Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6,000 years ago. Recent archaeological findings suggest that the Sumerians may have inherited some of their knowledge from an earlier civilisation that emerged many thousands of years earlier in southern Africa, the cradle of humankind.
More than 100,000 years ago, early humans built a stone calendar that precedes all other man-made structures found to date. This discovery is so astounding that it requires a true paradigm shift in our approach to ancient human activity, O Yea, as it takes us closer to the emergence of the earliest humans on planet Earth.
What are the oldest manmade structures on Earth
![Adam's Calendar](../images/conception/adam's-calandar.jpg)
Afsm's Calandar
What would probably come to mind are the pyramids or stonehinge or one of the many other impressive ancient runes.
For us to truly discover the oldest structures built by humans we have to go in search of the home of the earliest
humans on earth.
If we find this so called Cradle of Humankind we are surly to find structural evidence of those earliest modern humans that walked the earth. Where is the Cradle of Humankind?
It is generally agreed by scientists and archaeologist that the earliest humans emerged out of southern Africa somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. This has been supported by genetic studies on microcondrial DNA in females that suggest the same. Modern humans first emerged out of southern Africa somewhere between 170,000 and 300,000 years ago.
![African Gorilla](../images/conception/apeman.jpg)
It is truly amazing that the oldest written records that were discovered in a form of thousands of inscribed clay tablets left behind by the earliest civilization on earth. The Sumerians tell us exactly the same thing. In fact many of these clay tablets that predate the bible by as much as 4000 years tell us in great detail how and when the first humans appeared in southern Africa; how they lived and what they did.
This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A. Note that Orion and Osiris are one in the same.
The pyramids of the Giza Plateau are also aligned to the three stars in Orion’s Belt, and thus the three pyramids are symbolic of three stars and are simultaneously “personifications” of the deities Osiris (“the man that fell”: Adam/Abel), Isis (“the woman”: Eve) and Horus (Cain), i.e. Sirius B, Sirius A and Sirius C, respectfully. O’siris/Sirius B was “Or” (the Hebrew word for “Light” – Genesis 1: 3, “And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.”)… and Sirius A and Sirius C were the two great “lights” created later in Genesis 1: 16, “God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.”
And while we accept most of what the Sumerians tell us in these clay tablets they left behind. Strangly enough the
information about early humans have been disreguarded by most scholars. Not only do we have mitochondrial evidence
but also an historic account of where the first humans came from.
Still in search of the Cradle. Sterkfontein Caves and the world famous “Mrs Ples” and “Little Foot”, an almost complete australopithecus skeleton dating back more than 3-million years and very impressive fossels but have nothing to do with homosapians.
These are great examples of australopithecus "Lucy". So this is actually a misnomer. It should be called the Cradle of Hominid Kind because no remains of homosapians have even been found in Sterkfontein Caves.
Where is the Real Credle of Humankind? Where is the evidence of these early humans and what they did?
![Sterkfontein Caves](../images/conception/sterkfonteincaves.jpg) |
What we are
told is that around 60,000 years ago the first humans left southern Africa and moved north eventually populating the
whole planet.
The question remains. Wonderwerk Cave. Ash was discovered in this south African cave and this indicates that humans were cooking with fire one million years ago. Where did they live and what did they do for several hundred thousand years before the great global trek?
At about 80,000 years ago we see the emergence of what seems to be human consciousness when people began to paint elaborate paintings on cave walls, making beads, and carving images in stone.
![Bushman Rock Art](../images/conception/bushman-rock-art-giraffe.jpg)
The beads and carved stone recovered from a cave at Blombos in the western cave, south Africa has been dated to
around 80,000 years. This is arguably the oldest artifact found to date made by early humans. Many thousands of
cave paintings by the San people have been discovered and some date back to the same peroid.
A fascinating site discovered in northern Botswana called the Python worship site has been dated to around 70,000
years. What is fascinating about this site is that is shows early humans in the act of worshipping a snake.
This is a very important bit of information because there are 3 common denominators throughout all of human history that can not be seperated from human activity.
These are the quest for gold. Man and his Gods have always been obsessed with gold and mined it in various
ways. Even since the book of Genesis shortly after the creation of Adam, god shows his lust for the shiny metal.
Secondly slavery. Mankind has always practiced slavery, being enslaved or enslaved others. The amazing thing is that the Gods in all religions seem not only to condone the act of slavery but they often
give the slavemasters instructions on how to punish there slaves and even allow to kill them if they really
The final common denominator is the Winged Serpent or feathered serpent or flying serpent.
![Caduceus Serpents](../images/conception/caduceusserpents.jpg)
Caduceus Serpents
Every ancient civilization speaks of this mythical creature that came out of the sky, gave life to people and
taught them all they know. This creator god was also known as the medicine god. He was known as Enki in the
Sumerian mythology.
Enki is one of the three gods in the first holy trinity ever worshipped and his ancient symbol is still used as the symbol for modern medicine today. This snake worship site in southern africa is paramount to prisons of early humans in this part of the world and the earliest worship of the same gods as the Sumerians and later civilizations in the north were worshipped.
And so we begin to find the earliest evidence of what modern man did in this part of the world. A long long time before mankind ever migrated out to populate the rest of the planet.
![Adam who serve the gods, Marduk decided.](../images/conception/spermatozoidelouxor.jpg)
Adam serves the gods, Marduk decided - Indeed: right on
What other evidence of early human do we have? Scattered throughout the mountains of southern Africa lie over 10 million stone structures. Modern historians have often called them just cattle kraal of little historic value. It is said that these were runes of Bungi tribes when they began arriving in southern Africa from the north in the 13th century a.d.
In reality the obsession with these runes goes back about 500 years to the first Portuguese explorers who were
mesmermized by the many runes they discovered on the maiden journey into the African heartland. There shere number
of these stone structures defies any logic and does not tally up with the historic population numbers in southern
![some Stone Circles](../images/conception/stone-circle-aerial.jpg)
Double Toroid Vortex (molded: 285,000 years ago)
The runes are mostly circular. Some of the walls still stand over 10 feet tall and over 5 feet wide. The most
impressive ones are always at the tops of mountains. These stone runes aren't just isolated structures.
They form
part of large settlements surrounded by endless agricultural terraces and linked by ancient roads that have been tracked for over 310 miles even in their runed states. Many have been distroyed by development and forestry.
Some terraces resemble the ones at Machu Pechu of the Inca's
in Peru. Early archological evaluation suggests that some of these terraces may be older then 5000 years. This complex of mysterious runes covers an area larger then 58 square miles.
What is so special about these ruins? Many of them are alligned with north, south, east, and west. The solstices, equinoxes and others show signs of highly intelligent design and knowledge of advanced geometry. There is also overwealming evidence of the presence of Asian goldminers and merchants as far back as 2000 years ago and to the birth
of christ.
Hindu shrines known as Dolmen "stone tables" are scattered throughout the hills and inside many runes. This rune below to the right is built in the shape of a well known Hindu symbol of fertility. Some artifacts suggest that these asian traders were Arabic, Hindu and Chinese and may have been here as far as 2,500bc. What was there purpose?
It was always about Gold. Thousands of ancient gold mines have been reported over the last 500 years and new ones
are being discovered all the time. Is there one ruin that can put all this into perspective? A flagship amoung all
of them that can be dated. Yes there is.
The most importand and impressive piece of stone work in the ancient world and we call it Adam's Calendar. The oldest
manmade structure found to date on Earth and is the centerpiece amoung all the ruines and gives them all purpose and
meaning. This African stonehinge was discovered by south African pilot Johan Heine in 2003 by accident as it always happens.
![Adam's Calandar](../images/conception/adam's-calandareast.jpg)
Adam's Calendar with guidestrings showing the directions
The entire site stretches for over 1.2 miles and consists of the north site, the southern site, and the main site. The main site of Adam's Calendar was originally a circular structure which can still be seen on satellite photographs. The main and central dolerite monoliths weigh about 5 tons each and are perfectly alligned to the allignment of the sun.
This is the oldest stone calendar on earth. Older then the Sumerian calendar which started at 3760bc. This calendar also marks the beginning of the year with the rise of the sun on the spring equinox. It is aligned to the north, south, east, west, the winter and summer solstices and the equinoxes.
![the Stone Man](../images/conception/stonemanclitoris.jpg)
The Stone clitoris Stoned Man
At Adam’s Calendar the very first thing at the gate entrance is an ancient rendition of an ancient man.
Here is an excerpt:
“On visiting this site one is startled straight away as standing at the entrance pillar is a giant stone man with a triangle carved in his forehead. In 1994 this stone man was stolen and some years later it was returned as a memorial plaque to the Blue Swallow Nature Reserve.
Stone man has been moved from its original position, which is approximately 1.2 miles away up the hill and at the entrance to the main standing stone site. Baba Mutwa calls stone man the clitoris of mother earth. This is because the clitoris is a frequency device.”
The wooded pole at the main calendar site was placed where the stone man originally stood. We call him the oldest statue on earth. The Stone Man who observed the rise of the sun in the east was removed in 1994 by ignorant indivisuals but was miraculously saved and placed at the entrance of the nature reserve.
One of our objectives is to return him to his place of origin. The two main central monoliths are aligned so that the tallar one casts a shadow on the surface of the flatter wider one and we can track the days of the year as the shadow moves from one edge to the other.
![Adam's Calandar Shadow](../images/conception/adam's-calandarcenterdirections.jpg)
Eastern view of a 3D reconstruction of Adam's Calendar. The oldest version of the Egyptian Horus hawk stands in line with the spring equinox sunrise. To the right are the three aligned stones of Orion. Near the top right corner of the photo can be seen the faint outline of two pyramids, also aligned with Orion's rise. The central monolith is carved with such precision as to allow the setting sun to cast a shadow on what we call the "flat calendar stone".
On the solstace it reaches the edge and it turns and moves back across to the other edge of the calendar rock.
Notice how to taller canivis stone was cut to allow the setting sun on the winter solstace to cast a shadow on the
calendar stone.
We notice that about 1km (.62 mile) directly north of Adam's Calendar is a very suspecious looking tree growning alone and out of place. Upon closer inspection we discovered that it was an ancient stone alter or possibility even a grave of a powerful king Dumuzi we believe. One who's grave sacrifices and rituals would have been performed.
Dumuzi’s Background: Enki's spouse, Damkina, bore Dumuzi (a fast-maturing Earthborn like Inanna) long after their
son Gibil and after Enki begat Ningishzidda with Erishkigal. Dumuzi accompanied Ningishzidda and their Hybrid
half-brother, Adapa, to Nibiru. Enki had two sons: Damkina and Marduk. being Serious Now. O.K., Seth is Marduk's son.
The mistery deepens even more. All along the edge of the cliff stretching for about 1km lie over 100 dolerite stones of various shapes and sizes. Almost every one of these stones shows signs of carving, chiseling and shaping in some way.
It was as if this was an ancient school or workshop where monoliths were prepaired and shaped for specific ritual
purposes. A ritual path run between these motoliths linking all three sites of Adam's Calendar and passes by
another stone man who persides over some important ritual in days gone by.
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![Michael Tellinger](../images/conception/michaeltellinger.JPG)
Michael Tellinger's Story & Expert of Adam's Calendar