African Dieties
- Anu (Sky God) - "Buluku," and
- Ki (Earth Goddess) - "Nana"
Nana Buluku's offspring (Whose names I have derived from Dahomey and Yoruba mythologies) consist of two deities:
- Lisa/Aganju (God of Fire and Sun) and
- Mawu/Yemaja (Goddess of Water and Moon)
Their children are the following:
- Dan/Damballa - Serpent God
- Eshu/Legba - Trickster God
- Gu/Ogoun - War God
- Oxossi/Ibori - Hunter God
- Oya - River Goddess
- Oshun/Erzulie - Love Goddess
- Xevioso/Chango - Storm God
These deities are called the Orishas.
4000 BC: Egyptians trace their origins to the Mount Rwenzori range in East Africa...