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Greek Dieties

Cosmic Forces

  • Gaea (Gaia, Primeval Divinity of the Earth) First emerged at the Dawn of Creation, along with Air, Sea and Sky.
  • Uranus (Ouranos, Primeval God of the Sky.) Was the Literal Sky. married to Gaea.
  • Cybele (Kybele, Mountain Mother, Great Mother, Exotic Mystery-Goddess) Phrygian Mother of the Gods. daughter to Gaea and Uranus.
  • Tartarus (the Underworld) God of the great stormy Tartarean pit that lay beneath the earth.
  • Erebus (or Erebos, Personification of Darkness) born from Chaos


The Olympians "Dodekatheon"

  • Zeus (Jupiter, King of Gods, & the Sky) son of Cronus & Rhea - Jesus "Ie-Sous Iesous (hail Zeus)" Amun in Egypt.
  • Hera (Juno, Goddess of Marriage, Wives and Motherhood) wife & sister of Zeus.
  • Poseidon (Neptune, God of the Seas, Earthquakes, and Tidal Waves) brother to Zeus. Varuna in Hindu.
  • Demeter (Ceres, Goddess of Fertility, Agriculture, Nature, Seasons & Queen of the Underworld) Playmate to Zeus.
  • Dionysus (god of Ecstasy and Possession, the Patron Saint of the Drama, Festivals and Celebrations) son of Zeus and Demeter, or Io, Dione, or Lethe. Osiris in Egypt.
  • Apollo (Helios, Phoebus, the Sun) son to Hyperion & Theia. Horus in Egypt.
  • Artemis (Diana, Goddess of the Hunt, Virginity, Childbirth, Archery, the Moon, and all Animals) Bastet in Egypt.
  • Hermes (Mercury, Messenger of the Gods; God of Commerce, Thieves, and Games) Anubis is Egypt.
  • Athena (Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom, Handicrafts, Defense, and Strategic Warfare) daughter to Zeus brain. Neith in Egypt.
  • Ares (Mars, God of War, Violence, and Bloodshed)
  • Aphrodite (Venus, goddess of Love, Beauty and Sexuality) daughter to Uranus balls. Hathor in Egypt.
  • Hephaestus (Vulcan, God of Fire and the Forge) married to Aphrodite. son to Hera? Ptah in Egypt.


The Titans "the Children"

  • Rhea (The Mother of Gods) was Wife & Sister to Cronus.
  • Coeus (or Polus, Titan: Embodiment of the Celestial Axis around which the Heavens Revolve.) son of Uranus and Gaia.
  • Cronus (Kronis, Saturn, leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans) son of Gaia and Uranus - Isaiah the Prophet. Shiva in Hindu.
  • Oceanus (or Okeanos, Divine Personification of the World Ocean) son to Gaea & Uranus or Ouranos & Gaia or Aither & Gaia.
  • Helios (Hyperion, personification of the Sun) son of Gaea & Uranus.
  • Belus (Jupiter, God of War) Babylonian god Bel Marduk. Founded Babylon and built the Ziggurat. son of Poseidon and Libya.
  • Agenor (Agenor departed to Phoenicia and reigned there) Twin Brother Belus. son of Poseidon and Libya .
  • Telephassa (Telephaassa, or Telephedaughter, Far-Shining). Wife of Agenor. daughter of Libya and Poseidon.
  • Artemis (Diana, Goddess of the Hunt, Wild Animals, Wilderness, Childbirth, Virginity and Protector of Young Girls, Bringing and Relieving Disease in Women) daughter of Zeus and Leto.
  • Theia (Titan) Theia alone means simply, Goddess. daughter of Gaea & Uranus.
  • Eros (Cupid, Embodiment of Sexual Desire) offspring of Aphrodite, father Hermes or Ares.
  • Mnemosyne (Personification of Memory) daughter of Gaia and Uranus.
  • Lethe (Personification of Oblivion, the spirit (Daimona) of Forgetfulness and Oblivion) a daughter of Eris.
  • Lapetus (Titan the Piercer) God of Mortality and Craftsmanship) son of Gaia and Uranus.
  • Nereus (Titan) was the eldest son of Pontus and Gaia.
  • Pontus (or Pontos, the Sea, Embodiment of the Sea's Dangerous Aspects) son of Gaia.
  • Phoebe (Personifation of the Moon) daughter of Uranus and Gaia.
  • Creusa (or Glauce) daughter of Gaia
  • Nyx (Personification of the Night. A Shadowy Figure) Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation.
  • Thanatos (Personification of Death. To Die, be Dying) son of Nyx and Erebos.
  • Ion (Xuthus' adopted the child) daughter of Creusa and Apollo.
  • Hades (Aides or Aidoneus, Pluto, Ruler of the Underworld. God of Death and The Dead) Brother to Zeus & Poseidon. Yama in Hindu.
  • Hebe (Juventas, Goddess of Youth) Cupbearer for the Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus. daughter to Zeus & Hera.
  • Persephone (Kore, The Maiden, Spring Growth and Spring's Bounty) daughter of Zeus & Demeter.
  • Pandora (First Female Human) father Zeus & other gods each contributed a portion to her.
  • Clotho (or Klotho the Spinner) Youngest of the Three Fates or Moirai. daughter to Zeus & Themis.
  • Lachesis (the Measurer, Three Fates) daughter to Zeus & Themis.
  • Atropos (the Unturning One, Three Fates) daughter to Zeus & Themis.
  • Geras (Personification of Old Age) mother was Nyx.
  • Oizys (Personification of Misery and Woe, Distress and Suffering) mother was Nyx
  • Moros (Personification of Impending Doom, who drives Mortals to their Deadly Fate) mother was Nyx.
  • Apate (personification of Deceit and the Night) mother was Nyx.
  • Momus (Personification of Satire, Mockery, Censure) a god of Writers and Poets; a Spirit of Evil-Spirited blame and Unfair Criticism. mother was Nyx.
  • Eris (Discordia, Goddess of Chaos, Strife and Discord) mother was Nyx.
  • Nemesis (Retribution, search Oceanids section) mother was Nyx.
  • Ker (Personification of Fate. Goddess of Violent Death) mother was Nyx.
  • Tiryos (Giant) son of Elara and Zeus.
  • Heracles (Alcaeus, Herakles, Hercules) son of Zeus and Alcmene. Khonsu in Egypt.
  • Alcmene (daughter of Electryon or Alcaeus)
  • Electryon (king of Tiryns) king of Tiryns and Mycenae or Medea in Argolis. son of Perseus and Andromeda.
  • Eileithyia (or Ilithyia, goddess of Childbirth and Labour pains) "She Who comes to aid or relieve" daughter of Zeus and Hera.
  • Perseus (first of the heroes of Greek mythology) founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty of Danaansson of Zeus and Danae.
  • Harmonia (Goddess of Harmony and Concord) daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.
  • Tantalus (or Tantalos, Greek mythological figure) son of Zeus and Plouto.
  • Arcas (Zeus cunningly disguised himself as Artemis and seduced Callisto. The child was called Arcas.) son of Zeus and Callisto.
  • Aglaea (goddess of Beauty, Splendor, Glory, Magnificence and Adornment.) daughter to Zeus and Eurynome or Eunomia.
  • Euphrosyne (goddess of Joy or Mirth) daughter to Zeus and Eurynome.
  • Thalia (goddess of Festivity and Rich Banquets) daughter to Zeus and Eurynome or Eunomia.
  • Eunomia (goddess of Good Order and Lawful Conduct) daughter of Themis and Zeus.
  • Epaphus (Touch, he was Conceived, by the touch of Zeus hand) son of Zeus and Io. Apis in Egypt.
  • Memphis? son of Zeus and Lo.
  • Magnes? son of Zeus and Thyia.
  • Makednos son of Zeus and Thyia.
  • Minos (king of Crete, Minoan Empire) King of the son of Zeus and Europa.
  • Rhadamanthus (Rhadamanthys or Rhadamanthos, one of the Judges of the Dead) son of Zeus and Europa.
  • Theseus (was a Founder-Hero) son of Aegeus and Poseidon.
  • Priapus (God of Fertility, Protector of Livestock, Fruit Plants Gardens & Male Genitalia) son of Aphrodite and Dionysus.
  • Neleus (Heracles asked Neleus to cleanse him of a blood-debt, but was refused. Heracles then killed Neleus and his sons, but excluding Nestor.) son of Poseidon and Tyro.
  • Aeneas (Praise, Trojan hero) son of Anchises & Aphrodite.
  • Artemis (the Moon, known as Selene) daughter to Hyperion & Theia.
  • Eos (the Dawn, known as Aurora) daughter to Hyperion & Theia.
  • Phaethon (amongst the Stars as the Constellation Auriga, The Shining Radiant One) son to Halios.
  • Prometheus (of Forethought and Crafty Counsel) Task of moulding Mankind out of Clay. son of the Titan Iapetus and Clymene. brother to Atlas.
  • Epimetheus (God of afterthought, the Father of Excuses) Given the task of Populating the Earth with Animals and Men. son of Iapetos and Klymene.
  • Atlas (Titan of Astronomy and Navigation) son of the Iapetus and Asia. brother to Prometheus.
  • Attis (God of Vegetation) Forced to castrate himself in a mad frenzy as punishment for his infidelity. consort of Cybele.
  • Salacia (Personification of the Calm and Sunlit aspect of the Sea. Goddess of Salt Water and highly Mineralized Springs) She was the wife and queen of Neptune.
  • Deucalion (Great Flood, his father Prometheus, was saved from the end to the Bronze Age by building a Chest) son of Prometheus.
  • Pyrrha (Great Flood) wife to Deucalion.
  • Abas (Abantians or Abantes, migrated to the Island of Euboea) son of Poseidon and Arethusa.
  • Aeolus (the Wind Lord) son of Poseidon and Arne Maybe he is also Busiris.
  • LIxion (most ancient tribe of Thessaly) son of Ares, or Leonteus, or Antion and Perimele, or the notorious evildoer Phlegyas.
  • Autpnoe (founder of Thebes, Greece) daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia?

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  • Hestia (Virgin Goddess of the Hearth, Architecture, and the right Ordering of Domesticity, the Family and the State.) daughter of Cronus and Rhea.
  • Anchises (Prince from Dardania, a territory neighbouring Troy) son of Capys and Themiste.
  • Capys (the town of Capua was said to have derived its name.) son of Assaracus and Hieromneme.
  • Assaracus (King of Dardania) son of Tros.
  • Tros (Ruler of Troy) son of Erichonius & Astyoche.
  • Erichthonius (Erichthonios, The mythical King Erichthonius of Dardania) son of Dardanus & Batea.
  • Dardanus (founder of Dardania on the Hellespont) son of Zeus and Electra - Richest man alive?
  • Lasion (Agricultural Hero) son of Zeus and Electra.
  • Themiste (daughter) of Ilus and Eurydic.
  • Adrastus (king of Argos) son of Talaus and Lysimache.
  • Talaus (king of Argos) He also occurs among the Argonauts. son of Bias and Pero.
  • Bias (king of Argos) married his cousin Pero.
  • Pero daughter of Neleus and Chloris.
  • Tyro (She gave birth to Pelias and Neleus, the twin sons of Poseidon.) daughter of Salmoneus and married Cretheus.
  • Salmoneus (king of Elis and founded the city of Salmone in Pisatis) son of Aeolus and Enarete.
  • Enarete (or Aenarete) daughter of Deimachus.
  • Deimachus (Ambassador to the Court of Bindusara (Amitragata)) son of Chandragupta Maurya.
  • Chandragupta Maurya (Founder of the Mauryan Empire and the First Emperor to Unify India into one State).
  • Arne (from whom the Boeotian town Arne (Chaeroneia), and Thessalian Arne, were believed to have derived their name.) daughter of Aeolus and Melanippe.
  • Melanippe (Okyrrhoe or Ocyrrhoe, Nymph) She was transformed into a mare by Zeus and placed in the heavens as the constellation Pegasus. Daughter of the Centaur Chiron?
  • Lysimache (daughter of Abas and Cyrene).
  • Arethusa (daughter of Nereus).
  • Cretheus (son of Aeolus and Enarete).
  • Elara (Mortal) daughter of Orchomenus & Zeus.
  • Orchomenus (son of Zeus and Isonoe).
  • Isonoe (daughter to Danaus).
  • Dorus (Founder of the Dorians) son of Hellen.
  • Hellen (Mythological Progenitor of the Hellenes) The Greeks, also known as the Hellenes.
  • Danaus (son of Achiroe and Belus). he had fifty daughters, the Danaides.
  • Leto (daughter of Coeus and Phoebe).
  • Asteria (Goddess of Nocturnal Oracles and Falling Stars) daughter of Coeus and Phoebe.
  • Danae (daughter of Acrisius and Eurydice).
  • Andromeda (daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia).
  • Acrisius (son of Abas and Aglaea).
  • Cepheus (son of Agenor).
  • Cassiopeia (daughter of Coronus and Zeuxo).
  • Libya (daughter of Epaphus and Cassiopeia).
  • Inachus (son of Oceanus and Tethys).
  • Nike (Winged Goddess of Victory) daughter of Pallas and Styx.
  • Pallas (daughter of Triton) son of Pandion.
  • Pandion (son of Aegyptus).
  • Zelus (God of Rivalry) son of Pallas and Styx.
  • Kratos (God of Strength) son of Pallas and Styx.
  • Bia (Goddess of Force) daughter of Pallas and Styx.
  • Aphaia (Fertility and the Agricultural Cycle).
  • Eubuleus (major God of the Mysteries) son of Demeter.
  • Daphne (Fountains, Wells, Springs, Streams, Brooks and other bodies of Freshwater) daughter of Peneus and Creusa or of the river Ladon in Arcadia.
  • Peneus (Thessalian River God) son of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Psyche (Goddess of the Soul) She was the daughter of a king and queen?
  • Adonis (God of Beauty and Desire) son of Cinyras and Myrrha. Myrrha turned into a myrrh tree and Lucina helped the tree to give birth to Adonis.
  • Myrrha (Smyrna, She was transformed into a Myrrh Tree after having had intercourse with her father).
  • Cinyras (son to Eos and Cephalus).
  • Cephalus (son of Hermes and Herse).
  • Herse (daughter of Cecrops).
  • Sisyphus (son of King Aeolus of Thessaly and Enarete).
  • Leonteus(son of Coronus and Cleobule).
  • Cleobule (daughter of Aeolus or Aeopolus & Myrtilus).
  • Myrtilus (son of Hermes & Theobule or Myrto).
  • Theobule (Amazon Woman?).
  • Mytro (daughter of Menoitios).
  • Menoetius (son of Iapetus and Clymene).
  • Orpheus (the Father of Songs) son of Oeagrus and Calliope.
  • Linus (son of Apollo and Calliope or Terpsichore).
  • Oeagrus (son of Pierus or Tharops?).
  • Hyacinth (son of Clio and Pierus).
  • Hymenaios (god of Marriage Ceremonies, Inspiring Feasts and Song).
  • Pierus (son of Thessalian Magnes and Meliboea).
  • Thyia (daughter of Deucalion and Pyrrha).
  • Deucalion (from Promptuarii) son Prometheus and Clymene or Hesione.
  • Hesione (daughter of King Laomedon of Troy).
  • Troilus (son of King Priam (or sometimes Apollo) and Hecuba).
  • Amythaon (son of Cretheus and Tyro).
  • Cretheus (son of Aeolus and Enarete).
  • Hecuba (daughter of Dymas or Cisseus, or Sangarius and Metope).
  • Sangarius (son of Oceanus and Tethys).
  • Metope (daughter of King Echetus).
  • Echetus (son of Euchenor and Phlogea).
  • Euchenor (Son of Polyeidos and Eurydameia).
  • Pasiphae (Kretan Moon Goddess, Wide-Shining, the Powers of Witchcraft (Pharmakeia)).
  • Phlogea?
  • Eurydameia?
  • Polyeidos (son of Coeranus).
  • Coeranus (son of Abas).
  • Achiroe (daughter of Libya and Poseidon).
  • Nilus (son of Oceanus and Tethys).
  • Thalassa (daughter of Aether and Hemera).
  • Hemera (Personification of Daytime) daughter of Erebos and Nyx.
  • Aether (Personification of the Upper Air) son of Erebos and Nyx.
  • Phoroneus (son of Inachus and Meliae).
  • Antion (son of Periphas and Astyaguia).
  • Pieria (daughter of Belus and Achiroe). wife of Danaus.
  • Cilix (son of Agenor and Telephassa).
  • Phoenix (son of Agenor and Telephassa).
  • Mantineus?
  • Hypermnestra (daughter of Danaus).
  • Lynceus (Wolf) son of Belus and Aegyptus.
  • Hypermnestra (daughter of Danaus and Achiroe).
  • Oedipus (born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta).
  • Laius (son of Labdacus).
  • Lycus (son of Hyrieus and Clonia).
  • Hyrieus (son of Alcyone and Poseidon).
  • Alcyone (daughter of Aeolus, either by Enarete or Aegiale).
  • Aegiale (daughter of Helios and Clymene).
  • Labdacus (son of Polydorus).
  • Polydorus (son of Echion and Agave).
  • Echion (son of Hermes and Antianeira).
  • Antianeira (Leader of the Amazons) daughter of Pheres.
  • Hecate (associated with Crossroads, Entrance-Ways, Fire, Light, the Moon, Magic, Witchcraft, knowledge of Herbs and Poisonous Plants, Necromancy, and Sorcery.) She is the Statue of Liberty in the US. daughter of Perses and Asteria.
  • Perses (Titan) son of the Titan siblings, Kreios and Eurybia.
  • Jason (leader of the Argonauts) son of Aeson.
  • Circe (daughter of Halios and Perse).
  • Medea (daughter of Aeetes).
  • Aeetes (the powers of Witchcraft (pharmakeia)) "the keeper of the Golden Fleece" son of Helios and Perseis.
  • Kirke (the Powers of Witchcraft (Pharmakeia)) son of Helios and Perseis.
  • Aegeus (or Aegeas, Trojan Goat-Man, King Aegeus) son to Aeetes.
  • Sparta (daughter of Eurotas).
  • Pelasgus (either an autochthon or a son of Zeus and Niobe).
  • Niobe (daughter of Tantalus and of either Dione). the most frequently cited, or of Eurythemista or Euryanassa.
  • Semele (or Thyone) daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia.
  • Cadmus (Kadmos) son of Agenor and Telephassa.
  • Pittheus (ruler of Troezen) son of Pelops.
  • Pelops (son to Tantalus).
  • Thyestes (son of Pelops and Hippodamia).
  • Hippodamia (the daughter of Oenomaus and wife of Pelops).
  • Oenomaus (the son of Ares, Harpina or by Sterope).
  • Harpina (daughter Asopus and Metope).
  • Metope (daughter of the river Ladon).
  • Ladon (the son Ceto and Phorcys or Typhon, or Echidna and Gaia).
  • Amphitryon (son of Alcaeus).
  • Polybus (parents: Laius and Jocasta).
  • Jocasta (or Jocaste) daughter of Menoeceus.
  • Menoeceus (son of Creon).
  • Creon (son of Cadmus and Spartoi?).
  • Athamas (son of Aeolus and Enarete).
  • Phrixus (or Frixos) son of Athamas and Nephele.
  • Thersander son of Polyneices and Argeia.
  • Demonassa (daughter of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle).
  • Eriphyle (daughter of Talaus).
  • Amphiaraus (son of Oicles and Hypermnestra).
  • Hypermnestra (daughter of Danaus).
  • Oicles (son of Antiphates).
  • Tisamenus (son of Thersander and Demonassa).
  • Agamemnon (son of Atreus and Aerope).
  • Atreus (son of Pelops and Hippodamia).
  • Telephus (son of Heracles and Auge).
  • Auge (daughter of Aleus and Neaera).
  • Aleus (son of Apheidas).
  • Apheidas (son of Arcas and Erato, Leaneira, Meganeira or Chrysopeleia).
  • Leaneira (daughter of Amyclas and Arcas).
  • Amyclas (son of Amphion).
  • Amphion (son of Zeus and Antiope).
  • Antiope (daughter of Asopus).
  • Autesion (son of Tisamenus).
  • Aristodemus (Aristodemus the Coward).
  • Eurysthenes (son of Aristodemus and Argia).
  • Absyrtus (son of Aeetes).
  • Endymion (son of Calyce and Aethlius).
  • Calyce (daughter of Aeolus and Enarete).
  • Hypnos (God of Sleep) son to Nyx.
  • Thánatos (Personification of Death)
  • Eurypylus (son of Euaemon and Ops). Another source gives his mother's name as either Deipyle or Deityche.
  • Euaemon (son of Lycaon).
  • Icarus (son of Daedalus).
  • Daedalus (Clever Worker, some say Metal and Wood).
  • Pleuron (son of Aetolus).
  • Aetolus (son of Endymion).
  • Xanthippe (daughter to Lamprocles).
  • Socrates (son of Sophroniscus and Phaenarete).
  • Plato (son of Ariston and Perictione).
  • Aeschines (son of Atrometus and Glaukothea).
  • Aristides (The Just, The Best and most Honourable man in Athens) son of Lysimachus.
  • Atrometus (Elementary School Teacher)?
  • Cleoboulus (Seven Sages of Greece, Distinguished, for Strength and Beauty of Person) son of Evagoras.
  • Cleobulina (her father was Cleobulus).
  • Solon (was an Athenian Statesman, Lawmaker, and Poet) son to Codrus.
  • Mimnermus (Greek Elegiac Poet) son of Ligyrtyades.
  • Ligyrtyades?
  • Homer (Greatest of ancient Greek Epic Poets, the Babylonians called him Tigranes) said the Oracle at Delphi, son of Epikaste and Telemachu.
  • Epikaste (She Hung Herself?)
  • Hadrian (known for building Hadrian's Wall) Hson to Domitia Paulina.
  • Domitia Paulina (Cadiz in Spain; nothing is known of her parentage).
  • Trajan (Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus) son to Ulpius Trajanaus and Marcia.?
  • Cylon (or Kylon) Athenian noble and a previous victor of the Olympic Games.? - Megara was the oldest daughter of Creon?

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  • Megacles (son of Hippocrates?).
  • Cleisthenes (Reforming the constitution of ancient Athens) son of Agariste and Megacles.
  • Agariste (daughter of Cleisthenes).
  • Deinomache (son of Koisyra and Megacles).
  • Koisyra (son of Megakles and Agariste).
  • Cleinias (son of Alcibiades).
  • Alcibiades (prominent Athenian statesman, orator, and general) son of Cleinias.
  • Herodotus (ancient Greek historian, The Father of History) - Khufu Egypt 2580BC.
  • Diodorus Siculus (ancient Greek historian, Works of history between 60 and 30 BC) - Khufu Egypt 2580BC.
  • Draco (First legislator of Athens, Constitution of the Athenians).
  • Lysimachus (son of Agathocles).
  • Agathocles (son of Lysimachus).
  • Perdiccas (one of Alexander the Great's generals) son of Orontes.
  • Orontes (River-God of Syria western area) son of Okeanos & Tethys.
  • Alexander Zebina (son of Protarchus)
  • Agathias (Justinian the Great) son to Pericleia.
  • Pericleia (Greek statesman, orator and general of Athens) son to Xanthippus.
  • Xanthippus (Athenian politician and General) son of Ariphron.
  • Ariphron (Prominent Athenian statesmen)?
  • Anthemius (Greek professor of Geometry in Constantinople)?
  • Dioscorus (Dioscorus of Aphrodito, oldest surviving poems written by the hand)?
  • Aetius (Sixteen Books on Medicine)?
  • Oribasius (or Oreibasius, Greek medical writer and the personal physician of the Roman emperor Julian the Apostate)?
  • Hieron (Hiero I of Syracuse) son of Deinomenes.
  • Deinomenes (One of the guards of Hieronymus, king of Syracuse)?
  • Protarchus (an Engraver of Precious Stones, very beautiful gem in the Florentine Museum)?
  • Demetrius (Poliorcetes, Demetrius I of Macedon) was a king of Macedon (294–288 BC).
  • Antiochus (Antiochus III the Great) son of king Seleucus II and Laodice II.
  • Seleucus II (Seleucus II Callinicus) son to Antiochus and Laodice.
  • Laodice II (daughter of Andromachus). wife of her cousin Seleucus II Callinicus.
  • Dareius (Ochuus, Nothus) seventeen bastard sons of Artaxerxes?
  • Codrus (last of the semi-mythical Kings of Athens).
  • Medon (faithful herald of Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey) son of Codrus.
  • Xenophon (Xenophon of Athens, Greek historian, soldier, mercenary, philosopher and a contemporary and admirer of Socrates) son of Gryllus.
  • Aristophanes (Comic Playwright of ancient Athensson of Philippus) son of Philippus.
  • Aristotle (a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. The Best Purpose) son of Nicomachus and Phaestis.
  • Nicomachus (father to Aristotle) Nicomachus died in battle while still a "lad".
  • Phaestis?
  • Philippus (Philippus of Thessalonica, Garland of Philippus) father to Aristophanes.
  • Lamprocles (Lamprocles was only a lad (meirakion) at the time of Socrates' trial and death.))?
  • Sophroniscus (son of Aristotle).
  • Menexenus (son of Aristides).
  • Porthaon (king of Calydon) son of Agenor.
  • Euryte (daughter of Hippodamas).
  • Hippodamas (father of Perimele).
  • Perimele (daughter of Hippodamas).
  • Laothoe (daughter to Altes), king of the Leleges.
  • Altes (Lelegian king who resided at Pedasus) The parentage of Altes is not given.
  • Acastus (He sailed with Jason and the Argonauts) son of Pelias.
  • Astydameia (Queen of Iolcus) daughter of Cretheus.
  • Hippolyte (Hippoliyte, or Hippolyte, Amazonian Queen) daughter to Ares.
  • Hermocrates (ancient Syracusan General) Appearing in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias.
  • Hannibal (or Mago, He was shofet Judge of Carthage).
  • Hamilcar Barca (or Barcas, Punic Carthaginian Military Commander) Little is known about the origins or history of the Barca family prior to the Punic Wars.
  • Laomedon (was a Trojan King) son of Ilus.
  • Ilus (son of Dardanus)
  • Iphicles (half-brother of Heracles) Son of Thestius and either Leucippe, Laophonte, Deidameia or Eurythemis.
  • Laophonte (daughter of Pleuron).
  • Deidameia (daughter of Bellerophontes).
  • Cleoboea?
  • Thestius (son of Ares, Demonice, or Agenor and Epicasta).
  • Demonice (or Demodoce) daughter of Agenor and Epicaste.
  • Prothous (Commander of the Magnetesson of Tenthredon) son of Tenthredon and Eurymache or Cleobulus.
  • Tenthredon (the father of Prothous?).
  • Eurymachus (son of Polybus).
  • Cleobulus (He is one of the Seven Sages of Greece) son of Evagoras/
  • Peisistratus (Tyrant of Athens).
  • Callimachus (Poet, Critic and Scholar at the Library of Alexandria) son of Mesatme? and Battus?
  • Apollonius (of Perga, Explain the apparent motion of the planets and the varying speed of the Moon).
  • Nicander (of Colophon, Greek Poet, Physician and Grammarian).
  • Parthenius (of Nicaea, Greek Grammarian and Poet) son of Heraclides and Eudora.
  • Heraclides Ponticus (or Herakleides, and Heraklides of Pontus, Greek Philosopher and Astronomer).
  • Nonnus (of Panopolis, Greek Epic Poet).
  • Catullus (Gaius Valerius Catullus 84–54BC, Latin poet of the late Roman Republic).
  • Julius Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman General, Statesman, Consul and notable author of Latin Prose) son of the goddess Venus. He had bright grey eyes.
  • Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman Philosopher, Politician, Lawyer, Orator, Political Theorist, Consul and Constitutionalist) .
  • Chariclo (daughter of Cychreus and Stilbe).
  • Cychreus (the Dragon) son of Poseidon and Salamis.
  • Stilbe (daughter of Peneus and Creusa).
  • Peneus (Thessalian River God) son of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Hypseus (son of Peneus and Creusa).
  • Menippe (Nymph of the River Peneios (Peneus) in Thessalia)).
  • Phrastor (son of Oedipus and Jocasta).
  • Atrax (son of Peneus and Bura).
  • Bura (Boura) was a daughter of Ion.
  • Hippe (daughter of the Centaur Chiron and Chariclo).
  • Endeis (Thessalian Nymph) daughter of Chiron.
  • Ocyrhoe (oceanid) daughter of Chiron and Chariclo.
  • Hippasus (Pythagorean Philosopher, Discovery of the Existence of Irrational Numbers).
  • Hippomedon (one of the Seven Against Thebes?) son of Talaus.
  • Cleopatra (Cleopatra VII Philopator, last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt) represented herself as the reincarnation of an Egyptian goddess, Isis. daughter of Ptolemy XXI Auletes.
  • Ptolemy XII Auletes (Ptolemy Neos Dionysos Theos Philopator Theos Philadelphos) Egyptian king of Macedonian descent.
  • Ptolemy XIII (Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator) Son of Pharaoh Ptolemy XII of Egypt.
  • Ptolemy XIV (son of Ptolemy XII of Egypt).
  • Iphthime (Hypsipyle, Mede, Laodice or Laodamia) daughter of Icarius or Asterodia.
  • Icarius (son of either Perieres and Gorgophone or Oebalus and Bateia).
  • Perieres (son of Aeolus and Enarete).
  • Priam (king of Troy during the Trojan War) son of Laomedon.
  • Hipponous (son of Triballus?).
  • Tydeus (one of the Seven Against Thebes) son of Oeneus and Periboea or Gorge.
  • Oeneus (or Oineus).
  • Atalanta (a Virgin Huntress, unwilling to marry) daughter of Iasus.
  • Iasus (son of Phoroneus).
  • Meleager son of Althaea and Oeneus.
  • Acessamenus (king of Pieria. He was known as the founder and Eponym of Akesamenai, a city in Macedonia).
  • Pelagon (son of Amphidamas).
  • Amphidamas (one of the Argonauts) son of Aleus and Cleobule.
  • Aura (Divine Personification of the Breeze).
  • Lelantos (Titan, to Escape Notice, Move Unseen or Go Unobserved) son of Coeus and Phoebe.
  • Meges (son of Phyleus).
  • Phyleus (son of Augeas).
  • Helle (or Athamantis, prominently in the story of Jason and the Argonauts).
  • Melampus (Soothsayer and Healer)?
  • Iphianeira (daughter of Megapenthes).
  • Megapenthes (He exchanged kingdoms (Argos for Tiryns) with his cousin Perseus)) son of Proetus.
  • Proetus (Mythical king of Argos and Tiryns).
  • Lysippe (daughter of Proetus and Stheneboea).
  • Iphinoe (daughter of Proetus and Stheneboea).
  • Iphianassa (daughter of Proetus and Stheneboea).
  • Stheneboea (Stheneboea or Stheneboia) daughter of Iobates.
  • Iobates (Jobates, Lycian king).
  • Pantites (a Spartan Warrior, Shunned as a Trembler and made an Outcast).
  • Andocides (was a logographer (Speech Writer)).
  • Antiphon (Antiphon the Sophist, the earliest of the ten Attic Orators).
  • Demosthenes (Greek statesman and Orator of ancient Athens).
  • Dinarchus (or Deinarchus, was a logographer (speech writer) in Ancient Greece) He was the last of the ten Attic Orators.
  • Hypereides (was a logographer (speech writer) in Ancient Greece) one of the ten Attic orators.
  • Isaeus (student of Isocrates in Athens) one of the ten Attic orators.
  • Isocrates (Among the most influential Greek rhetoricians of his time) one of the ten Attic orators.
  • Lycurgus (legendary Lawgiver of Sparta) Reformation of Spartan society in accordance with the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi.
  • Lysias (was a logographer (speech writer) in Ancient Greece) one of the ten Attic orators.
  • Limnaee (Nymph) of an Indian Lake, a daughter of the River Ganges.
  • Methone (Nymph) of the spring, well or fountain of the town of Methone in Pieria (northern Greece).
  • Sinope (Nymph) of the main fountain or spring of the Greek colony of Sinope in Assyria or Pontus on the Black Sea.
  • Io (Nymph) of the Argive River Inakhos. daughter to Inachus and Melia. Isis in Egypt.
  • Alcmena (born to Electryon). was the mother of Heracles.
  • Karme (or Carme, The Lady of the Harvest) from the word karma a form of keirô, "to cut," "crop" or "shear." daughter to Euboulos, or Phoinix and Kassiopea.
  • Eubulus (or Euboulos, Ploughing and the Planting of the Grain Seed) son of Trokhilos and Eleusis.
  • Trochilus (or Trokhilos, Sacred Mill-Wheel) Nowhere stated for his parents.
    - Triptolemos (He who Pounds the Husks) Eleusinian prince. son of Trokhilos and Eleusis.
  • Eleusis?
  • Erecthonius (ruler of ancient Athens). (born of the soil, or Earth) and raised by the goddess Athena.
  • Prokris?
  • Ariadne Minos?
  • Omphale (Queen of Lydia) daughter of Lardanus.
  • Lardanus?
  • Tmolus?
  • Iphitus?
  • Sophocles?
  • Uenephes?
  • Atothis?
  • Rathoris?
  • Menkeris?
  • Tancheres?
  • Saosis?
  • Chabrias?
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The Pleiades
Zeus, Poseidon, and Ares engaged in affairs with the seven heavenly sisters. These relationships resulted in the birth of their children.

  • Maia (eldest of the seven Pleiades, was mother of Hermes by Zeus).
  • Electra (mother of Dardanus and Iasion, by Zeus).
  • Taygete (mother of Lacedaemon, also by Zeus).
  • Alcyone (mother of Hyrieus, Hyperenor and Aethusa by Poseidon).
  • Celaeno (mother of Lycus and Eurypylus by Poseidon).
  • Sterope (also Asterope) was mother of Oenomaus by Ares.
  • Merope (star-nymph) was youngest of the seven Pleiades, was wooed by Orion.

The Nine Muses "Camenae"
The muses are the goddesses of the inspiration of literature, science and the arts.

  • Calliope (The Muse of Epic Poetry) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne - lover of the war god Ares, and bore him several sons: Mygdon, Edonus, Biston, and Odomantus.
  • Clio (Kleio, Muse of History) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
  • Erato (Muse of Love and Erotic Poetry) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
  • Euterpe (muse of Lyric Poetry, Giver of Delight) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
  • Melpomene (muse of Tragedy) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
  • Polyhymnia (muse of Sacred Poetry, Sacred Hymn, Dance, and Eloquence) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
  • Terpsichore (muse of Dance and the Dramatic Chorus) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
  • Thalia (muse over Comedy and Idyllic Poetry) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
  • Urania (muse of Astronomy, Universal Love and the Holy Spirit) daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.


Oceanids of Tethys and Okeanos

  • Acaste (the Nurse of the Children).
  • Admete (daughter of Pontus and Thalassa).
  • Aethra (daughter of King Pittheus).
  • Amaltheia (Tender Goddess) sometimes represented as the Goat.
  • Amphiro (Goddess of the Rising Tide).
  • Amphitrite (wife to Poseidon)
  • Anchiroe (or Ankhiroe) daughter of the Libyan river Chremetes and the river Erasinus.
  • Anthracia (or Anthrakia, Oreias or Dryas tree-nymph).
  • Argia (mother of Phoroneus by her brother Inachus). She may also have been the mother (by Inachus) of Io.
  • Asia (nymph of the Asian Region, sister to Europa) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Asterodia (Asteria) Daughter of Deion and Diomede. or daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, mother of Absyrtus by Aeetes.
  • Beroe (nymph of Beirut). Daughter of Aphrodite and Adonis.
  • Bolbe (extremely Beautiful lake Goddess in a Thessalian lake (modern Lake Volvi)).
  • Cleodora (Kleodora, Nymph of Mount Parnassos in Phokis).
  • Callirrhoe (Beautiful Flow) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Calypso (Nymph of the Island of Ogygia) daughter of Atlas.
  • Camarina (or Kamarina, Spring or Fountain in Kamarina in Sicily) Daughter of Okeanos.
  • Capheira (or Kapherira, Nymph of the Island of Rhodes, Goddess of the Storm-Clouds) daughter of Okeanos.
  • Cerceis (River Goddess).
  • Ceto daughter (Naiad or Sea Nymph) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Chryseis (the Golden One) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Clio (daughter of Oceanus and Tethys).
  • Clymene (or Klymene, Handmaiden of the Goddess Hera) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Clytie (unrequited love for Helios).
  • Crocale (one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis).
  • Daira (Nymph of the town in Eleusis in Attika, the Knowing One or Teacher) daughter of Oceanus.
  • Dione (daughter of Oceanus and Tethys or Atlas). She and Zeus are called the parents of Aphrodite by some ancient sources.
  • Dodone (Nymph of the town and oracular shrine of Dodona in Thesprotia).
  • Doris (Goddess of the mouths of rivers where fresh water mingled with the Brine) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Eidyia (Goddess of Knowledge) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Electra (Ozomene, Cloud-Nymphe of the amber-trim, Elektron, of storm-clouds illuminated by the returning sun) was mother of Dardanus and Iasion.
  • Ephyra (Nymph of the town of Ephyraia Corinth on the Isthmos) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Euagoreis? (Shows as a king).
  • Eudore?
  • Europa (name of the continent Europe, represented by the Cow) daughter to Agenor and Telephassa.
  • Eurydice (was an Oak Nymph) Back from the dead with his enchanting music. daughter of Adrastus, wife of Ilus.
  • Eurynome (Daughter of the Ocean) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Galaxaure (Nymphe of Futuna Island and Wallis Islands).
  • Glauke? (one of the Nymphs that nursed infant Zeus).
  • Hagno? (one of the Nymphs that nursed infant Zeus).
  • Hesione (wife of Prometheus according to both Acusilaus and Aeschylus).
  • Hieromneme (Nymph) Spring of the River Simoeis on Mount Ida in the Troad (north-western Anatolia). daughter of Simois & wife of Assaracus.
  • Hyale? attendants of Artemis.
  • Lakhe?
  • Ianira (Nymphs gathering flowers with Persephone).
  • Ianthe (Purple or Violet Flower).
  • Ithome (one of the Nymphs that nursed infant Zeus) - Messini.
  • Leucippe (White Horse?).
  • Lysithea daughter of Oceanus and Zeus.
  • Melia (Meliae, Primordial Ash-Tree nymph) she appeared from the drops of blood spilled when Cronus castrated Uranus.
  • Meliboea (daughter of Oceanus and Pelasgus?).
  • Melite (daughter and Aegaeus and Zeus).
  • Melobosis (daughter of Oceanus).
  • Menestho (Ability to Remember everything she Hears) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Merope (check Pleiades).
  • Metis (Titaness of Wisdom and Deep Thought) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Mopsopia (A Collection of Attic Tales).
  • Myrtoessa (Nymph of a well in Arcadia) she was represented at Megalopolis.
  • Nede (one of the Nymphs that nursed infant Zeus).
  • Nemesis (Rhamnousia/Rhamnusia, Adrasteia. Spirit of Divine Retribution against those who Succumb to Arrogance before the Gods. the Goddess of Rhamnous and Revenge) daughter of Oceanus or Zeus, but according to Hesiod she was a child of Erebus and Nyx.
  • Nephele? (Not the god cloud).
  • Ocyrrhoe (Nymph of the banks of River Sangarius) daughter of Chiron and Chariclo
  • Oinoe (one of the Nymphs that nursed infant Zeus).
  • Pasithoe?
  • Peitho (Suadela, Goddess who personifies Persuasion and Seduction) daughter of Tethys and Oceanus.
  • Periboea?
  • Perseis (Perse or Persa, Order of Magoi, the Royal Magicians. Destroy, Slay, Ravish, or Sack with Fire) daughter of Tethys and Okeanos.
  • Petraea (the Comely) daughter of Tethys and Okeanos.
  • Phaino (Protogonos, I Bring to Light).
  • Phiale (Water Bowl, One of the Nymphs that formed the Retinue of Artemis).
  • Philyra (daughter of Oceanus and Tethys).
  • Phrixa (daughter?)
  • Pleione (Goddess for Arcadia on a mountain named Mount Kyllini).
  • Plexaure (Twisting Breeze).
  • Plouto (or Pluto) nymph and the mother of Tantalus by Zeus. daughter to Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Polydora (daughter of Meleager and Cleopatra), was married to Protesilaus, after whose death affected by grief that she made away with herself. daughter of Oceanus and Thetys.
  • Polyphe (of-Horses) mother of the Goddess Athena by Poseidon.
  • Polyxo (Nymph of the River Nile in Egypt) Perhaps a daughter of the River Neilos. Married to Danaus.
  • Pronoia (or Pronoea) Nymph of Mount Parnassos in Phokis. Daughter Okeanos and Tethys.
  • Prymno?
  • Psekas one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis.
  • Rhanis (Rain Drop) the Retinue of the Goddess, Artemes. one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis.
  • Rhode (or Rhodia) daughter of Hamadryad, Atlanteia, or Phoebe.
  • Rhodope (Nymph of Kikonia (Ciconia) in Thrake)) daughter of the river Hebros.
  • Stilbo?
  • Styx (Binding oath for the Gods) daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Telesto (Personification of the Divine Blessing or Success). daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Theisoa (Nymph of the Springs of the town of Theisoa in Arkadia) one of the Nymphs that nursed infant Zeus. daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Thoe?
  • Tyche (Goddess of Chance) She was often shown winged, wearing a crown, and bearing a sceptre and cornucopia. daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Urania? Not the Muse.
  • Xanthe (Amazon Goddess) daughter of Oceanus.
  • Zeuxo?
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River Gods: the sons of Oceanus: (Potamoi)

  • Achelous (deity of the silver-swirling Achelous River).
  • Acheron (turned into the Underworld river) son of Helios and either Gaia or Demeter.
  • Acragas son of Zeus and the Oceanid Asterope.
  • Aeas (is known for having consoled the river god Peneus) on account of Daphne (see Peneus below).
  • Aegaeus (or Aigaios) The Island of the Phaiakians.
  • Aesepus (or Aisepos) The Troad in Northern Mysia, Anatolia.
  • Almo (the river in the vicinity of Rome). In the water of Almo the statue of the mother of the gods, Cybele, used to be washed.
  • Alpheus (or Alpheios) The modern Alfeios River.
  • Amnisos (or Kairatos) River had its headwaters on the slopes of Mount Ida in central Krete. Near the town of Knossos.
  • Amphrysos (the River Thessalia in Northern Greece).
  • Anapos (the island of Sikelia (Sicily)), southern Italy.
  • Anauros (of Thessalia in northern Greece).
  • Anigros (of Elis in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece).
  • Apidanus (is known for having consoled the river god Peneus) on account of Daphne (see Peneus below).
  • Arar (of the Saone River in Europe). also known as Brigoulus and Arar previously.
  • Araxes the Aras (also known as Araks, Arax, Araxi, Araxes, Araz, or Yeraskh.
  • Ardescus (or Ardeskos) of inland Thrake (modern Bulgaria). The River Ardeskos or Arda, now called the Maritsa, flows through inland Thrake.
  • Arnos (of Tyrrhenia or Etruria (Tuscany)) in central Italia. The River Arnos (modern Arno).
  • Asopus (of Boiotia and Argos, in southern Greece. Presided over two rivers. First headwaters on the Sikyonian border with Arkadia and Argos, Second arose on Mount Kithairon. son of Poseidon by Celusa.
  • Asterion (of Argos, Ruler of the Stars) His daughters were the nurses of Hera. son of Tectamus.
  • Axius (of Makedonia and Paionia (modern day northern Greece, and Macedonia)). Sources in the mountains of Paionia.
  • Baphyras (of Pieria or Makedonia in northern Greece). headwaters on Mount Olympos in Pieria.
  • Borysthenes (is the Dneiper which flows south across the steppe into the Black Sea). With its welcoming name of Euxinos, to Thoas son of Borysthenes.
  • Brychon (or Brykhon) of Khalkidike in Thrake (now a region of northern Greece).
  • Caicinus (of Italy by the city Locrians).
  • Caicus (or Kaikos) of Teuthrania in Southern Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). Headwaters in the Temnos Mountains.
  • Cayster (or Kaystros) headwaters on Mount Tmolos and flowed into the Aegean Sea near Ephesos on the Lydian border with Karia.
  • Cebren (or Kebren) A tributory of the Trojan River Skamandros, whose headwaters lay in the foothills of Mount Ida near the town of Kebrene.
  • Cephissus (or Kephisos) of the river Cephissus in Boeotia, Greece. headwaters on the northern slopes of Mount Parnassos.
  • Chremetes (of western Libya (modern Libya)).
  • Claudeus (or Kladeos) of Elis in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece. The Kladeos stream was a small tributory of the Alpheios river. It merged with that river by the sanctuary of Olympia.
  • Clitumnus (of the Clitunno River). Near the town of Campello sul Clitunno between Spoleto and Trevi, Umbria, Italy.
  • Cocytus (or Kokytos) the river of Wailing, was one of the five rivers of the underworld.
  • Cratais (is sometimes called father of Scylla).
  • Crinisus (river in Sicily, the River Crinisus).
  • Cydnos (in Cilicia, Asia Minor). A fountain, who mingled her water with that of her lover, the river Cydnos.
  • Cytheros (in Cytheros mountains of Boetia).
  • Elisson (of Akhaia in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece). Headwaters on Mounts Khelydorea and Kyllene in Arkadia.
  • Enipeus (of Thessalia in northern Greece). A tributory of the Peneios. It flowed from Mount Oita in Phthiotis.
  • Erasinus (of Arkadia and Argos in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece). The Erasinos stream rose near Lake Stymphalos in Arkadia.
  • Erymanthus (in southern Greece). He was worshipped at Psophis.
  • Euphrates (of Assyria in west Asia (modern Turkey and Iraq)). Euphrates flowed south from the highlands of eastern Anatolia down through Assyria.
  • Eurotas (of Lakedaimonia in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece). Headwaters in the Taygetos Mountains.
  • Evenus (Euenos, or Lycormas) of eastern Aitolia, in central Greece. Headwaters in the Pindar mountain range.
  • Ganges (of India, Asia). Is the large river of western India.
  • Granicus (Grenikos) of the Troad in Northern Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). Headwaters in the foothills of Mount Ida.
  • Haliacmon (or Haliakmon) of Makedonia and Pieria in northern Greece. The streams of the River Haliakmon flowed through Makedonia to the north of Mount Olympos and the Thessalia.
  • Halys (of Paphlagonia and Pontos in Anatolia (modern Turkey)). Headwaters on the Armenian plateau.
  • Hebrus (of Kikonia, in eastern Thrake (modern day northern Greece, southern Bulgaria)). Flowed into the Aegean Sea near the Greek. colony of Ainos in Eastern Thrake, opposite the island of Samothrake.
  • Heptaporus (or Heptaporos) of the Troad in Northern Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). Headwaters flowed down from Mount Ida.
  • Hermus (of Lydia in Anatolia (modern Turkey)). Headwaters were on Mount Didymos in central Phrygia.
  • Hydaspes (of western India). The River Hydaspes is the Jelum of modern-day Kashmir in India.
  • Ilissos (of Attika, in southern Greece). The stream of the Ilissos flowed through the town of Athens.
  • Imbrasos (of the island of Samos in the Greek Aegean). The Imbrasos stream was a small stream on Samos Island. the goddess [Hera] was born in the island by the side of the river Imbrasos.
  • Inachus (or Inakhos) of Argolis in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece. Flowed south through western Argos, emptying into the Argolic Gulf between the towns of Argos and Tiryns. Is the most ancient god or hero of Argos.
  • Indos (of southern Karia, in Anatolia (modern Turkey)). Flowed into the Aegean Sea near the town of Kaunos, on the Karian mainland opposite the island of Rhodes.
  • Inopos (of the island of Delos, in the Greek Aegean). Was a small stream on Delos Island. Believed to receive its waters from the River Nile.
  • Ismenus (or Ismenos) of Boiotia, in central Greece. Headwaters in the western foothills of Mount Kithairon.
  • Istrus (Istros, or Ister) of Skythia and northern Europe (the Danube of modern Romania).
  • Ladon (of northern Arkadia, in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece). Headwaters on Mount Kyllene in north-eastern Arkadia.
  • Lamos of Kilikia (in Anatolia (modern Turkey)) or of Boiotia in central Greece. Headwaters on Mount Helikon and flowing south through the territory of the Thespians.
  • Lethe (the Stream of Oblivion) was one of the rivers of the underworld and its goddess.
  • Maeander (or Maiandros) of Karia in Anatolia (modern Turkey). Highlands of southern Phrygia.
  • Meles (of Lydia in Anatolia (modern Turkey)). Headwaters on the slopes of the coastal Mount Sipylos.
  • Mincius (is a river (Flood) in northern Italy). the Mincius symbolizes Roman pastoral.
  • Nestos (a river in Bulgaria and Greece). Headwaters in the Rila Mountains and flows into the Aegean Sea near the island of Thasos.
  • Nilus (of the river Nile in Egypt). Calls him a son of Cronos.
  • Numicius (or Noumikios) of Latium, in central Italia. Small Latin river which flowed into the sea between the towns of Lavinium and Ardea.
  • Nymphaeus (of Bithynia and Paphlagonia in Anatolia). Flowed into the Black Sea somewhere between Herakleia and the Bithynian border with Paphlagonia.
  • Orontes (of Syria, in Western Asia). Flowed into the Meditteranean Sea near the city of Antiokhos (Antioch).
  • Pactolus (or Paktolos) of Lydia in Anatolia (modern Turkey). Small tributory of the River Hermos which flowed from the Lydian Mount Tmolos near the town of Sardis.
  • Parthenios (of Paphlagonia in Anatolia (modern Turkey)).
  • Phasis (of Kolkhis at the easternmost end of the Black Sea (modern day Georgia)). Headwaters in the Kaukasos Mountains.
  • Pyriphlegethon (the Flaming) the underworld river of fire and its god.
  • Phyllis (of Bithynia in Anatolia (modern Turkey)). was a stream of the Thynian peninsular which lay on the Black Sea coast half way between the Bosporos Straits and Sangarios River.
  • Peneus (or Peneios) of Thessalia in northern Greece. Flowing down from the Pindaros Mountains, to enter the Aegean Sea via the Vale of Tempe, cutting a path between the Mount Olympos and Ossa.
  • Pleistos (of Phokis in central Greece). Flowed down from Mount Parnassos forming the vale of Delphoi.
  • Rhesus (or Rhesos) of the Troad in Northern Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). Headwaters flowed from Mount Ida.
  • Rhine (or Rhenus) Largest river in northwestern Europe. Headwaters are in the Swiss Alps, in an area that is connected by the Splügen Pass with Lake Como and Italy.
  • Rhodius (of the Troad, in Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey)). Headwaters in the foothills of Mount Ida near the town of Astyra.
  • Rhyndacus (Mustafakemalpasa or Orhaneli) Headwaters in northwestern Anatolia in the Bursa Province of Turkey's Marmara Region.
  • Satnioeis (of the Troad, in Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey)). Headwaters near the peak of Mount Ida.
  • Sangarius (or Saggarios) of Phrygia and central Bithynia in Anatolia (modern Turkey). Headwaters rising in the Phrygian highlands it flowed through the Anatolian highlands, and down through central Bithynia where it issued into the Black Sea.
  • Scamander (or Skamandros) Headwaters were in the foothills of Mount Ida, and its mouth near the entrance to the Hellespont.
  • Simoeis (of the Troad, in Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey)). Was a tributory of the River Skamandros.
  • Spercheus (or Sperkheios) of Malis, in central Greece. Headwaters in the Pindaros range of mountains.
  • Strymon (of Edonia in Thrake (modern-day northern Greece)). Flowed into the Aegean Sea between the Khalkidike peninsular and the island of Thasos.
  • Symaethus (or Symaithos) of eastern Sikelia (Sicily). Headwaters in the Nebrodes Mountains of north-eastern Sikelia.
  • Tanais (of Skythia, in North-Eastern Europe (the River Don, of modern-day Russia)). Flowed through the eastern steppeland of Skythia.
  • Termessos (of Boiotia in central Greece). Headwaters on Mount Helikon in Boiotia.
  • Thermadon (of Pontos and Assyria, in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey)). Issued into the Black Sea, near Thermiskyra.
  • Tiberinus (genius of the river Tiber). He was added to the 3,000 rivers?
  • Tigris (of Assyria (modern day Iraq)), in west Asia.
  • Titaressos (or Europos) of Thessalia in northern Greece. was a major tributory of the Peneios. It flowed south from the foothills of Mounts Olympos and Titanos (or Titarios), through the northern half of Thessalia, to merge with the Peneios near the Lapith capital of Gyrtone.
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The Creations

  • - Tethys (Aquatic Sea Goddess, the Nurse) daughter of Uranus and Gaia. sister and wife of Oceanus.
  • Typhon (or Typhoeus (Dragon Serpent)) creature to Gaea and Tartarus. Set in Egypt.
  • Nephele he is a cloud whom Zeus created in the image of Hera to trick Ixion to test his integrity after displaying his lust for Hera during a feast as a guest of Zeus.
  • Hecatoncheire (Hecatonchires or Hekatonkheires, Three Giants of incredible Strength) Each of them having a hundred hands and fifty heads.
  • Themis the Titaness (of Good Counsel).
  • Trivia (Titan Queen of Ghosts, haunting Crossroads, Graveyards, and was the goddess of Sorcery and Witchcraft).
  • Pan (God of the Wild, Shepherds and Flocks, Hunting and Rustic music) Min in Egypt.
  • Britomartis was a virgin goddess of hunting and nets used for fishing, fowling and the hunting of small game.
  • Argus Panoptes (100 Eyed Giant) guardian of the Io and son of Arestor.
  • Campe (or Kampe) Dragon with a woman's head and torso and a Scorpion-like tail.
  • Talos (Titan, Man of Bronze) Was a gift from Hephaestus to Minos, forged with the aid of the Cyclopes in the form of a bull or a gift from Zeus to Europa. Or he may have been the son of Kres.
  • Aegyptus (Wolf), son of Belus and Achiroe had fifty sons.
  • Keto (Goddess of Whales, Large Sharks, and Sea Monsters) the daughter of Pontos and Gaia.
  • Phorcys (God of the Hidden Dangers of the Deep) son of Pontus and Gaia.
  • Medusa (Goddess Monster Gorgon) daughter of Phorcys and Ceto.
  • Pegasus son of Madusa.
  • Antiphates (Trojan warrior, slain by Leonteus) son of Melampus and Iphianeira.
  • Lycaon Zeus transformed Lycaon into the form of a wolf, and killed Lycaon's fifty sons by lightning bolts. son of Pelasgus and Meliboea.
  • Chiron (Kheiron, Centaur) kourotrophic Bringer up of Boys Nature., Medicine, Music, Archery, Hunting, Prophecy.
  • Charon (or Kharon) is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.
  • Lernaia (hydra a gigantic, nine-headed water-serpent, which haunted the swamps of Lerna.
  • Cecrops (or Kekrops) Founder of the city of Athens. Man with a serpent's-tail in place of legs.
  • Triton (King of the Seas) was a fish-tailed sea god. son of of Poseidon.
  • Minotaur (or Minotauros, Creature with the head of a Bull on the body of a Man) He dwelt at the center of the Cretan Labyrinth.

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