island of Women) was so designated because of the number of goddess statues found there, Ixchel amoung them. Shrines to Ixchel may still be seen throughout the Yucatan today, especially on Cozumel, where her image has become conflated with that of the Virgin Mary and the two now share the veneration and prayers of the woman who continue to make the pilgrimage to the island.
  • Ixcuiname (Goddess of the four ages of Womankind). The goddess of the four ages of womakind (though whether this means four times periods in which women have existed or the found stages in a woman's life of child, maiden, mother, crone is unclear). Her name is interpreted as "Four Sisters" or "Four Faces". She has been associated with the four creator gods Alom, Bitol, Qaholom, and Tzacol and, through this relationship, became known as Chirakan-Ixmucane, one of the thirteen deities who created human beings.
  • Ixmacane (Thirteen Gods). One of the Thirteen gods who participated in the creation of human beings, his name is the final form of the deity originally called Bitol (although the same name has been applied to other gods in their "final
    form" following creation).
  • Ixmucane (Thirteen Gods). One ofthe thirteen gods who participated in the creation of human beings according to one version of the myth. Also a version of the name Xumucane, the grandmother of the famous hero twins, who with her
    husband Xpiayoc created humans from Maize and are considered the oldest and wisest deities in in the Maya Pantheon. Her hair is made from real snakes. She seen as the mother of the Bacabs. Girlfriend of Itzamna. Old Goddess with
    fearsome genextrix. Also knows as Spider Woman.
  • Ix-Chup (Moon Goddess). Young Moon Goddess. She often poses with a cuddly rabbit of the moon?
  • Ix-Tub-Tun (Serpent Deity). Spits precious stones and is associated with rain.
  • Ixpiyacoc (Thirteen Gods, Creator God). One of the foremen on the human race. The name of the creator god Tzacol who, after the successful third attempt at creating human beings split into two seprate entities and became both Tzacol and
    Ixpiyacoc. Also a variant spelling of Xpiayoc, the husband of Xumucane, who helped in creating humans from Maize.
  • Ixtab (Moon Goddess of Suicide, Rope Woman). Ixtab was the goddess of suicides and particularly those who died by hanging. She is depicted as the rotting corpse of a woman hanging from a noose in the heavens which appears in the Dreseden Codex. As suicide was considered an honorable alternative to living among the Maya, self-inflicted death guaranteed one an instant passage to paradise, by-passing the dark and dangerous underworld of Xibalba. Ixtab would escort the souls of suicides to paradise where they would enjoy eternal pleasure surrounded by other blessed souls such as thouse who died in battle, in childbirth, as sacrificial victims, or on the ball court playing Poc-a-Toc. Goddess of the noose and the gallows, and the protector of suicides.
  • Jaguar Gods (Lords of the Underworld). Associated with Caves, Night & Hunting. The Olmec worshiped human jaguar combinations "like a mixure".
  • Jester-Gods (Lords of Silly Headgear). Certain important personages, of kingly status as least, are ofter protrayed wearing curious omamented headgear similar to medieval jesters.
  • K' (K'awiil). The name by which the god K'awi was formerly known. K'awai is the patron god of royalty, kingship, and the nobility.
  • Kawil (God of Rulers). Patron of Dynastic Desent, Fire & Lightning (also called Bolon Dzacab).
  • Kam (Emergency Death God). He looks like a backup when Ah-Puch is on vacation. God A. His existence is hinted at by codex glyphs. He appears to favor death by violent means. Stabblin, decapitation and that type of thing.
  • Kan (One of the principal Becabs). Kan is known as the upholder of the South.
  • Kan-U-Uayeyab (Patron God of Cities and Guardian of Urban Communities).
  • Kan-Xib-Yui (Creator God). Sometimes mentioned as one of the original thirteen who created human beings.
  • Ked (Justice God). A Zapotec God of Death and Justice.
  • Kedo (Zapotec Weekday). He has a connection to the Dubdo.
  • Kianto (Kiant). He is the God of unwelcome influences which were designated primarily as disease and foreigners.
  • Kichigonai (Creator God). In the Quiche Maya tradition, Kichigonai is the creator of day and the god of light.
  • Kin (Kinich Ahau, Sun God). He's a younger version of Itzamna.
  • Kinich-Ahau (Ahau-Kin, Kinich Ajaw, Sun God). The Sunface Fire Macaw. Itzamna in the daytime. God G for Golden Bird. He's also on the Plenque-Triad roman numerals iii. He's patron god of the number four. He commands disease and has control over drought. He is the consort of the goddess Ixazalvoh whereas post-conquest stories place the divine mother with Hunab Ku.
  • Kinich Kakmo (Patron God). The patron god of the city of Izamal, a solar deity who was represented by a Macaw.
  • Kisin (Cisin, God of Death). God of Earthquakes and associated with the ongoing enmity between Nohochacyum and Hapikern and the Yantho Triad.
  • Kukulcan (Gucumatz, Creator God). The original supreme feathered serpent god. An aspect of Itzamna. - was identified to Atlantis [Tehuti] -- Egypt [Thoth] -- Sumer [Ea or Enki] -- then later to Mesoamerica and Peru as Quetzalcoatl. The story is the Aztecs made an unauthorized clone of this supreme deity. See Gucumatz.
  • L' (God of the Evening, Darkness and Night). His name is not yet known.
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  • Maize God (Dying and Reviving God Figure). Hun Hunahpu, the Hero Twins father was killed by the Lords of Xibalba, brought back to life by his sons, the Hero Twins, and emerges from the underworld as corn. The "Tonsured" Maize god of
    "Foliated" Maize god are common images found throughout the region. He is always pictured as eternally young and handsome with an elongated head like a corncob, with long flowing hair like corn silk and ornamented with jade to sybolize the corn stalk.
  • Mam (Mam Maximon). A title of respect meaning 'Grandfather' and applied to a number of different Maya deities including earth spirits, mountain spirits, and the four Bacabs. The god known as Mam Maximon is a post-conquest god of
    travelers, merchants, witchcraft, and bad luck that was conflated with the Christian figure of Judas and in modern times is part of the celebrations surrounding Holy Week.
  • Manik (God of Sacrifice, or Sacrificial Victims, and of Purifying Suffering).
  • MBaz (Earth God-Goddess). As Goddess of the earth, she gives has name to the kast day in the Natan nine-day week.
  • MDI (Water, Rain and Lightning God). God of the Water. His name is the first day of the Mayan nine-day week.
  • Mitnal (Mitlan, Legendary place). Is Level 9 of the Mayan Underworld. The darkest, deepest, most dreadful department of hell. Mitnal was a dark land flowing with rivers of blood and pus and populated by deities with names such as Bloody
    Teeth, Bloody Claws, and Flying Scab, among others. It's ruled over by Ah-Puch, the God of Death. The Underworld became associated with Mictlan, the Aztec version ruled by Mictlantecuhtli.
  • Mixcoat
  • Monkey-Twins (Craft Gods). Football crazy monkey brothers. Hun-Batz and Hun-Choen. Parents are Hun-Hunahpu and his wife Xbaquiyalo.
  • MSE (Evil Goddess). Zapotec Evil Spirit Goddess. She gives her name to the eighth day of the Mayan nine-day week.
  • Muan (Moan, Demon). Ah-puch's messenger demon and bringer of evil omens. This is the name of a screech owl. Bringer of unwelcome tidings from the underworld.
  • Nacon (the God of War).
  • Naum (The God who Created the Human Mind and Consciousness).
  • Nahual (The Soul as a Soul companion). Usually an animal.
  • NDan (Sea God Goddess). the He or She Sea Deity. Is he is or is she isn't? God of the Oceans who is a he or a she of the Seas. They (he,she), is the seventh day of the Mayan nine-day week.
  • NdoYet (Death God). Zapotech God of Death and Sacred Objects. He gives is name to the fourth day of the Mayan nine day week.
  • NdoZin (Death God). Zapotec God of Death and Justice. He gives his name to the second day of the Mayan nine day week. He's Lord of the Night and messenger boy for NDan.
  • Nohochacyum (Creator-Destroyer Deity). Brother of the death god Kisin. He is the sworn enemy of the world serpent Hapikern and it is said that in the end of day he will destroy Hapikern by wrapping him around himself to smother him. In some versions of this story, life on earth is destroyed in the process. He is related, in some stories to Usukan, Uyitzin, Yantho and Hapikern, and of whom wish human beings Ill. Also the brother of Xamaniqinqu, the patron god of travelers and merchants.
  • Nohock-Ek (God of Military Prognostications). He is the planet Venus. He was divining then as a divinity. Working out the best time to wage war.
  • Och-Kan (COchan and Ahacan). He is the great Vision Serpent of the Maya. A Daykeeper (shaman) would have to experience the Vision Serpent first hand in order to understand the realm in which he was dealing and finalize his initiation into the mysteries. Och-kan's presence was announced by a herald god maned Uc-Zip in the underworld of Xibalba.
  • Olmec-Gods (Ten dieties that time forgot). There are Gods from the civilization that pre-dated the Maya. God i. A dragonish character with flaming eyebrows, and a good old mix and match of crocodile, jaguar, forked tongue and talons. Seems important and probably did Sun, Earth and Fertility. God ii. A very young Maize God, as he seems to be an infant with maize growing from a cleft in its head. God iii. A Bird Monster type. Although not like any bird you have ever seen. He is believed to be connected to chinless dwarfs. How, where, why or who actually believes this is past all human understanding. God iv. Jaguar Monster type. Could be a God of Weather Forecasting. God v. ?, God vi. Grind, mody unplrsdsnyly. Hof bii. Another dragonish wotsit. God viii. Has a fish face. God ix. ?, God x. Disembodied head, who fits the description of a jaguar.
  • Oxlahuntiku (Thirteen Gods of the Upper World, Ruler God). One God with a thirteen in one diety?
  • Paddler-Gods (Old Jaguar Paddler, Old Stingray Paddler). Two Canoe Gods in charge of Distribution and Logistics. When there are souls to be ferried and corn distribution to be taken care of, you need to run a tight canoe. Old Jaguar
    Paddler sits in the bow and streams through the night shift, and Old Stingray Paddler dabbles away from the stern to the daytime. The eternal dance of opposites. There are also seen as representations of the Milky Way.
  • Palenque-Triad (A trinity of ancient Palanque Gods). Chac-Xib-Chac - God i. Bolon-Tzakab - God ii. Kinich-Ahau - God iii.
  • Pauahtun (Multi talented God). The 4 gods who hold up the sky. God N. He or they come in four parts better known as the Bacabs. The fifth is Uayeb.
  • Pawahtuun (Calendar Deity). Associated with the four Bacabs and the end of the year. He positions himself at the four corners of the sky and thus holds up the world.
  • Pichana-Gobeche (Healer God). God of Healing. Visits by appointment only. You must first get past his female receptionist Pichanto which will involve both flattery and bribery.
  • Pichanto (Godly Girl Friday). Related to pichana-Gobeche in some way.
  • Popol-Vuh (the Sacred Book of the Maya). The Book of the People contains the original myths, creation story and beliefs of the Maya. Written rather late in the day between 1554 to 1558 from oral accounts of the Quiche people and
    fully illustrated, it was missing until the early 1700s. Luckily a spanish monk named Francisco Ximenez managed to borrow it first and make a copy (in Latin). This is practically our only source of information for Maya Cosmology.
  • Poxlom (God of Disease).
  • Qaholom (Thirteen Creation Gods). One of the gods who participated in the creation of human being along with Alom, Bitoh, and Tzacol.
  • Quetzalctzalcoatl (Gucumatz, Kukulkna, "feathered snake of the the morning star", ) Quetzal-bird snake or serpent with feathers of the Quetzal is the Aztec name for the Feathered-Serpent deity of ancient Mesoamerica. One of the main
    gods of many Mexican and northern Central American civilizations. The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included human sacrifices, although in other traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice.

    As the morning star he was known under the title Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, which means literaly "the lord of the star of the dawn", Venus. Giver of maize corn to mankind and sometimes as a symbol of death and resurrection. Patron of the priests and Aztec high Priest. He allegedly went to Mictlan, the underworld.
  • Quiabelagayo (Pleasure God). God of Pleasure and Pain. His rites include fasting follow by pulque abuse, tongue-piercing with music and all sorts of S&M sensations.
  • Tecumbalam (Great Bird). The great bird sent to break the bones and rend the muscles of the human beings who displeased the gods and were destroyed in the great flood sent by Hurakan.
  • Tepeu (Creator God). He's one of the seven Gods who originally created mankind. He is only remembered for his laughable attempts at creating humans. he perticipated sometimes with Gucumatz and Huracan.
  • Tezcatlipoca?
  • Tlacolotl (God of Evil). The god of evil, of those who practice evil, and of the dark places where evil plans are made. The Maya also attributed earthquakes to him.
  • Tohil (Fire God). He does like his sacrifieces. If blood was tomato sauce he would be the Ketchup king. The patron deity of the Quiche may city of Q'umarka.
  • Tzacol (Thirteen Gods). One of the thirteen gods who participated in the creation of human beings. After the successful third attempt, he split into two separate deities, Tzacol and Ixpiyacoc.
  • Tzultacaj (Tzuultaq'ah). He was the god of mountains and valleys.
  • Uayeb (Desire God). Sexy Snail God of Misfortune. God N for Not Lucky. One of the Pauahtun. He is the god of Five Unlucky Days. When the unlucks days are if is clear at this time. Once a year perhaps. He is first god to wear a shell suit as his principle adobe. We know snail shells are also capable of containing much holiness. He's also protrayed as a drunken sex-maniac.
  • Uc-Zip (Herald God). A herald god to the Lords of Xibalba who announced the coming of the great Vision Serpent Och-Kan.
  • Usukan (Fearsome God). A fearsome god who hates human beings and has the earthquake as his servant in his attempt to destroy human life. His brother is Hapikern, the world-girdling serpent, who is also hostile to humanity. He is almost
    always listed along with Uyitzin and Yantho in what is known as the `Yantho Triad’ of supernatural `villains’. Xamaniqinqu, the god of travelers and merchants, is another brother.
  • Uyitzin (Fraternal Triad). One of the fraternal triad with Usukan and Yantho, three brothers who hate humanity and are the enemies of the god Nohochacyum, who is also sometimes depicted as their brother as is Xamaniqinqu.
  • Vision Serpent (Mystical Snake God). A mystical snake-god who was of great importance to the Maya as he knew the secrets of the universe and could impart these secrets to a Daykeeper (shaman). See Och-Kan.
  • Votan (Old Black God, War God). God of Warface and Death. The old black god of war. He's so old that nobody really remembers who he is. He was very very old with no teeth every when he was first worshipped, witch was a long, long,
    long, time ago and may have been before time. God L for Live Percussion. The God of Drums. He invented the art of solar drumming. May have invented the 404 kick.
  • Vucub-Caquix (Vucub, Gucup Cakix, Demonic Deadly Death God of the Maya Underworld, Seven Macaw). He is lord of Xibalba, the Mayan Underworld, along with Hun-Came. He's a gigantic bird god with emerald teeth who appared as the Sun God but lost at darts to the Hero-Twins who cheated and used blowpipes. He pretended to be both the sun and the moon and thus threw life out of balanace until he was defeated by Hunahpu and Xbalanque, the Hero Twins. He was the father of Cabrakan and Zipacna who were also overthrown by the famous twins.
  • Vucub-Hunahpu (Sports God). Uncle of the Hero Twins. He's a sporty bacherlor God who lost the balls game once too often and was struck out by the Xibalba team.
  • Vukubcane (Lord of the Underworld). A Lord of the underworld Metnal (Xibalba) in the Quiche Maya work The Popol Vuh.
  • Ways (Maya Belief). In the Maya belief, every day has its own energy and this energy will either aid or hinder one in one’s path on a given day. The Ways (Wayobs) are any one of a class of protector spirits whose energy aids and directs
    one through the course of a day and, so, in life. Every person has a Way who tends to that individual spiritually.

    A Way may manifest itself physically as an animal to help guide someone and, in this aspect, they would be recognized as Totems or Totemic Guides. The Ways may also communicate through dreams in which a dreamer is brought to the Wayib (the Dreaming Place) where the individual soul may commune directly with their Way. Even the gods of the Maya have a Way attached to them which guides and directs the energy of the deity if that god is open to such guidance.
  • Witzob (Maya Belief). The Maya believed the gods lived on mountains and Witzob means `mountain’ and signifies the holy mountain of the gods in Tamoanchan. The mountain was not considered simply as a mass of inert rock, however, but
    as a living thing imbued with the same spiritual energy that coursed through a human being and through all living things. Mountains, owing to their height, became manifestations of spiritual power and influence. The famous temples of
    the Maya, all throughout the region from Chichen Itza down to Altun Ha, are artificial mountains built specifically to make the patron god of that particular city, and his or her friends and attendants, feel at home.
  • World Tree (Yaxche, the Tree of Life). The great Ceiba Tree of Life (also known as Yaxche) which has its roots in the underworld, grows up through the middle world (earth) and has its branches in paradise. The World tree grows up through the nine levels of Xibalba, passes through the earth, and continues on up through the thirteen levels to Tamoanchan (paradise). The base of the world tree grows from the cracked shell of the Cosmic Turtle and the limbs can be seen as
    the Milky Way in a north-south orientation. In the axis of the World Tree sits the bird-god Itzam-Ye who knows all the secrets of the three planes of existence.
  • Xaman Ek (Xamaniquinqu, God of Travelers, God of North, Holiness and Godliness). the Directions god. Black Monkey head. He is all peace and benevolence. His symbol is the North Star, used for guidance and direction. God C. C is for the Copal Trees. His only offering was the resin of the Copal tree. Brother to Nohochacyum, Yantho, Usukun, and Uyitzin.
  • XBaquiyalo (Mayan Goddess). Monkey Mother. The wife of Hun-Hunahpu and mother of the monkey-twins.
  • XBalanque (Balanque, Hero God). Moon God and celebrity ball game hero. One of the Hero-Twins. Along with his brother Hunahpu he played in the Underworld Cup Final and trashed the opposition. Every day when the sun goes down, he tosses
    the stars across the dark empty heavens. God CH.
  • Xecotcovach (Bird Servant). A bird servant of the god Alom. His name means `Face Gouger’ and he participated in the destruction of the inferior human beings of the second creation attempt by tearing out their eyes.
  • Xibalba (Metnal, The frightful Maya Underworld). The Place of Fright. It was ruled over by Hun-Came and Vucub-Caquix before they were displatched by the Hero-Twins. An extremely grim place full of tricks and traps, evil spirts and a large number of nasty Death Gods. This is the place which a soul had to travel after death. The Yucatec Maya term for the underworld which corresponds to the Quiche Maya word `Metnal’. The name means `Place of Fright’ and was thought to
    be populated by the Xibalbans who were dark, secretive, dangerous and hostile to human beings.

    At death, the soul of the individual had to pass through Xibalba before reaching paradise and, if that soul were particularly unfit, would remain in Xibalba at the mercy of various deities like Cizen for an eternity. At the same time, however, it should be noted that a number of the Lords of Xibalba are associated with regeneration and re-birth and in no way should Xibalba be equated with the Christian concept of hell.
  • Xochiquetzal ?
  • Xolotl was the evening star (Venus).
  • Xmucane (Creator Goddess). Great Grandmother Goddess of Creation. She is the Maya equivalent of the Toltec Oxomoco. The parents of Hun Hunahpu and Vucub Hunahpu, grandparents of the Hero Twins, most ancient of the gods of the Maya
    pantheon, and the divine couple and first Daykeepers who helped to create human beings. According to the Quiche Maya, after the thirteen creator gods failed in their attempt to make human beings, they consulted with the much older gods, Xumucane and Xpiayoc to find out what they were doing wrong. They asked the ancient couple if wood could be a proper medium for the fashioning of humans.

    The two Daykeepers consulted the sacred calendar and said that wood seemed a
    workable material but, when the wooden humans were made, they were unacceptable. They could walk and talk but had no respect for the gods and could not consult the calendar; so the gods destroyed them in a great flood. Xumucane then ground white and yellow corn (maize) and washed her hands, saving the water to brew a sacred broth which gave life to the humans who were created from the maize, thus beginning human life on the earth. Xumucane is the great grandmother and Xpiayoc the great grandfather of all human beings. She is known as the divine mid-wife responsible for all births and he is the divine matchmaker in charge of arranging all marriages. As the first two Daykeepers they are closely
    associated with the sacred calendar.
  • Xpiyacoc (Xpiayoc, Creator God). The Great Creator God Grandfather. The Old Man. Maya equivalent of Toltec Cipactonal.
  • Xquiq (Blood Moon Goddess). Also known as Xquic, Blood Moon Goddess, and Blood Maiden, she is the daughter of Cuchumaquic, one of the Lords of Xibalba, and the virgin mother of the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque. After the
    Lords of Xibalba murdered Hun Hunahpu and Vucub Hunahpu, they placed Hun Hunahpu’s severed head in the axis of a calabash tree in the underworld as a warning sign to others that they were not to be trifled with. Xquiq was drawn by
    the strange fruit of the tree and, on approaching, was addressed by the head of Hun Hunahpu who then spit in her open palm.

    She became pregnant with the hero twins and, following Hun Hunahpu’s command, left Xibalba and presented herself to his mother, Xumucane. After she passed a test to authenticate her identity, she gave birth to the twins who then were mainly raised by their grandmother. She is identified with the waning moon as Xumucane is with the waxing moon, is also identified with Venus, and depicted as a goddess of fertility and motherhood.
  • Yantho (Hostile). A deity hostile to humanity and linked to his brothers, Usukun and Uyitzin, in a triad, usually mentioned together, who despise human beings and take joy in human distress. They are associated with earthquakes and destruction and are brothers to the benevolent Nohochacyum, the god of merchants and travelers, Xamaniqinqu, and the world-girdling serpent, Hapikern.
  • Yaluk (Light God). Top God of Lightning. He's in charge of bolts from the blue. He has two underlings to assist Cakulha and Coyopa.
  • Yum-Kaax (Nil, Agriculture God). Lord of the Jungle and Dymanic God of Agriculture. He wears a corn headdress and always getting into fights by giving bad weather, famine and drought. As protector of the forest and guardian of wild
    plants and animals, he's invoked by farmers and hunters alike who depend on his goodwill. Little carvings or other girs are the usual way to get on his good side. He's depicted holding a small pot of maize plants looking displeased? He's
    also know as God E, maybe for Vitamin E.
  • Young Moon Goddess (Patron of Fertility and Love).
  • Yumbalamob (Protecting Spirits). Protecting spirits who inhabit the first level just above the earth and are the guardians and protectors of Christians. In the daylight they are invisible but, at night, they position themselves by the crosses which the faithful have erected outside of their homes and stand guard. Wielding obsidian knives, they cut through the winds which would harm a Christian village and, also with these knives, fend off the dangers of the surrounding jungle and send messages to each other.
  • Yum Caax (God of the Woods). The god of the woods, of nature, of cacao, plants, and of the hunt. Also known as Yom Caax, Yum Kaax, Yum Ka’ax, he was regularly invoked by farmers before clearing the land for cultivation. He is regarded as a benevolent god who protects the plants and animals for human use and sustenance. He is able to either guide a hunter’s arrow to a great kill or turn the arrow back on the hunter if proper obeisance and respect has not been given.
  • Yum Cimil (Lord of Xibalba). One of the Lords of Xibalba and closely associated with Ah Puch and Cizin. Like Cizin, he wears a collar of dangling eyes and is depicted as skeletal with bones adorning his meager clothing.
  • Yumchakob (Nukuchyumchakob). These are white-haired, elderly deities in charge of dispensing rain. The Yumchakob are kindly disposed toward human beings and love to smoke cigars. They are associated with Kukulkan and, according to some scholars, the great god was once one of their number before descending to earth. In post-conquest Yucatan they were depicted as dwelling in the sixth level above the earth just below El Gran Dios, the Christian god.
  • Zac-Cimi (Saccimi, IX, Sky God). One of the Bacabs. He holds up the western corner of the sky. His favorite color is black, the shade of the sky after the sun sets.
  • Zipacna (Mountain God). Evil Mountain God with Underworld connections. Son to Vucub-Caquix and brother to Cabrakan. Zipacna came to a nasty when the hero-twins laid a devious trap. They made an enormously juicy and motherwatering
    artificial crab and told Zipacna to the enjoy the meal. While eating the artificial crab the hero-twins chopped down a nearby mountain, and timberrr, the mountain crushed and toppled Zipacna to death.
  • Zotz (God of Bats, and caves). Patron of the Tzotzil tribe. Also known as Zotzilaha and Sotz.
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The Dresden Codex Alphabet Gods

God A: KAM
God I: Anonymous Goddess of Love
God J: Er, try XBALANQUE
God T: No takers
God U: God-U-Like? Could be BOLON-TZAKAB
God V: Vanished?
God W: Where?


Their names are:
KINICH-AHAU — God iii.











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